Datum: 24-12-2018
please take care of corn-cycle signs, specially around aerports or adjoining fields, corncircle cycle signs !!
Datum: 12-12-2018
I want to say tank you to the International binding Migration Pact, I am on the run since 20 years, 23 years ! Keep the standards !!! and welcome the the ones in need ! I am on the run .... they ll not catch me !
Datum: 15-11-2018
I can also report, doing briefing, that they are not good in install and managing mobile boxes here in the alps (alptraumhaftes)
Datum: 15-11-2018
Bolsonaro de novo Brasiu should better take care for the building of new long and Superfast Railtrracks and Passanger trains, before from north the imperialistas crowl over some latifundista pistas
Datum: 30-10-2018
Was heute wichtig ist ! Ich hatte 2 parties in 2 jahren doch sie sind nicht mal in der lage 100 km in 6 jahren zu machen !!! feel shame ...
Datum: 19-10-2018
Mr Assange should be freed and get freies Geleit of his choice when it is there, data leakeres and if the were dancing in Discos, that data leakers today are good for becoming politicans. Brexit will get hard enough, the more with Assange in Lundon. He is ready for going leaky and finding more on diaries. https://www.rt.com/news/441770-assange-sues-ecuador-rights/ nomore cutoff of these leakers and reality winners spindoctresses
Datum: 17-10-2018
ziemlich makaber die Aktivitaeten mancher Saudis http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/jamal-khashoggi-fakten-geruechte-schauermaerchen-und-viele-offene-fragen-a-1233679.html
Datum: 06-10-2018
..... it will have consequences boycotting and sanctioning my mobiles and SMS capabilities for 2 months allready, there will be consequences. In this times no SMS is criminal act and same to sanctions on other fronts.
Datum: 06-10-2018
.... ich lese dass GRU an den Pranger gestellt werden soll weil sie so agressiv im cyberspavce sind, rein virtuell aber ... sind doch eh schon Millionen nakt im Web, ganz nakt und sogar schon millionenmal verkauft, auch in der selbstbeschau und eigenauslage ..... wie agressiv und gezielt mahcne das die webhydren das das so gut klappt mit millionen ..... in China heban sie nur ein kl Buero ....
Datum: 06-10-2018
What was the case, they do not know it, what was it rape, murder or fun, they do not know, who was it, a women a dog or a monkey, they do not know it, what was the job, job for US SUPREME COURT, what was its name ....
Datum: 05-10-2018
Habs gefunden die Download seite, https://www.linuxmintusers.de/index.php?topic=9668.0 von LInux tolle sache, sonst in vielen lanedern weiteres Blutvergiessen in der katholen rechten Tradition Brasilien auch am Blutkurs zur Wahl obwohl viel einfache Leute LUla gut fanden !!
Datum: 29-09-2018
I decided that Brett Kavanaugh does not get the job in the US Supreme Court !! ....... sticky questions once on Bill Clinton .... soft Pasta and ketchup questions and finally a rapist. Rapists at the US Supreme court .... NO !
Datum: 27-09-2018
Interesting on a Turning point on sanctioned.biz.us and SWIFT monoploy and the Powers helping the Turning point https://www.rt.com/business/439647-swift-eu-bolton-sanctions-iran/ and another hot link for sharing https://www.rt.com/op-ed/439660-trump-diktat-iran-unsc/
Datum: 26-09-2018
.. diese Verbrechen muessen erst einmal aufgeklaert werden !! was will denn der Mann noch alles anstellen ..... das ist doch furchtbar !! 2500 cases before courts that crimes have to be settled and solved before that man can do any more crimes. Whatmore he wants .... movin to Colombia, diese sein oder ... Verbrechen muessen zuvor unter allen umstaenden aufgeklaert werden !! NO more crime posts in political posts (or post partner)
Datum: 25-09-2018
Man muss beim Hrn pres.us Trump wirklich sehr genau hinschauen, der Mannn hatte 2500 Faelle vor Gerichten, diese muessen erst einmal aufgeklaert werden !!!
Datum: 17-09-2018
I think the US White House will not be a problem for long, they will do it themself, the thing is that it is the US White House. In Germany Maassen should go, giving AfD the infos and data before publishing !
Datum: 15-09-2018
From my own testing I can tell if you go into the intestiles of a webbrowser like Firefox when it is in stall, doing slow page loading it is imediatly advancing performance by deleting files as all json files, also seesionstore-backup folders and folders like healthreport, datareporting, minidump, it will advance loading pags ! It is work and attention distracting but it works, and some want it to annoy you
Datum: 06-09-2018
... sie werden dort alle Gesetze an Mr Trump sehr genau anpassen muessen, sehr genau zuschneidern muessen quasi !
