Still hostile tribes - No passport needed
Passing two metro posts
We have passed two tram metro stations after arrival to Dubai to getin the third metro finally on train.
That was a bid of a challenge.
Hush money transmission
The next one gets from chancellor to sitting president, the one who got a bad mab, another one hunt down in a tunnel by a dog, the dog got a medal later by the onec officer sittingin office. Now a soccalled hush money president.
Hush money is special because in most western medias they will hardly ever explain the DO NOT SSEE DO NOT TELL POLICIES theyr have there .. Others may call it propaganda which leads to the latest case in Syria.
Camps and barraks
One of the ones they had sitting in huge camps in open vast lands, as in Abu Ghrahib and elsewhere.
Then they become their fanatics, no wonder if you get put do some camps in some desert lands. That is the
case till today. There are also campsites in Dover and near Calais, many of camp sites. Astonishingly even during winters.
Was it kopfgeld
But in that special case s single fuzz with some western mallards, was good enough to drop teh once bail or Kpfgeld on him. It is only one talk soem fuzz, or even a spit of diplomacy or whats is left of that today. Before they had a bail on him or kopfgeld if that story was relating to reality, themn chnage of cloths proper dress, nomore streetgear and the bail gets in to new form of some alliances.
If it was a phrase of psycholocial warfare, nobody knows in the west. The bail got converted into some political seat.
In the while in the US they are longing for the new one (3 montsh transmission... ), the hush money one. It is many cases there, DO NOT SEE DO NOT TELL.
It takes them 10 to 15 years
And it takes thenm minimum 10 to 15 years when they get the eyes opened and the ears to listen, if 3 to 6 women
get that done after the many tricky dark fellows seen here and there, Even in DO NOT SEE DO NOT TELL elevators.
Tourist on noretrun pass
Elsewhere near a proper walled and fenced reste, you get to hear from passangers that others should not worryt, they will never come again, passing down teh stairways.
Civic jet hints
Yoy get in reach of a costly magazien, a hochglanzbroschuere which is part of may many wetsern klatschmagazines in these days till today. You get to read much stuff on aeroplanes, and that only on civic planes, not manas or badam airport which was not aircrfat carriers.
You passed sand dunes and military barracks near Fujaira and got to read by the traces that also foreihnworkers walk and hike there, usually oin groupd up to 6 even.
Hostile desert tribes
But the very exquisite travel guide book was even 600 pages strong, so for amusement you get to read more of that, and what is tegre and what not, cause youmade the reality check. of that much stuff on desert lands, which could also have been Rajasthan or Pashtu Karachi (Sharja harbour, dessert lands not be mixed with desserts or 3 gear meals in some chancellor barracks)
Trees to propaganda
And suddenly you get a glimpse of some travelguide book, which makes you think of guis and kinderwagen schieber, even down in some places near a big deep gruft, at the sea, and hiw they fal asleep togather near the deep gruft at the sea. And you got to see them on airports again and again, missing soem newspaper in foreign language even as lands with many many trees, which could get to news mags finally.
But they say the change of the cow for airport prodedure, if it was not an elevator or rolltreppe. Some vene do not know where they fly in this days, no surprise, that si often when hush money dealmakers get to seat in office.
Do not see Do not tell. Newspapaer can indicate something (if not in hochglanz phase long after smart ages), others could call it klatsch and tratsch propaganda, others could call it, money for nonesense, or payment for papaer deals, instead of a costly Gmap on a cellphone after years of trials on that. Not to forget before courts.
Kopfgeld to seat in office
But guess if the one in modern times Syria, on some of them thay had bounties if not yearloing terms as in Abu G once. But finally you get in reach of soem civic air magazine and check page 89, or your oassport if it was good enough for some mark, a stamp in some dessert land, and if they got that done, so smart after haing passed two metro stations after return to some metro capable city in desert klands which very hostlie, ugly looking tribes till today. who try the smart new times by soem terms. After the sofa speech a kopfgeld can become friendly fire if not sweet hugs of dessert land wild tribes.
With the advice and help of some F35 jet manufactoreres, which the never mention in a civic air mag.
Modern adssamblers of these costly high teck jets have their vews and stories on snow and schneemen. No question on that.
After soiem sweet talks kopfgeld may turn into sweet russian hugs.
Even Russians over 600 pages
Which brings us to Russia even what, who get also named in that relevanth, if, ttavel guide on a wild tribe if not hostiel desert land. But sadly they never mnention the african peolle in that desert lands of wild tribes, if not hostile tribes even.
They never nention beside the Russiand the Ghanese or the Ethiopeans in that 600 page strong travel guide book,
never the black if not dark powers of teh once cottonwood pluckers.
A guide book can then change into some passports which is hardly relevanth today there in soem deserts,
hardly good enough for some marks or stamps, during arrival and departure. (was it in Calais or dover)
So why then some passports and travel guide books themn, if notthe travellers themself. What makes the sense in these times. Schengen again or the DO NOT SEE DFO NTO TELL policies odf soem men turning from kopfgeld hunt bed nes into the frinedly fire ones, after some hard and long 3 months trans mission period for the new hush mkney seater in office, whith special childish attetude and the important deal maker attitude.
People are waiting and longing for some dogs next medal, if not a mark into soem foreigners passports. If they can do that.
The rest is propaganda beside newspapers in foreign language and lands, if they get that done....
If they can still read and write then.