Travelling News Science Issues Twitter_019 All Twitter 2020 - 21

Datum: 31-12-2020
.... Meister had to evacuate because of covid scenario ın mıd EU ... In case any smart Covıd APP dıd some job or was of help .. then there ıs somethıng to drınk over SILVESTER ... !!! KTengri
Datum: 23-12-2020
...under any circumstances KASPERSKY and HUAWEI ..!! KTengri
Datum: 22-12-2020
The VIRUS wasn t deadly enough ... to them ?? KTengri
Datum: 22-12-2020
Got marshial law.usa activated and why ?? A GREEN ZONE caught fire ..... again. kTengri
Datum: 20-12-2020
schweizer nebelkanonen ... KTengri einst waren es verseuchte Decken fuer Rothaeute
Datum: 16-12-2020
20th of JAN 2021 from car to street, whitemens parking lots, street 2car .... take care in sticky cars ...! KTengri
Datum: 15-12-2020
the Losses by covid19 are like Omaha beach, Stalingrad and balkans///. cero years had Anthrax (and Sars) to a, then o15 Ebola ... bad Aerosols.... kTengri
Datum: 13-12-2020
Bo Jo is a great and good actor and PM of GB, empty pockets ... therefor ! KTengri
Datum: 08-12-2020
..anybody knows how THE VIRUS got on an Aircraft carrier, and does anybody remember the superspreader scenrios from Ischgl and Teichdorf ... MAD MAD MAD ...! KTengri
Datum: 07-12-2020
everyday more killed than in Aserbaidshan with Berg Karabach, now in peace mission. Libya, Egypt, Belarus and Syria are within internat accepted borders ... KTengri
Datum: 03-12-2020
mf G war mal eine Kanutour im Anbot, - KTengri
Datum: 03-12-2020
NOBODY got pollinated by that hungarian RASPUTIN in the EU parliamenmt ,,, !? save information ----- !!! KTengri
Datum: 27-11-2020
kapieren sie eigentl, dass das seuchenfleisch tiefgefrohren geschippert wird, dass vaccine sehr unterkuehlt gelagert werden, daher garnicht erst SKIHELME (helmets) aufsetzen ---- !!!-) KTengri
Datum: 25-11-2020
... mfG ------ mfG KTengri
Datum: 25-11-2020
They demonstrate contra covid measures ... idiotic, why not against the first run on a new cellphone edition ....!? VERY MYSTIC !!
Datum: 25-11-2020
Why do people pay cell phone FANTASY PRICES, it is idiotic over 200 eu ! IDIOTIC THAT PRICES it is Fantasy prices on Monoply run cell phone systems ______________
Datum: 24-11-2020
WILL PEOPLE STORM SHOPS to get the new vaccines ----- will they storm that shops with vaccines !!!??? KTengri
Datum: 24-11-2020
.... Google tag manager is a total annoiance and akamai data fishers also - bad bad bad KTengri
Datum: 24-11-2020
... during LOOKBACK on corona pandemic there will be some bad acts get uncovered and like taking planes hostage with masks .... KT Huascaran
Datum: 20-11-2020
I am curiouse on the TV dokus- Keniattas Kenia, Mugabes Simbabwe, Europes wars, Fujimoris Peru, Merkels Germany, Trumps Americs, Bushs USA, people should get these TV dokus soon KT
Datum: 16-11-2020
MAPUCHE of the world, READY when you are raeady, ready ready -MAPUCHE--- !! Khan Tengri
Datum: 16-11-2020
.... die UBahn station BER "Onkel Toms huette" ist verbrannt, is das ne FAKE NEWS ---- ?? auf ORF; Khan Tengri
Datum: 11-11-2020
I made a decision ! KTengri
Datum: 10-11-2020
GOOD CHANGES appear on the Horizon .... (Horem akesh) KTengri
Datum: 09-11-2020
Julian Assange wird als auto manager getarnt aus d Gefaengniss Belmarsch entfuehrt udn in ein Land seiner Wahl gebracht !!! -) K Tengri sonst ...