Datum: 06-09-2018
Stelle mir die Hexenjagd nach den Leakern im Weissen Haus der USA sehr witzig u aufregend vor, a tweet on that witchunt in the white house, that sounds most amusing !!
Datum: 02-09-2018
Wikipedia is a great source for information on fish from Cylon, National parks, Leopards, Crocos, Snakes and Elefants of Sri Lanka, the Island with the friendly people, good !!!!!!
Datum: 30-08-2018
Strange as Venezuela has biggest oil reserves but superinflation same time, very bad biz and country ruling people, no agricluture industry and can not make something out of its oil reserves .... very wired ! Usually all lands with oil are in a position of power, but close to the natural gas producing US .....
Datum: 30-08-2018
The US independancy on natural gas, parallel the downfall and superinflation of Venezuela could later make some biz men takeover in Venezuela and takeover of its oil reserves ..... check a history here - https://www.theguardian.com/news/2018/aug/30/how-the-us-fracking-boom-almost-fell-apart
Datum: 30-08-2018
Offshore rating is different to offshore banking and pooling, Offshore rating is objective and I got never mentioned either in the Panama or Paradise papers, can not even imagine that stupid stuff ! Paradise is not a pool and 7 sleeping rooms !!!
Datum: 28-08-2018
Nr o1 thinks it is very good when the neocons and nazis walk out from the UN Human Right comission and the UNESCO and world trade at all, thern there is a big chance for others to manage and engage, non engegemanet by nazis and neocons is good !!!!!! It shows their real keeping with it !!!
Datum: 20-08-2018
some actual news by https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/aug/16/brazil-jorginho-guajajara-amazon-indigenous-leader and https://www.aljazeera.com/
Datum: 18-08-2018
I can not send sms with my new 15 startbalance on mobile, only after next reload. I bought an aquarium filter and 2 fishnets in Cylon, but there is no aquaristic shops here now like in Havanna Cuba, Kanchanaburi Thayland, and Tissam, Negombo and Trincomale Cylon to buy some fish (parade) for the aquarium, sad.
Datum: 06-08-2018
Ecuador Quito has not even post offices so whats about the story with J. Assange .... katholics, hee eat your stones yourself !
Datum: 06-08-2018
Steven Seagull got the russian passport (rt.com), Saudis sent back the canadien attache, I am waiting for the Germans to send back the US embassador to Germany.
Datum: 02-08-2018
Prepairing for the region of katholic deathcult, empty villages ... there is a big difference between normal societies and total car ones.
Datum: 24-07-2018
When everything hangs on the web you will get problems during major conflicts. A buffer zone (like the green corridor along once inter German border) would be more save instead of sending weapons, rockets, money and want to make it part of NATO near the russian border (Ukraine, Georgia ...) I am wondering where all the aquaria shops are gone from places in salzburg city and others in austria also post offices often gone, left are shops with hundegeschirr. Here in Cylon they have post offices and aquaria shops and near most places are eagles flying around .....
Datum: 16-07-2018
The USA stepped out of the UNESCO and stepped out of the UN council for Human rights, it does not accept the International court of justice, but it accepts the scienologits, it accepst many NGOs everywhere, that makes teh difference and is part of their worldwide strategy since years.
Datum: 13-07-2018
I have very good products from India, best tooth paste, best skin cremes, best cremes and lotions, also cylon pepper and have cylon tea and coffe, all very good products ! Many good flowers for parfums, jasmin, frangipani and others
Datum: 13-07-2018
...you there in the USA you need to learn to trade better, next time, when that threat from ur president is over then, that threat on world trade, become more strong in trade, learn to trade, no complaints then, no junk food any more, no chlor chicken, loosers in trade .... bad job, bad job !
Datum: 13-07-2018
That mr Trump did a very bad job on world Trade, very bad job. You there have a president who had 2500 cases before court and wants to equip teachers at your schools with guns ... very bad job, very bad job
Datum: 10-07-2018
.... US Botschafter Grenell wuerde ich auch gleich raus schmeissen, No surprise that he did a meal with austrian head Kurz, no surprise, all that many conservative stars in wrong jobs, mixing jobs since years, get what you need to get ! http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/richard-grenell-us-botschafter-irritiert-bundesregierung-mit-interview-a-1211090.html
Datum: 10-07-2018
When you take many refugees you also take responsility for them, many do not like to take that either in EU or USA, Merkel was 12 times most powerfull women by Forbes, 7 times in row, but US politics and targest changed, now they have different targets and focus, in way of conservative neos way, nomore responsibilities, not with friends, not with trade and not with refugees. https://www.heise.de/tp/features/Era-of-blindness-4106140.html
Datum: 10-07-2018
... later so in 1 or 2 years when there is a big problem, then germany and some more will have raised allready military spending to 2%, as wanted by the president form the USA.
