INVEST i GATOR 2           

and Inspector, less Investor.       deutsch     english

  Big Biz is in little company 
and it even splits and downsizes its company.

  - and it downsizes the power of the one who is in big company, takes care of their intersests and even have them killed in the lands and hemisphere of money system,  and  it needs to get a lesson and learn something about the karmic law by that, Big Biz asks for something where it always killed its big opponents.

  Big Biz is stupid and makes many stupid, it doesn t build up people it sucks and exploits them for its own profits but that is really marginal as its minorities who own all are  marginal usually.

   Big Biz hates the one  who is at power and rules over it and it tries all to split the power of the ones who are in big company, takes care of their intersests and even have them killed in the lands and hemisphere of money system,  and  it needs to get a lesson and learn something about the karmic law by that, Big Biz asks for something where it always killed its opponents.

  In the lands where people rob and kill each other you will also find Big Biz, they life beside each other, one causes the other but some dare to fuzz about justice and freedom. Its system is a robber and killer and its bosses move on bombing and blowing up others and move on boykotting, blocking and plotting the ones who try to change the lots of the many people.will not like the ones who rule in the name of the people and their profits and win, he will fight the ones who rule over big biz and tell it the rules, and whenever there is somebody given the peower by the people and rules over Big biz it will try all to fight and get rid of him as we know very well by the history in the hemisphere of kapital Biz.

  In the lands and hemisphere of Big Biz if you want to do help the people, do reforms and fight for the rights and self government you have to know how to defend and protect yourself because Big Biz will send you its paied killers and hunt you, you will need military experience to survive and be able to do it there as we know from the lands of Conquista and where people elected their leaders and tried to get rid of their supressors, exploiters and Imperialist, their many movements and powerful struggles got all brought down by the imperial thiefs and agressors who likes to talk about freedom and democracy which he destroied for many.
  That is why, either as strong elected ruler or revolutionary you will need to have some military expereince if you do Reforms for the people and want to survive the struggle - in the Hemisphre of Big Biz because Big Biz will try all (!) to get you down.

  It wants to get down all who are strong, powerful and have influence in opposition to it, it wants to rule alone, but money is really a bad foundation, specially as some seem to believe in nothing more than that. That is kapitally foolish and makes kapitally sick and as some mentioned as they know from their fight, investments, counterintelligenze programs, insurgency, coups and plots it is endless and they dont  seem too understand any other way as to fight endless, but they will get to learn and know, also as they become, that money can not rule over people and life, in many cases it could only kill them, and that is what they sign but that gets signed by the looser and not the winner,  they just get that wrong as usual, the winner gives it all and gets it all, some just don t understand that, they only like to take (overtake) it all ... as cheap as possible but that will get very very costly.

 with the power of the poeple you re    and  exploiters fought for their rights have military experience, if you don t know how to fight, about tactics and protection, the killers supported and paied by Big Biz will try to eleminate and kill you in that Hemisphere. you have to know how to fight if you want to fight for the people and their needs and rights in the Hemisphere of Big Biz, if you don t know that you will have to face death and get a letter also before as usual in some land there.
  It is an unwritten tradition in that Hemisphere that  all who try to fight for their freedoms, rights and way of rule, excempt one big exception, got killed there and the dictators and military rulers survived, not the ones who fought for the people.

   You have to know that,  for knowing and understanding better when you hear some little men speaking about freedom and justice, you have to remember what happened to the ones who fought for freedom and justize in their lands, most of them got killed, the one and only who survived beside his many killed brothers and sisters gets sanctioned and boykotted till today also as in that land all people can read and write, lessc hildren die early and people dont kill each other as at neighbouring countries where the police stands quiet when people get killed, you get along there in that, you get weapons and Biz will support and pay you, where they kill each other you will also find Big Biz around it comes along with it and pays it, it pays all and everything what  serves and expands its power and interests.  

  Where people kill each other and don t get education and medizien, not far away from there,  over the walls and fences you will also find Big Biz.

