Flora n fauna I    april 2014 - D

Kosi river Kosi river Kosi river Kosi river Kosi river Kosi river Kosi river Kosi river flora fauna flora fauna flora fauna flora fauna flora fauna flora fauna flora fauna flora fauna flora fauna flora fauna

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FotosİHubert Schütz
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Nice red Dragonfly

Nice red Dragonfly

Special Dragonfly showing up ...

Unknown bush at the terraces near the river

Lapwing always roaming Kosi river...

Unknown flower rooting at the hot rock on top of river

Very special flower growing in river bed, Springkraut origin ... ?

Kind of Kresse plant, related to Brunnen-kresse in central Europe
can be eaten, grows at similar locations

Same plant in close up view

Beautiful plant in mid of river bed, guess related to Springkraut as well

Same in close up

Waterplant - Laichkraut specie

Dark rose ones could be kind of Ginster, white ones wild roses

The estimated Ginster (german)

Guess a kind of rose, no japan jasmin

Becoming frogs, during Kaulquapp phase, get hunted by waterbirds and Lapwings ...

Same Spotted Owlett watching me for a while, while leaving special locations -

Juvenile Spotted Owlett (changing feathers)

Special hemp, cannabis indica growing at streetside and many other locations