Suspect Observations 2   (India 2013/14)

notebook notebook reserveBank eros eros apple windows8 windows8 turtle_beach windows8 windows8 turtle_beach turtle_beach
suspect Obs. -
(1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5 ..)

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my notebook, what to say, get some glimpses....

my notebook, what to say, get some glimpses....





easy and simple (if not mad n stupid -
all reachable via Desktop, world gets a cornered-touch-screen/ flat-screen
- Ptolaemaeic-world-design-animation .....hhhmmm.....!)

bought a little Mobile in UPwest, got simcard from Maharashtra and cant recharge it anywhere but Maharashtra,
or recharge it via another unknown "i want your number and recharge it" fellow,
conclusio - Time for Enterpreneurs and assambling some divices..... much windows-assambli-software on an appli-mashine .... what to say...!?

this is how a designated turtle-breeding-area looks in Goa (Morjim),
da shags and restes should be shut down during breeding time,
but guess biz as usual is more importat than the sun bred turtle eggs

Endless water-power-project dripping in uppar Parvati valley - UNWANTED UNFINISHED -
the beautiful gorge and small bridge over it go finished instead some sinister dwelling
(since ca 2002/ pic okt2013)

Pharaoants, encountered and obeserved in Rishikesh ... 2014
worlds smallest ants becoming cosmopolitan, spreading and appearing by surprise intercontinentally ...

Pharaoants on the hotels window ceiling ... (Rishksh 2014)

Rishikeshs new, save and polished Lingam, with wire fence and
put into hard to see beton yoni ... Yoga city during Yuga age(time) ...