Datum: 10-07-2018
In the US conservatives like to speak mostly with one leader, one Head per state or marcet, one strong leader or guy, with the EU it is far too comlicated for them .... to many lands, too many heads too comlex and complicated ...
Datum: 10-07-2018
every training and fitness condition gets checked https://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Nach-Strava-Auch-Polar-stellte-Militaerangehoerige-und-Agenten-bloss-4104745.html , all bases on map and table ....
Datum: 01-07-2018
on Tradewar https://www.nzz.ch/wirtschaft/ab-freitag-verlangt-die-eu-hoehere-eu-zoelle-auf-us-waren-ld.1396503
Datum: 01-07-2018
Can it be that in Ukraine it is like once in Tshechoslowakia with the Germans and Tschech volks, Germans conquered nazification then had to leave when war was lost ... today Ukraine between EU and Russia somehow Ukraine today reminds me to that 1940s in Tschech https://www.heise.de/tp/features/Deutsche-Medien-zur-Ukraine-Angst-vor-der-Wahrheit-4080012.html?seite=2
Datum: 21-06-2018
article on the hypocrits and nazis, another withdrawl on a specific front http://www.thehindu.com/news/international/us-pulls-out-of-un-human-rights-council-for-being-biased-against-israel/article24206662.ece
Datum: 21-06-2018
It does not seem to be much of difference to them if it is migrant children today in US, once native children in Australia (Aboriginees) or natives in the US once .... same same ....
Datum: 18-06-2018
what you can buy today, mobiles, cookies, glasses, cars, bikes, and guess what .... guess ! There is a new big conflict scenario out there some call it war.
Datum: 07-06-2018
Intersting from another hotspot, a once US backyard, Nicaragua, https://www.rt.com/op-ed/428718-nicaragua-unrest-us-fingerprint/ https://www.telesurtv.net/english/news/Rebellion-or-Counter-Revolution-Made-In-US-In-Nicaragua-20180530-0029.html , these youth congresses look strange to me, there is also a tibetan youth congress, getting support in other hemisphere, Some seem to have their fingers everywhere, now they call themself anti-establishment Neocons, but train youth in foreign lands ....
Datum: 06-06-2018
Das anti establishment getue ist sowieso die groesste Heuchelei in den US bis Europa, ham goldene tuergriffe, goldene Klinkenputzer ihrer Flugzeuge, heucheln gegen sogen. Establishments die neoconsis die neukatholen, die Heuchler, die ueber-Heuchelei ! jede menge scientologen u augenglaenzende Neocons die seit jahren nur Mist machen in Europa von d Bildung bis privatengagemanets in privathaeusern caspar melchior baltasars, die Heuchler , wo aders die blutleckenden Presidenten, seit jaherzehnten auch in Latein Amerika
Datum: 04-06-2018
Datum: 01-06-2018
Mid of the year is often the time when some go for war, also coups, Trump did not get the OK for that against Iran, in Sweden people got leavlets on waht to doo in case of war, Ulm gets new NATO powers, there s something moving out there and some politicans are risky for that, summerheat and political nutheads ....
Datum: 01-06-2018
this looks like Modi politic https://www.heise.de/tp/features/Indien-Tote-fuer-mehr-Wirtschaftswachstum-4060325.html I don t like that !
Datum: 29-05-2018
Do they get on list of US sanctions, the spanish monies .... guess !
Datum: 29-05-2018
I keep Wikipediaas very good and reliable, seriouse information on many topics, very good. Other stuff - https://www.nzz.ch/international/die-regierung-von-mariano-rajoy-wackelt-ld.1388880 on spanish money !
Datum: 24-05-2018
Intersesting insights of a political profi check - http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/former-german-foreign-minister-american-president-is-destroying-american-order-a-1208549.html
Datum: 21-05-2018
with Gina Haspel in office US citizens could face torturouse times ahead and then this - https://www.rt.com/usa/426643-lee-camp-pentagon-theft/
Datum: 15-05-2018
strange when some women get paied to stay silent .... (big schweigegeld) No freedom of speech, no liberty 4 mating, .... more something like - Rape swift and pay.