  In the lands where people rob and kill each other you will, not far away, find Big Biz, they life beside each other, one causes the other but some dare to fuzz about justice and freedom. Its system is a robber and killer and its bosses move on bombing and blowing up others and move on boykotting, blocking and plotting the ones who try to change the lots of many people.


  Big Biz is used to pay and buy all it wants,  also people, from lobbists, over rulers to Terrorists and newly also revolutionists for the neo rapid revolutiones in some regiones which are in fact by kapital supported plots and coups which happen very fast and get nice flower names to make them look really pretty and good for the audience of the western medias, nice little revolutiones which not. bd after artificial flower smelling revolutiones,

  What is interesting as usual by a systems naming, today in another Hemisphere you get once in a while to know of socalled revolutiones as short and rapid regime changes which get named revolution and get all kind of flower names by the western medias,
   but interestingly you dont hear of the heroic leaders of that revolutiones, normally huge and charsimatic figures well known by history, other lands and Hemispheres, also and specially of the one of Big Biz. but where are the leaders and backers of that Revolutiones, i miss the leaders of the Revolutiones, or is it something different, something special and specially staged and performed we have to ask, where are the heros, the stars of that revolutiones, what kind of revolutiones are these, where is the mass and voice of the people and the ideas and ideals behind, don t miss that, it is very important, dont miss to look for the ideals and leading revolutionaries and then you know more !

  There are so many stars in the West but where are the stars, songs, dreams and heros of the many new flower Revolutiones in that lands as once in other lands and the Americas, isn t that strange as some applaud euphorically, who is it and whom and what they applaud to, i never heared anything about the visiones of that people but just some words, logos and commentars as usual by western medias and leaders. why people don t get to hear of the revolutionary leaders and their visiones, isn t that strange, so many short done Revolutiones suddenly.
  If you really want to know about real Revolution,  better miss some neo stile rapid staging euphorically and shortly reported by some medias. real peoples revolutiones get usually often fought contra, get sanctioned and their leaders couped, real leaders of revolutiones get fought hard by Big Biz, it is a struggle and long fight it is not something nite and short, that is something different and it gets backed not by the mass of people but by somebody else who has other interests, private and big interests. if you want to know about real Revolution you have to look at and ask the people of Nicaragua, who get a warning by Empire when they vote today to vote nicely and behauve as the Imperialist wants it, you have to ask the strong people of Cuba who can all read and write and of Russia, and of Chile, Guatemala, El Salvador, Argentine  and more if you really want to know about the peoples struggle and fight for their rights and Revolution .
  What some medias tell and  bring in short about socalled Revolutiones, the rapid Revolutiones, is what some  like  to name, logo and want to see at power as usual, whatever the medias report and name is as with many other things by a system.
  It is not as it sounds and looks and it doesn t look as it is, it pretends to,  in reality it fights the real totally, from real Refomers, real Revolution and real life, real demands and its supply and as it fights it it will need to fight, also by my experience, Big Biz and its willing friends like to fight their new ones and put up their camps.

  they only speak about their freedom and justize, and put many camps and prisons therefor, and take fingerprints,

  will not like the ones who rule in the name of the people and their profits and win, he will fight the ones who rule over big biz and tell it the rules, and whenever there is somebody given the peower by the people and rules over Big biz it will try all to fight and get rid of him as we know very well by the history in the hemisphere of kapital Bizu.

and we know very well what happened and happens when the ruler by the power of the people want to change much to the better for the many people and speaks law in the name of the poeple and for their lifes to win which is usually in total opposition to the interest of teh richman and his profits, because he is little but wants it all, the richmam wantrs to rule, dictate, command and controll,

 over Big Biz, its dominance and dictate and does the laws and rules not in the name of biz, big monery and its profits but strong money and  and big money

by the power of the people in the name of the people for the people will rule supreme and the people will love him, because it is not money but to understand life what they will get to know by him.


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