They are going to blow it all up again

One year later, they can not getg enugh of it

Oh where are we, Its name is world, Netanyahoo. Ohh where are we here, in a TV studio you might need to explain them.

There is a doctrin out there it is by Israels best friend the US which says that Israel should always have superior army power, air power, rocket power ... so overall war somehting power.

So where are they, they are on the world you will need to explain them. On a planet where there is a UN General Secretary, yes a UN General Secretary ! .. just imagine ...

You will need to explain them very very clearly, the Netanyahoos, that they will need to learn and understand that there is organsiations like the UN, The UNHCR, the WTO ... that there are many many NGOs since years out there. (some like NGOs very much)

Yes often supported by the US, by the ones who think they have a monopoly on Justice and the torch in a hand. (olympic games over) Did it not start enough fires allready.

You will need to explain teh Netanyahoo that tehre are children and mothers out there in many cities and Houses, blocks and on roads. You will need the explain them that they are also Humans, not donkeys, cows and pigs.

That there are many organisations, many many orghanisations which form certain bodies in certain states, you will need to explain the Israelis,

It si by their understanding that they do not uderstand that. It is by their heads, blocked and narrow, that they can not take UN general Secretaries if he does not talk after their split tongues.

Now they go to attack Damaskus then Beirut again, some more prepartations, in teh while they fuzz of something limited something targeted again, ohh what morons.

Then they want to go for Teheran, all authorized by uncle friend from somewhere, and if not authorized then even more crazy they look. They go for that what is called heads, that where there is some braisn estimated, they go for razing all what is possible, crazy, blocks and houses, families and kids, they make no difference, then once in a while like with a hot potatoe in tghe mouth the fuzz of soemthing limited, maybe then targeted again. They seem to be going totally nuts now.

If they can not change that head they will kill it, if not that new face there they go to strike on it. It is like rumble pit vipers, like otters like rattle snakes, like russels vipers, they go for one after another. Anybody sees teh vernranmnte erde .. no ...

And soemtime, once in while a persona non grata like persones of interantional organisations like the UN, and their top figures, they want them to get new jobs, they can not just kill and blow them, that makes the difference !

If they could they would also go for UN buildings, you need to see that, on teh gorundit was UN stuff, they can hardly accept themand see them, and make no difference, they go nuts.

That is by their blocked heads, blocked brains, if they could, they blow it from the other oganisations, there are many out there, they will need to get many many more bombs, take care now they seem to go go crazy now,

Bloodthrusty when the wolfs start biting they can not stop it. Then the many lambs and cows lay killed on the bloody fields. Usually they come in teh nights, hidden in the dark. That is how they tick.

It looks that they are going nuts now.

It is mostly by the legitimzation and by the support of uncle friend from the US and other alyia states. And if you are in their way, get you a new job. oohhh that is how they tick. find you a new job, try with some NGO maybe.

That would be best for them, offical states and orgs are many out there, not interantional accepted governments, heads of states. No find them some new job, If it would be all so easy. With the many NGOs, that would be best for them.

That si nothing then, good to blow it. To raze their head, zto blow it, beating all movies since decades. Now they go nuts, they turn ugly, the many snakes are showig the fangs now.

The wolfes started smelling blood and can not stop killing. Take care it is not only Helena dn Milton, otherwhere it is also the IDF. Finally the many bombs and rockets have to get somewhere, by so many supporters who onec in while speak of soem defense. But never how far that reaches.

It is quite very far allready, no surprise.

You will need to show them the limits very clearly, that there is international organisations like the UN, which they can hardly take, since the second world war it is there. They know their mass themself in soem orgs. And then you will need to explain them why that is there, for what reason, also soem development banks, then the world bank and others. You will need to explain them. They by tehmself will not understand. Vaccination they tried also in Pakistan once, to get Osama by that program, vaccination.

But usually it is for a good reason, becaues they share some workspace here and then, so not to get infected also.

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That there are also other heads of states, heads of organisations and NGOs and the heads of organisations. That is what they go for, even capital cities, so they will need to get the limits. They by tehmself wil not know that, with so much supporters.

It seems to be true that they do not understand this. So what was their first phrases, the first fuzz, ahhh find you a new job after the UN, get another job anywhere else. You talk as they do not understand ... how wired.

Somebody was coming from a bank, now head of state had the idea in this times to do some changes on the UN security councel.

In the while the young green party in germany is dissolving, years after the AfD got slowly very slowly defined as something far right, oohhh all that morons. How long tehy need, once with haider oit took only hours only soem 2 days, now teh yneed years to get to see soemthing, the neos popping at many fronts.

Far right Israelis you will need to explain what is teh UN general secretary, that he is not there to speak after teh rattle snakes, to keep a blind eye after one year on the russels vipers, the cobras. Ohh what moment in history of the UN, and earlier, months before the soccalled interests ... teh onwers of interest or even national interests, the friends saied then ahhb find you a new job, when you say this what tehy can not hear even. Ahh that is how they tick. We also can now assume that there could be some doctrines out there that germany should see rubbish, garbage on their TV screens, ahh no problem, also lost senses allready, some common sense. I guess they have special ideas for different volks.

They name it doctrines and if it doesnot go in their way, please fidn you a new job and if it is the UN general secretary. Then tehn next would be head of state X and head of state Y, fidn you some new job, or tehy will blow it up, when they can not take it.

For germany in the while rubbish on TV will also do, worms rubbish. The doctrine could be really out there. They have spoecila ideas for teh specific volks. As long as they do not see themself. Take care !

It is not that anybodies dog bit a few times in a white house, their faces look agressive during they speak, some hugging mum here and there, but take care of the rattle snakes. These can nto take the unpoisen snakes. venenomose snakes can not take the unpoisen.

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In den Huegeln wieder

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Huge Containership made bridge to collapse

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EU und USA im Wahlkampffieber

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Assange got free

It could be that there are doctrines out there, more by Assange who knows some documets, that is why they tried to silence him , to block him, he is a deep digger, qhite straight and clear talk, who found some hidden doctrines. That was why they put him to their dark chambers, behind walls. To get along with their wars.

They have special ideas for the different volks and nations. There were documents that it was 35 countries which they wanted to mass up. If you see some TV channels of germany, no surprise. (now the young green party dissolve .. .. Baerbock seesm to be at war sinec a while ... also wired)

On the other hand there are also generals out there, heads of armies and heads of armed groups as had always been. Yes even capital cities, they go for that. You will need to explain them, what means limited what was targeted, if it as there ever. You will need to explain them very clearly, or they will blow it up.

When a block falls there there is more which fall. Now many got the dust over weaks and months, the got and get the dust every day and week, from the rumble hypes. By the ones who want to see some in another job, in another position nto so strong and with so much word power.

You know why, because they lost their heads allready, they just do not know it, at some point there is no understanding, then that is lost. They try so many other heads and never see their own, how wired.

There is the out there that Israel must have superior army power than its naieghbours, in the while Helene and Milton.

Get that right and then once in while, keep ya things togather.