Datum: 07-11-2020
WHO DOES the (comics)caricatures on wirecard, hateposts, auto abschaltsoftware, zu monsanto claims..., wer die caricaturen zu den MS verschwoerern, die caricaturen zu kapital gespl nationen, who does the comics on Teslas, GGlass, and streetview melodies .... who does comics on that ?? KT
Datum: 07-11-2020
The neoliberal Kapitalist can not be allowed that they split and obertake total nations, NO POLARISATION by them, Each single Hatepost on mega-Follower platforms gets checked on relevance to Bubble ceros (wirecards etc) nd kapitalist splittings, nation takeovers// and on nationen Spaltpilzings K Tengri Do not let them allow NATION - spalting
Datum: 07-11-2020
Always ask what u can do for Jeff, Bill and Jobs, neverask what you get to buy and shop, consume always ask what can i do for Jeff, bill and Jobs, the natin, NEVER ask whet you get to shop and consume NEVER !!! K Tengri
Datum: 06-11-2020
.... Lasst euch nicht spalten, auch bei mir zwiscehn PC und mir, und mir u d Aquarium ..lasst euch sowas nicht gefallen !!! oder 5 monate ohne handy, eine Kluft und Schlucht war das sogar! KTengri
Datum: 28-10-2020
... mich interessiert apples bezahl schnittstelle ueberhaupt nicht ! auch nicht die cloud von MS interessiert mich nicht, aber EU companies aufapssen vor der abhangigkeit zu Drittanbietern von cloud u bezahschnittstellen in app, WARNING von den abhaengigkeiten der megasanctionierer und erfahreenen digital ERPRESSER (PROZESSIEREN sich seit jahren) irgendwas verstehn die da nicht ! wird 1e EU app von den USA verboten, gibts sowas ueberhaupt, nein die EU darf sich einkaufen bei den US apps, immer gerne, waehrend China und Russia die Feidne wurden !! es dampft da gewaltig !!! K Tengri
Datum: 27-10-2020
... na dann ....
Datum: 19-10-2020
best recomanded /// with LAXMMI Bom Advaniiii , KTangri
Datum: 15-10-2020
.. die so vertrottelt bezeichnete u angedachte HERDENIMMUNISIERUNG ist Bloedsinn ... wollen sie wirklich die Haufen MIO TOTER BUEFFEL probieren, nachstellen ... ? K Tengri
Datum: 14-10-2020
GREAT STUFF ... K Tengri
Datum: 09-10-2020
A warm WELCOME to the new peoples MINISTERS of Kyrgizthan, Khan Tengri- Oegedei
Datum: 09-10-2020
der grosse LENIN war auch im Ausland bevor der Krieg begann ... KTengri
Datum: 08-10-2020
IS IT TOO LATE ??? - / // /// KTengri
Datum: 07-10-2020
... some presidents become autocrats, then they become dictators and tyranns, but when they kill the children, as at start of war in Syria they start burning in hell ! KT
Datum: 07-10-2020
... there need to be 3 m BANN ZONEs for some infectuose presidents, while the WHITE NAZIS like 2 show and march close in the streets again// K T
Datum: 06-10-2020
... Oesis muessen sich das gesamte IBIZA video ansehen, das heisst 2 x Kino je 3 hrs mit 2 pausen, absolut belanglos, inhaltlich reizend, verstoernd, absurd ... dann noch 1 U Ausschuss !!! KT
Datum: 06-10-2020 you also wait since start of august 4 a covid 19 test result (heraklion knossos) and a telefone since 4 months ? K Tengri
Datum: 06-10-2020
... Jul Assange, John Mc Affe or Trump D.... who is hottest case ? Khan Tengri
Datum: 05-10-2020
sind es jetzt schon 200 auf 100 000 Einwohner als lockdown grenze ... komische .... !! Oegedei
Datum: 03-10-2020
.. the richest states of Afrrica and central Asia could opt for 4 jets soon, ... big ones ... Khan T
Datum: 03-10-2020
... be happy that after Hiroshima and Nagas. not also on south Spain the 4 Hydrogen bombs (1966) from uncle Sam, exploded, they got nearly lost from B52s.... now aeroplanes grounded, Khan Tengri
Datum: 02-10-2020
... werden schon wieder Europaer fuer Lybien und Syrien rekrutiert ... na dann einmal die 5 besten europ webseiten zum daten angucken ... ugleich 50 bussibussi cents ... Oedei
Datum: 30-09-2020
.... corona kehrt zurueck ...
