- on indefinite strike

Assange got free !

Double standard tunnel kreepers

One years can get to 20 years
They always liek to hintback to the date like with berlusconi, you just need to name some date. But when you think how he got his look chnaged in his face, yes the change of his face alone was far too special over years. Not to be leaft aside the story from a maroccan chic.

But then later it gioz to netanyahoo whonthinks that they are not yet finished, noch nicht fertig. So well when do they think thay can tell stop telling stories of that this and that people take hospitals for commanders a,d that schoo for a muslim family, and that educational center for a nother hamas or hizbullah commander.

In western medias, not to be lefta side that Al Jazeera got closed for some weeks allready, better not ask how taht can be possible weithout asking big ugly american dady if tehy can blow that or these houses, schools or hospitals, and they will always again tel you that tehy kept tzhat school for soem military commanders and that hospital for a UN discussion and workshop center.

Not to forget that in over 7 mionths more than 100 journalist, more than 200 UN stuf got kiled. When you think back to teh odd times of Bush II (second) tgehy spoke of collateral demage of soem random shooters, which got to a monthly scenario in some western clonmed states and areas. Random shootings and collateral demage. But now since tehy like to hit here and then on soem date, they keep schools and hospitals for military comanders and then they will tell in soem medias that that hospital gotz doen so well, flattened on the ground, with all kind of another stuff, not only the sick, demaged and poor also the hospital stuff themself and the walls of usually concrete (beton).
Grosse und Kleine Braende

Tausendsassa, Groessenwahn oder nicht von dieser Welt

Nur aus China wollen sie die nicht - Elektroautos !

Besondere Rechenleistung

Southcoast Gallery

Then some other military commander will show up, usually in a simple odd T shirt and run here an dthere with some other geng menmbers from tehwest. Now afetr so many elections got nbeaten, from India over EU to coming soon the US. The one member, the one front runner got saevd for a fate some will estimate. But that lucky guy only needed to shifthis lot of a mar a lego to Florida. From there might be soms chances left for some good coloured daddy, usually named whittie 4 the rest of some time, in a job.

But there are the odd military advisers and comanders showing up, popping up on some western tv channels what gets down to BBC and CNN, which can get left aside during mornig hours.

That gets us to a card system whcih i do not need for TV, teh carsd for the odd local channels which would be a need to be paied.

In al suad the people the common citizens do jot need to pay for social, for obama odr hospital care, as long as they are not expats.

Now after more than 20 years, which means conflicts near some lot lands close to odd Israel as Jordania, Egypt, Iran and Irak, also Kuwait and Syria, after Bush II (second) whichgets us to Afganisthan as well which is far more away than some odd looking beton buildings near old Nazareth (new looks ugly) or odd beton blocks of souhtern Tel Aviv. That all looks the same. When we get the pictures now from southern Lebanon (Libanon) there we can not see that many odd looking beton blocks.

Over the years it got many odd conflicts on all kind of scales from local to international scale. But one of their dirty tricks and stories is to tell that keep that school and that hospital, that tunnel from brooklin to south Gaza that block for an enemies building.

Thinking back to elat once in teh late 90s that get then to the stories on a tiny boat full of cookrotches and the capitan hartdly able to manouver back intoi harbour, demaging the wood planks often enougha nd with a wife who saied of him that her man was crazy, so what do they think.

That flattening cities and villages of simple people will stay unresponded, will get punishment responed, that the paper signed on normalisating ties will be in some map. No no no, there will be no normailisation and not over such a short period which nobody seems to see, hear and get some notice of.

But on some tiny pagers after pegasus the other strike o cars whcih got maybe sued even by some mothers and women. pegasus was part of some bloodthrusty biz, which got sold even far up north to Europe, pegasus. A tiny stupid program.

Whoever will be able to hunt him down, to burn him out of his tiny chamber of, netanyahoo, beside their 15 parties on row, for some votes, (lately good enough for some cam acts during the storm on some studios sending from quatar, an dfiling voters.musl .....) stupid enough to film voters.muslim getting close to ballots over some voting time in Israel.

They also took cams.body into the once Al Jazeera studios, not to make some mistakes ... for maybe some officals. Once in use as old stuff as F15s or F 16 the long used vehicles to drop or shoot their messages on others. Hardly seen by anybody since teh F series from white dady, who got many of his buddies to jail lately.

What leads and hints to Israeli POWs (prisoners of war) who giot also killed, numbers estimate and hint to soem hundreds. So they can not even take POWs beteween all that rumble, dust and rubbish. That takes them to razing heads, neutralizing heads of chambers and offices, who seem to be not finished with their stupid ... balance of power shift .... in a region (quote/- netanyahoo). (brain burnt enough to flatten 70% of infrastructure of 2 mi people, guess below sea level)

Dont be surprised of what all will come over them, when another whittie will win,a vote, left aside some bullets which did not hit the target.

As with hospitals and schools take for some fighters, families or whatever, UN crafstmen taken for tiny spots over some tunnels over morte than hal fa year. An another Tv studio taken for some odd blocks as any other. Numbers get astonishing high over such times, and that by the support of the blloodthursty west.

That lead sto tie cutting edge measures. What means tie cutting, most lands are muslism lands there soem stripem of sea, there was a skybridge with help packages, with aid boxes sent by planes. It got all quite massy over aid flights also on teh ground. Two mio people got out fo focuis so far after more than a bid of half a year.

Grosse und Kleine Braende

Tausendsassa, Groessenwahn oder nicht von dieser Welt

Nur aus China wollen sie die nicht - Elektroautos !

Besondere Rechenleistung

Southcoast Gallery

Lately soem military commanders or advisers, who knwos, need to see t shirt commanders from elsewhere, saddam lately always used a uniform .... Castro over his last years always a good sports costume. Pictures get wired over years, some broadcastin studioa closed after boys and goirlks had to cary guns and rockets for officially three to two years. Soem may think that counts for women that for men.

Guess all that training will end up in a sinking tiny boat which got saied of that it had some mossad stuff on it, where in North Italy finally, Lago maggore.

Ohh what all secret stories could pop up around that, by he agencies and intelligence service crafts, if it was not blown pagers in pockets, marcets and house rooms, much later after a tiny shipp sank of which got sied it had mossad troopers on it.

On a tiny lake in North Italy. Lately it will get to cutting edge measuers soon, a comon phrase form and Oasis in a desert.

papry script: background pic show hegemon Zimtstange which you can find at many odd websiets sinec last, lets say 15 years. Another odd concept, sat closed 4 shopping. NO see NO HÉAR NO TOUCH NO SHOPP ... now he fuzz of some balance of power at soem other areas near teh hills.

PPS: DO NOT SEE DO NOT TELL (signed B. Clinton) of soem army.

PPPS : to fil, tunnels with concrete, brooklin horizontale ... may stabilize upper floors.