Interstate Bridge and Container Carrier under strange flags
What you see on top in the moving is eggs, small nice eggs.
What is not in connection with these is a huge carrier ship which made an interstate bridge in the US to collapse.
It is not a supply chain with containers in back, eggs are something different. It is by special beautifull birds which need special biotops as long as tehy can get in reach of that. A carrier ship which will be costlyto get that all recoinstructed beside Israel and Ukraine, if ever then somwehn is another task.
the numbers is fake, interstate 695 is fake - over - close to washington townhall - over
The birds need special habitats, and some of them coma fro far away, every year, it si not some carrier ship. We can also not be sure if the y can see the difference in that. Distrances are soemtimes huge to get covered, birds are nto contaier carriers. Brds are not farmers, angry farmers or agry air stuff which is on barrikades sinec weeks.
That comes by aniother system, artifical, constructed liek a interstate bridge. Birds come diferenet in their own wings over thousands of lilometers ! That makes a difference, and birds also deliver food, but it is niot a big trendy thing by delivery serices (zuastelldienste)
No no it is small eggs by special birds whoe even know the difference when they get to see each other on some ways. There are big and small birds, as with ships ...
When we get in short over some economist we can find clear focus ponints, one is wars, conflict zones and barriers also cross border migration, that si normal since years. It got normal, why not. The question is how can nazis manage these trends, it is modern so to say. Trendy also forced by conflicts in back which is a main focus of some economist.
It is never huge companies by soem alphabet .... as front ends of some marcets, it is polarisation and not soem hesitate camps in garmany, Bon or Berlkin even. Some lines got read of thinking, intelligence, not a CIA or NSA or NRA ... that can be related if.
Another gap is the presidental runner gap. Juszt imagine all that Bencos all that Donalds and the buberal and maderl in head offices, just imagine or on other hand the democrats whio just hint here and there, the show of some stakes the share others would say the bad show of hype beside all that Bencos, Marsaleks in huge smart bubles (.. by acting), huge bubbles and Mr Trump teh final decisin maker and modern front runner.
So many of them, included affiliate friends (buberl u maderl auch woanders) got brought carried to justice, huge bucks in back, like from a carroier ship which gto into the bride properly. That was striking wasnt t it. A big challange to get that containers offboard somewhere near an interstate bridge. Usually the start preying then. But only when NRA or affiliates was involved. Then tehy do preying, not whith a huge carrier ship which got then bridge down.
Most of the IT they gather around you will be fake,
the bridge is near Washington DC - over -
In Europe it is farmers and Airlie stuff in row, demonstration path. That is normal, just imagine millions of migrants, partly even modern settlers,
but economist says in GB they are better off then the brits themself, that is astonishing.
So beside all the runers for hidden presidents in backoffices, as bencos and trumps, just imagine them in presidental offices, or oval ones. Tariffs would get kicking again, the nation on a carrier with only 20 of stuff and tariffs on barrikades.
CHESAPEAK BAY AREA IS MOSTLY SWAMP LANDS - over - Washington townhall is close - over
Sailing for Panama under the flag of Ganmbia registered in Somalia, just imagine !
under any flag so to say, not far from Washington near an east coast.
page background is dead woods, demaged from rubbish, dust and climate change. When some birds arrive, you can be lucky ///
alphabet is an entities last name, guess registered in iceland ...