From a Great Wall

A beautifull sign and message against nazis beside some
kleine niedliche Pudel und Dackelhinweise an sonstigen Gattern, Eingaengen oder Einfahrten ...
manche sogar mit Cam, die immer wieder Lachattacken beim Meister zeitigen !

On top a clear message, followed by hints on politics, parties (some gone forever ...)
or socalled neo polit bewegungen, movements ...

Nice example for hints on individual carplates to chose, also good 4 biz,
and a doublelanguage villagesign (wish) And a thank you to the local idiots for retunring some stuff ....
beside music tapes !! which dissapeared forever ! (Kleptomans and child abusers ....)


The notice on the missing Nokia got put in Goa once, it had a stopwatch,
a countdown time, calendar, expanses, calculator n more !!!

There were also dead newborn bunnies after 5 days (all dead) from third birth, and new thefts from house like a big set of Schraubaufsaetze-bits fuer akkuspaxer (end of june.19) All the examples above got shown
at the Great loose wall to a house with garden ... plot. The Green limes is under planning phase !

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