Datum: 27-09-2020
....CD burners did NOT work since 2years, no telefone for 4, 10min bad dentist...THE END IS CLOSE !!! Khan Tengri
Datum: 25-09-2020
... REGNET sehrviel !!!.. Sudan hats auch erwischt, auch China schon heuer, jetzt ist wohl Europa dran ..... Khan Tengri
Datum: 21-09-2020
... incredible how many women can be a security threat for Belarus dictatorship, Rio Tinto und der IT Genie case Juli Assange werden wohl Richtungsweisend sein fuer weiters Vorhegehen mit UK ! Khan Tengri
Datum: 21-09-2020
... but the losses of APPLE alone make 500 MRD dollar this year ... ! Khan Tengri
Datum: 20-09-2020
2 OPTS: did the US PRESIDENT great with handling COVID 19, was it great and did he GREAT job, with handling racist police cops going wild, RIOTS, AND LOOTINGS, did he great and with the WILDFIRES as a CLIMATE CHNAGE result, WAS IT GREAT ????? Khan tengri
Datum: 18-09-2020
.. ja und ich verbiete Whatsapp, instagram und facebook in oesterreich, wer braucht die hosentascherl apferln, und dann noch 10 weitere euro virus tracing apps und 20 ukrainische apps verbiete ich in oesiland ...! Khan Tengri privat
Datum: 18-09-2020
DO NOT VOTE and pray for that, it is dangerouse and of no help !!! Khan Tengri
Datum: 17-09-2020
the US president on votes: .... voting is dangerouse, mail votes do not count, it will get faked, it will be a desaster ... it does not count ....// Nanci Pelosi: Do ot listen to the president !
Datum: 16-09-2020
.. or maybe an ASSASIN ein Assasine .. what ein Ass-sassine .. what as Bush Jeb
Datum: 16-09-2020
.. maybe even a WOMENIZER .. what a womenaizer ... what a lebemannn what .... seaRCH urself .. ! kHAN tENGRI
Datum: 16-09-2020
.. weil in d NZZ nicht viele zeilen zu lesen sind Zwingli auch ... ?? Oegedei
Datum: 14-09-2020
aeehhh Buthead, ?Whats the difference between Stable coins and Bitcoins .... and where got the DISASTERS in the navigation Bars on top-ics .... aehhh Butheads ... aeehhhh ??? Oegdei
Datum: 14-09-2020
Mr Assange will recover 1000ds of data of different topics during his hearings, even as not the original source, only transmitter. The 2 OIL dessaster tankkers in west indian ocean do not seem a penny worth in medias !??? Oegedei
Datum: 11-09-2020
... they could sell the VOTES OF 85 mio voters ... !? preemptivly Oegdei
Datum: 11-09-2020
Datum: 09-09-2020
... most special ..
Datum: 09-09-2020
.. that the rests from wirecard can get sold is a wonder, a miracle ... ! Oegedei
Datum: 03-09-2020
coming: "Can the USA be saved from domestic chaos and terror" (mostly far right and white terror) our correspondents OeKH
Datum: 31-08-2020
sorry ..aber haben nicht kapiert dass Telefonieren ein 100 jaehriger STANDARD ist .... unfassbarer schwachsinn aus der trafik ohne (chip tel) Oegedei
Datum: 30-08-2020
...... falls es tatsaechlich 200 miles um griechisceh Inseln sind ist das schon viel Wasserrand, doch die freunde aus dem Wilden Westen haben auch die Seerechtskonvent-ion nicht unterzeichnet, also was solls .... Khan Oegedei
Datum: 30-08-2020
Diplomats and journalists also big numbers, beside WIRECARD Gauklers Oegedei
Datum: 29-08-2020
.... Banksys ship is my ship, Banksy is a great lifesaver, I could only finance a canoe, And the woeman and factory workers of Belarus are great victory ! Wild West different case ! Oegedei
Datum: 27-08-2020
SUPPORT for google, windows 7-10, Amazon, Apple, Android etc got cancelled since 3 years SUPPORT 4 that got finished !! Oegedei NOMORE UPDATES !!!
