Bigs biz most wanted is
- profits (1)
- it does not want big
Government and does not want to pay taxes, it wants
big Profits
and for big Profits it wants your money, it doesn t want you to pay
much taxes it wants you and for itself to pay less taxes to the state
but to pay it direct and buy stocks from it instead, it wants the
peoples money direct by sidelining the state which gets privatised now,
that is what Big biz wants.
So some pay double, they
pay taxes and stocks, taxes to the state and stocks to the private
Big Biz is by privates who
dont like the state and its rulers, and don t like the workers and in
some cases even not the kostumers, big biz wants to rule, command and
control all and it wants big
profits, the more others rule, do the laws, govern and
govern themself the less Big Biz will do it, it will cut its power, so
say power cuts in the name of the people and their grow, quality, win,
life and gains, so check who wants it all and gets it all and
then you know
will profit, if it is people or Biz.
The one who gets the power
by the
people should not abuse his power to sell and give it all away to Big
Biz from the
state which is serving the people as they pay the state and not Big Biz
what is by the private and serves the private and not the people. the
Private serves his own interests and not the interests of the people,
he doesn t like the state and the ones who rule it because he wants to
rule, command and control and therefor he pays the ones who got elected
and rule that they make the laws he wants, lobby for him and cut his
taxes. the ones
who get elected get elected by the people and not by Big Biz, also it
often pays the Elected premptively (poll puts) what counts in Money
System but not in
Democracy. in Democracy counts who gets elected and not who gets most
money, so Big Biz will have to learn and accept what counts in
Democracy and what counts for the people also it tries for a long time
to ignore what counts for people. If at all it only wants to know it
(profiling etc) for its own profits, nothing more and that is why many
either the well fed or the poor live unhealthy because they have to
life at the cost and pay the prize for others Big Biz and its profits.
The one who pays
counts in Kapitalism only, the one who gets elected counts in
Democracy, the chosen counts somewhere else, the one who fights for
many wins many, the one who only fights for himself counts only for
himself, also he pays others to fight for him, which pays but doesn t
In Democracy counts the vote of
the voters, (some just can t accept it) and who they vote, in
Marketdemocracy counts who pays the elected.
When one gets elected by
the people who does Big Reforms in the
name and for the people what is always many and not little as the
privates of big biz, he will be fought by Big Biz. it hates it when
somebody is cutting its power and property in the name of the
people their interests and we alkl know from history what happens
to them who fight for the people and do Big Reforms, they get bombed at
9.11 (chile), get couped killed and flown out. that is what happens
when you get elected do strong reforms or fight for the rights of the
Big Biz will try all to get rid of the one who tries to
serve the people and does reforms in their name therefor cuts the power
and property of Big Biz for the health of the people.
The one at power who rules
and speaks law in the name of people
life and not
in the name of money, its possesors and their profits
Big Biz hates nothing more than the ones who are at power and
tell it the rules, because itself wants to dictate the rules and
conditiones, and this are the rules and conditiones good for Big Biz
and its profits, but not the rules and conditiones good for the people
as for them it gets more costly, unsecure and unhealthy.
Big biz not only wants to rule and inforce the law, it also
wants to own everything, either materially or intelectually and what
was once by the state which it often gets now by the elected statesmen
who doesn t want to take the
responsibility for the state and people any more even as he gets
elected by them. he just talks a lot about all kind of things which got
and get commercialised, privatised and about how good this is, even in
the name of the state and the people while he sells all to Big Biz
which only takes responsibility for its wins, gains and
profits but not for the people.
it is the free Bigs Biz freeway and the promoted high-way for
the konsumer; under total highway controll by kameras, highway patrol,
digital registration and helicopters
securing the busy and rushy race.
The Big Biz man knows very well the dangers of real
Democracy for him when the powerful ruler by the people does reforms
and changes for the better of the people and speaks law in the name of
their lifes prospering which is naturally in total opposition to the
prospering of Big Biz and the richmans profits. and that is the reason
why in some lands people have to give fingerprints at the airports, get
on flight and book lists, get inprisoned without defence and as by the
law of nation Big Biz it can take any person around the world to prison
who the state free Big Biz keeps as a danger for it.
