Atta 2
Atta 3
Atta 4
Atta 5
Assange got free !

Atta 6
Asage got free after many years incarcerated
Atta 7
Atta 8

in case they hunt u down go to any better embassy !

Free Jul. Assange or go o hell

there are no war secrets out there !

war diaries is old stuff since the hippie times if there is anything left of that in mid EU ... west bank or jordan land. ... leaks and cable .. what the rivival of that over times passing ?

NKs storm on some Bastillon

New Caledonia is somewhere east of Queensland behind the long barrier reef, hight of Queens .... in a pazific ocean.
EW about the number of Salzburg city in some EU marcets.

But they are very right to protest and stormn the batstion of the djungles during some ages. Jurassic parkis actual as ever.

theyd better get the colonials out !
hegemon is on try again

Transparency again ....

// another program ___________ there are sensors and autos, cars and buggies ________________ matchbox and merklins _________ // Mrs Johann-sen wants not her voice getting used for another programm, but wants to know the origins of some algorythms models and studios ___________

part of west bank

it gets mostly called west bank in western mediass, thats the hype of the hypes.

And a sister stronly denied her sister that she is doing some job in Crete, Kreta. She never did a job, neither in Crete nore in Goa. It was always costly thuna salad on some mats.

(Doha and Kairo doing negotiations and a harbour gets tried on proxy and default for parachoots)

 is on Indefinite Strike

The total site IS ON STRIKE

That is because of the Genozide which gets done since months in Gaza somthing inside Israel or anyhow that gets named. (Babylon tongues)

The international something got to its lowest point ... it is showing its weakness and failors since months.

If the numbers of killed ones are right and 35 000 people,
mostly civilians and children, some say it is 70 % civilians, children and families,
then their killers are quite totaly crazy. And that not since some weeks.

And allreday 60 % of structures houses and infrastructure got flattened
there is no justifivation for that madness.

RUMBLE TO DUST is on schedule of morons again with the blind eyes of other morons.

Overall it can be asked if they ve some senses left and of what could come out in return of all that madness.

So this project and site gets on INDEFINITE STRIKE