Private Planeholders starts with exe.orders
Forced Flybacks from Migration Nation
The pushback and pullback seems to end at Kilombia for the forced back refugees and migrants.
So as Trump seems to have little understanding of procedures with Kolumbia people get puzzked and curiouse if it could work to bring them to Idaho.
The US has a history of Migration, all there is based on flexibility and fast moving somewhere, if not getting lost on the Plains.
The total land if not all Americas got conquered, settled, devastated and founded on bloodshed also. Many got forced as slaves to the total mortal hemisphere and others did it on some free will, as Europe was fighting with itself and ugliness, its unbills selfproduct, without any founding fathers,
over centuries.
The last years, even before the pandemic struck, the fluctus of Migrants was immense. Some presidents out there are not willing to take the migrants,
out of fear of blood fakers (racists), white supremacy nutheads, and Republic hockey mums, if not hockey nuns overall.
Are not willing to take that many migrants and their dreams of making a lifing (trieing to make a living), in mostly unknown lands, which got produced by the production and hype studios themself.
Mr Assange was a refugee himself and took refuge in an embassy in Englaterra, he got incarcerated because he uncovered the truth on the hegemonistas cruelties in far away foreign lands. And that was at times when Diplomacy was still working, functioning.
Not many of the nowadays refugees and migrants would like to change for the Assange story.
Modern studios could make movies over the Assange story. Some years ago working on slavery trailers and movies, and the bad times then.
In these days they produce real migrant routes again, real deasters on way to nowhere.
Then the new president starts with executive orders and the one or two aeroplanes filled with migrants, sold as teh most dangerouse ones in teh US, getting forced back, but the procedure itself shows tricky, as Kolombia blocked them from touch down in another fracture of the Americas.
When diplomacy failed bofore the planes can nto land, maybe on return route, failors in can do and can not do.
If you juszt imagine 500 000 migrants, and then the wner of his own civic jet wants to see them flewn back to soemLatin Americas.
He himself seems to have no idea about the preconditions of civic fligt procedures.
Even as he himself is owner of a big civic jet (B 757), now beside the presidental plane also, so it gets to 3 big jets.
How does that look then when the other land says NO. He could lease all that planes for the Migrants route back.
Fill alls his planes with migrants. Its not a big calculation 3 civic planes, one of them private jet of the US state runner. Two airforce one jets ....
and then later they might try somehow ... to find a touchdown location, somwehere inteh spanish Latin Americas.
Whats about the Ersatz runway El Salvador, which looks hostile and dangerouse even from skies allready. Or again Mexico, not far from the FedEx airport.
But sure that would be far to close to the US.
So many of pushbacks wanted by teh Republicans, who seme to have all forgotten what happened in the past. That was the Auswandere Zeiten, and in the States and Americas norte the goldrush times. Anybody ever heared of black people on goldrush there.
Then some might play the racist card, then the only good and educated migrants card, the agressive pushback card, the cero tolerance card,
the rocket mans big support card, the nazi and fashist cards.
This all gets to card systems which you can see by daily shopping in some far away vallies of Mid Europe.
Never seen that strange card systems hanging around anywhere else, but there close to the candies and the counter in big marcets. Now often with the plexiglass shield at the counter, against all spit and unbills during payments.
But all that many migrants, shareholders and Blackrockians take care of your private jets, big or small, it would take some while to fill them with hundred thousands of migrants. They came often in boats and small rubber boats, got partly saved from death, got drawned and killed by rough seas.
If you ve got your own big plane, isn t it a financial desaster to keep that, mostly empty, hardly of any use. Mr Clinton was more a frequent flier to the Caribes. While others struggle on the ground to get their dreams and wishes true. To keep their children alive close to hundreds of kilometers of fences and iron walls, the new iron curtains. (which got hardly ever named so) Between lands and nations which got some nafta brought on way.
But for what that, when people can not travel and move as some odd products the same time, in million numbers. There are still some trains out there, mostly commodity trains, and on these trains there are some migrants.
The ones who don t know much about their own important jets, seem to have little ideas about where to land migrants and how that could get done.
Its name could be Kolombia, Peru or Bolivia, no idea about getting them landed, getting them stranded.
And how that could work, by some most sofisticated nations in the world, Circling wild the planes
in endless skies, not knowing where to land them.
During Obama it was yes we can, - No it gets to yes he tries. Landing the first airoplane filled with darks guys,
but hardly anybody knwos where to land them.
The propriedor of a big plane, fitting for the candidate, getting a bigger one as president. Then in white and blue stripes. But for others hardly having any idea how and where to get these people landed.
The new scenarios of try and errors by the hardship of the dark, rigged, faked and corrupted on many sides.