- on indefinite strike

Assange got free !

Trump or Kamala, it is preelection time

That makes the difference
We know them all since years. The one was president the other one was allready president, quite a few ex presidents allready, some still on schedule. Some were a couple and both came from the socalled US justice system. Many people got to know what that means. When both of them came from justice, maybe even the worth around the world. Some asked if he was a US citizen at all, born at Hawai.

Anyway now is another preelection time, after India, Europe, India, Mexico and the forth. The say that all of you (in da US) can become president, ... as long ay you can pay it. It is a battleground we got to know.

Trump was lucky as he is going for his second term and nearly got shot.

That can be the case with kapitalist chracters, he is quite unpredictable he is disturbning to old allies and friends or far away odd politicans somewhere. If they still know each other. Trump mostly comes witha caravan of security what is also quite normal when got got to make soem money inteh US, anyhow you giot that.

When you could even get your own tower built it even the more fascinating. Potus was disturbnbg, yes surprising to some, he was here and then shocking the old, socalled friends and allies in europe, he is striking spontaniously, and when there is soem stampede or rumor ehe even wnats to drive in theer ... with his caravan, full of security.

That gets close then to some hollywood movie. When teh prseidnet himself wants to move insider there, get the job done guys.

It also reminds a bid to the old times when the scalps got taken and hundred of oxwagons got tried over teh Plains. At soe pars it was long grass Plains at other parts the shortgrass Plains. Donald is teh man who wants to get the job doe directly, by himself so to say, not in a bubble and another bubble.

Once they tried to find India, from Mrs Harris K. we got to hear that her father was of Indian origin. But with Harris hereself whats is left from India with her. Other peolpe travelled over the years and had a good time in India over months and years. And not for no reason !! India is still fascinating, if that is the case with 80 % workforce at the NASA is of another question.

Kamala got chosen for vice president as was the case with Obama before he got the post. The actual sitting president looks a bid angry when he speaks, not tranquil and balanced but who can expect that from that job, to stay tranquil.

We know that from Modi and Maduro, we get the stories from Sudan and Darfur. The point in that and that direction to tell you who si crmininal and who maybe not. And then they pay loads of money, loads of dillars for rockets and war equipment. We get teh numbers here anmd then on TV, how much more they invest nowadays in East Europe. Once it got named old Europe, it was just another tag as is the tag and brands like with monsanto bayer and roundup.

In the US they can use all that stuff, on their fields on on the crop, even as they had trials becaus of Glyphosat. Kapitalism does not stop the use of Oxycotin (also glyphosat now part with Bayer) or many other heavy chemical drugs, not on teh fields anbd not in the food. Which gets named junk or fats food here anmd there.

With Trump another story tells that he got to move from the big apple NY to Florida. Soem stories got hot, some developments so to say. Even as he liked big apple very much. But then climate changed for big biz and its outfall. Florida seemes to be miore sunshine more with condominions and the like, shors and tropical climate for some spring break here and there.

Grosse und Kleine Braende

Tausendsassa, Groessenwahn oder nicht von dieser Welt

Nur aus China wollen sie die nicht - Elektroautos !

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Southcoast Gallery

But climate can change, some say it dos not change but found a better place, it can get done over some hours to get forced to change the place either by that or that reason.

Climate change, in that or that agenda will let them know. Three are many more sunshine states like Thayland, India or Marocco. Also Mexico has hot coastlines, but climate can force to move here and then.

If kapitalism gets thet is a big question mark in these times. Climate can be friendly over weeks and turn bad. When the windows and doors get wood planks and hunbderd thousands need to move to some friends inland it gives soem strong hints.

With Kamala it is more predictable, there would be a bubble and another bubble, she is not that spontainiously, she does not need to sit till the last hour, some last minutes in the Kapitol, they can find some ways out there, even as it got hot. The actual head officer is still doing the job, he looks a bid angry here and then, how do teh englaterrians see that.

Some got old in the while, also some presidents, so with Trump it would stay more spontainouse, teh caravan would get here and there, as onec ox waggons, more unpredictable more fullstop.

No we do not pay that, and over. If they would find some stories, old stories, criminals or what they keep for that, either in NY or Florida, people on the fields and in the woods will not to get to know of it too soon.

Trump would quit some socalled investments, others he could heat up or disturb some old allies, as was teh case. Kamala more solid, stable, even with some Indian blood really, but when you think of Modi it starts boiling again, indian blood. Every year some Yankies in India on on "headless drugrush and run" (kapitalism) get lost or killed by simple villagers (around Goa or HP), even some from Israel got missed in HP and the mossad tried to find them, it can happen.

But to hear from the states who is bad and good, ugly or evel, maybe even some criminals, lately Tailor swift (schnelles naehen) will have new fans hollywood on revival, and bubbles blown here and there, if not getting a job in a bubble. To hear from them who should not send weapons, engage or send them only there, but not there is quite strange in these times.

Grosse und Kleine Braende

Tausendsassa, Groessenwahn oder nicht von dieser Welt

Nur aus China wollen sie die nicht - Elektroautos !

Besondere Rechenleistung

Southcoast Gallery

There are new rumble hipes and that by te support of the rumble hipe producers. Potuses are many out there, just the advisers and the bubbles which get created around them, in some job or position, can be of thin air or sticky (sticky notes was by MS). Potus has security since long, trials can be costly, but kapital crimes look different over the years ..... also some condominion buildings, there is a bid of distance between NY and Florida, also the climate factor, if some dare to look out of the window into the palms, on the plains, DC is near a bridge which got flattened by a big container ship, there is a climate factor from Florida to DC and NY.

If some Potuses can see that through dark car windows in Potus caravans and where they want to move next can be funny in these days. The other guys with them give more hints on coming scenarios. There are a few out there.

PS: the thing with Kamala and Trump is that we never know if it was an ex, teh other vice of an ex, the vice or the ex ex of a vice president, teh actual one yet in sitto, it gets massy then with so many ex.