They came with cows
I will not pick a VP, that is not necessary. The gods made a decisison and most people have no idea about it, cardrivesr and from bushes.
The Native Americans had buffaloes during whitties came with their cows, that made a big difference.
The cows in Europe get their horns cut in this times, the buffaloes got extinguished from the plains and form near Powder rivers by the whitties death cult. That makes a big difference.
Most got cardrivers and from bushes today, the cows get the horns cut and eartags, that makes a difference. Cut horns and eartags in some marcets or how they call that. moday was payday
Many glaciers are gone over last 20 years, many woods burnt down allready, people and cardrivers had to jump into the sea at coasts not to get burnt by woodfires.
They like to talk of AI but last monday was payday on their gamegrounds of what they name stocks or crypto.
Banks endorse crypto, no idea about that ?!
Most of them are cardrivers and from bushes anyway, I will not pick a VP. That is not needed, and usually cardrivers have no idea about it,
if they can escape bushfires or hurricanes, their cows got their horns cut and eartags since long.
That is the difference to buffaloes. The natives were not there to serve or to work with them. They had to bring them the third continent.
Nowadays most are shortrange Uebergangsregierungen nowadays, their cows get the horns cut and eartags,
Their marcets are strange, last monday was payday.
The native people of the endless plains and dry ageold lands were not there to serve the whities, greenhorns or the ones with their oxwagons.
Buffalloes and cows are different.
these palefaces spoke of transparency ... ??