Datum: 15-05-2018
It is a strange thing since the 70s, they invented the bank card system then, .... during times of hippies and JFK .. last months diplomats got expelled or quit at all, semirapists got to power here and there from Israel and the US, free love and hippie times are over, it is rapists times.
Datum: 13-05-2018
CEO laesst ausrichten, er will sich nach 20 jahren unterwegs nicht mehr bei der Einreise (2o18) sanktionieren lassen (Osho immigration failer 80s), solch unprofessionelles vorgehen mag er nicht, solche provokationen werden als gefaehrlcih eingestuft, ... er wird auch keine Privat-jets kaufen oder leasen.
Datum: 07-05-2018
Habe heute auf spiegel.de die Fotostrecke zu Donald Trumps Postenkarussel begutachtet, Leute das is ganz ganz toll, schaut euch das an, das is grosartig unartig, ist es nicht oder .... Scaramucchi zB .....
Datum: 06-05-2018
Mich kann niemand buchen ... doch die Goetter fesseln mich .... !
Datum: 03-05-2018
... some good infos https://www.nzz.ch/wirtschaft/die-rebellin-hinter-den-barrikaden-ld.1348569 , https://www.nzz.ch/international/fake-news-gehoeren-zur-politik-ld.1376896, https://www.nzz.ch/meinung/kolumnen/trump-hat-fuer-europa-nur-verachtung-uebrig-ld.1382368 refresh nd enjoz ... !
Datum: 03-05-2018
What do they fear by emails, hilliriouse acts, dangerouse earth shakings .... whats the problem with emailing. .. get ya accsess idiots ... ! wanna do public ... and only transparent ...
Datum: 03-05-2018
..... you know, May is usually by some international habits, the month when they do mother or father of all bombs, also the israely president actually, us approved, did some heavy bunker buster or daisy cutter acts actually (check regional earth quake registry) but in N and S Koreas age of peace is starting !
Datum: 02-05-2018
There is Corona peak out there, Trishul and Nanda Dhevi so what you want fanatic packbag and jacket fakers, fingernail clippies .... 10 years enron jubilee
Datum: 30-04-2018
... 2018 seems to become a special target failer year, master and visa are married, that is their problem !!! I never engage with them, never ! after 20 years on road 2018 will no become a failor ! ... pre-assambled games are dead G ....
Datum: 28-04-2018
with the ctrl/strg trigger (control) while klicking new link, You can (yes you C) irritate cowatchers, also Google-tag-manager got always again observed seen meddling by the new links opened on windows systems.
Datum: 27-04-2018
FedEx has ordered 50 new big planes .. that is a great deal, isn t it !! I like big planes and if they can deliver POST CARDS the better !
Datum: 24-04-2018
wirklich schoene seite gut gemacht !! http://www.basis-lager.ch/ and that ones very python http://www.etoy.com/fundamentals/alliances/ ETOY is on
Datum: 24-04-2018
guess there got a Po-seidon crashed over Syria, and that Po-seidon is a big plane, a really big plane.. they do not like it when such planes get drowned, therefor the 100 rockets cruise- somehting ... !
Datum: 23-04-2018
LET S SEE, lest s watch ...... from good high FENCE !
Datum: 23-04-2018
.... am camping now, 5 nights near good big high fence, ner the night car RACERS ... very good against all stupidity and dullness, morons ... waiting time 4 a ticket !!! 5 nights near good high fence
Datum: 15-04-2018
was schoenes zum lesen http://www.der-postillon.com/2015/04/brandenburg-als-gromutter-verkleideter.html
Datum: 09-04-2018
... it is good when you could exchange-trade a vicco Turmeric skin cream and a Meswak Tooth paste, that is Best of Trade supported since take off from centrl Europe !
Datum: 09-04-2018
there was so much poisen in the food, fat, sulafte and fluorid in craoatsk mineral bottlis .... that means slow death in the streets of the fat west, swing lasso and keep off the food poisening ! (are detox, botox and silikon traces next ...)
Datum: 05-04-2018
... with packbag i checked 3 Embassies allready, ... not toos successfully, one for Gilgit Abottabad Pakistan , ... one for India (by aerport only visas) .. and 1 more but there are other options, very good ones !!! ... getting out of the Taxci rows ... !!!!
Datum: 31-03-2018
Dalmatien coast is nice, but I do not like Fluorid and Sulfat in mineral waters there, Roemerquelle adn Radenska was very good once !!
Datum: 31-03-2018
our CEO activated TiO2 and SiO2 .... activated, cab crew Ready 4 Takeoff !!