But when nation free Big Biz sees some interest it wants
to conquer, save and controll it seems that no law in the world can
stop it to go after its greed and by Doctrin of that same land it can
do wars preemptively as it loves war and unrest to be able to ingage
and fight at new frontiers, and when there are other lands with other
rules and priorities which are more calm but powerful, organized and
with influence it will attack and try to destabilze them.
Big Biz pays and buys
everything and everybody it wants, also and
specially people who help its goals, either hidden or
transparent, most support is hidden, either to some of its
homelandians as are big
lobbists, administrators, taxcutters, advisers, trainers, or
people of
other lands as all kind combatants, military, bizpartners and
paramilitary, newly also usual people for rapid revolution at some
regiones, death squads, and
politcans, everybody in short or long who helps its goals, in the
Americas it was never the simple people and struggle for their rights
it was always the bizman and military there, never revolution but
counterrevolution, far away they like revolution.
It pays, buys and supports
everything and everybody it wants (only) to have them doing the jobs it
wants to be done. the paied and bought ones do as the foreigner told
and trained him to do, at some lands it was and is the traditional
killing by the Imperialist (native americans know that, actually from
Mexico, Guatemala to Colombia) in some land you get a letter before, it
has a tradition and some who life there by facing death name it sozial
genozid, it is gets heavily supported by the ones who like to talk of
freedom and justize,
In reality the poorest get
nothing, they starve and their children die beside the fat and rich who
even spray their lands with herbicides and fungus and pest their pigs,
only in some very rare cases they get little food before some
electiones but
usually it is blocked streets, warnings and death threats, spraied,
poisoned and devastated land, fled homes for megaprojects and
korridors and pested pigs either direct by the Imperialist or by his
bought friends and bought people kapital.
It pays and supports all it
wants but only supports and pays what it wants and is in its
interests and it needs, this can also and specially be
terror regimes and terrorists premptively.
pays all from tunnels, caves and camps to socalled human aid for
terror regimes to rapid revolutiones, it pays it all, not all take
money, some are resistant and not willing for what all the Investor
invests and pays, it is a lot in fact unlimited as some name it, some
take it and use it the same way.
But the simple and funny
thing is that imperial Biz stops abrupt when it can not buy and pay
what it wants,
as much is of value immeasurable and not for shopping, buying and
rating and that is the
moment when Big Biz stops when it can not pay it because a lot
and some are just not there for and not interested, Big Biz doesn t
understand that
and it is good that the worlds biggest Democracy understands that
and is a Superpower by that it is a cosmic land as life, it is just if
others can see it and a understand that. some lands are old and deeply
rooted, a huge giant tree with roots up and down and many plants
growing on it. keeping traditiones and open for the new, others
are very young, headless, agile and unpatient, behauving as young
agressive boys and it is just if they can see that and what they are
willing for, for agressive young boys with funny words and speech or
something valuable, open, deeply rooted, strong, rich and enriching.
You can travel lands on a
highway superfast and miss a lot and need to search a lot but not
advertisments, others are hard to travel but rich and full of secrets,
have it so much, all kind and all ways that it can become even too much
of it ...
The one at power who rules by the power of the people
in the
name of the people for the people will rule supreme and the people will
love him and Big Biz will hate him, what is in fact a reality, because
it is not money
but to understand life what they will get to know what the
other doesn t know and want to know but destroy, reduce and
1) but much less quality because
quality doesn t need Big Biz, quality can be with itself and stay long
so, (if the waste and spoil of an unintellignet auto soziety isn t
evene in fear of quality at all, and uses some kind of tech also to
protect itself from quality, as a signal and sign of mad and modern
getting autorobos, preempt is irrelevant) what big biz keeps as
quality, solely for its cash, it feds on a broad and mass base as cash
crop and modified food, it pumps and injects at one side to profit,
even by all kind of its spoiled and plastik insurgery side
english 2 -
done 2005, implemented, style-updated and revisited 2015 ...