Datum: 18-08-2020
Lukashenka geh weg, leave, it is enough, 26 years dictatorship is enough. Morales left, 3 heads of Peru left 4 jail, Juan Carlos left, geh weg Lukashenka, nomore bloodshed of Belarussians, Oegedei Khan
Datum: 14-08-2020
there will be 4 sure soon Uebergangsregierungen if not split states like in Libya, Sudan and N-S Yemen, also Bolivia and Belarus could get a splitting by Intermediate transmission governing. Oegedei Khan
Datum: 13-08-2020
today I was searching 4 the statue of Melly and Ivanka Trump and got 2 know the name of the town Sellenjo, Lecter H.
Datum: 13-08-2020
Saliver lickers of southern Europe, that should b mandatory by a SMALL CROSS on email, mobile or social lickers account , Oegedei
Datum: 13-08-2020
.... you want me to force them 2 email me the NEGATIVE covid test ... ?? Oegedei Khan
Datum: 07-08-2020
I ve eleminated 120 apps and the BAD VIBRA call ....all over in pocket TV, Oegedei
Datum: 28-07-2020
.. dark matter is ..somewhere....BLACK LIFES COUNT ...Black Lives COUNT, COUNT, COUNT .... dark matter .... COUNT ..!!!-) Oegedei
Datum: 21-07-2020
for Kanye West and Kim, a hot tip for US PREELECTION times, READ the book OPUS DIABOLI .... it is a great book !!! scientific and reasonable by Karl Heinz Deschner !!! Oegedei Khan
Datum: 12-07-2020
wasn t the cero years the years of discussing TORTURE ... TORTURE .. TORTURE .... Oegedei
Datum: 10-07-2020
a good DESINFECTION spray can have a good cleaning effect in the home on the most used areas, not too close and not direct on food ! DESINFET ......./// Oegedei
Datum: 10-07-2020
KANYE WEST for president of the USA ----- ! Oegedei
Datum: 10-07-2020
pres. Bolsonaro und Trump stecken unter einer DECKE ... das ist nicht anzuzweifeln. zuviel Boeses dort ... ! Oegedei
Datum: 05-07-2020
STOP the incarceration and murder of the Uigur people, there is a problem in Hongkong and the Uigur regions, but get treated different !!! that got UGLY !! free them .. ! Oegedei
Datum: 03-07-2020
...da sind ja viele Dreckschweine drin in Oxfam und UNO autos... wenn das sooo weiter geht ... Drecksau...
Datum: 03-07-2020
.... when they steal your mobile (no chipphone) and eat the food of your bunnies from house, WHAT YA DO THEN ...?????? Oegedei
Datum: 27-06-2020
Datum: 27-06-2020
.. Corona killed many, but GEORG FLOYD wil stay in our hearts forever, killek by a cops knee, the evel white man. Oegedei
Datum: 25-06-2020
There is some CopJob Chopping and Cleaning now going on in the US, and for A REASON !!! but take care before they become zetas or paratrooppers elsewhere Oegedei
Datum: 18-06-2020
.. the LOCKDOWN anti-selldata LAW, 85 million to Cambridge analy. law on faceboot ! specially cut and ruled ! Oegedei
Datum: 18-06-2020
... I am working on a law 4 the US against overnumbers of black people in jails and a racism law 4 teh USA, the antidiscrimination law in work. Oegedei
Datum: 16-06-2020
... the friends of the willings and their willing, and their willing friends loose now some nightal combatants, nightal friuends willings and their willing friends !! loose Oegedei
Datum: 15-06-2020
.... diesmal is not a Pegasus plane crashed or a max jet, no a F 15 at east GB shores, thats not a wagner overtuere Oegedei
Datum: 14-06-2020
DO PEOPLE GET THEIR VOICE THROUGH ... on 3 mega-platforms, is it real ... or the global dump place? ... watch out !!! Oegedei
Datum: 14-06-2020
I DO NOT UNDERSTAND -, million of people interconnected on web, thousands in the streets form US, France, to GB and Hongkong, and then on some channel; Do they get heared ? .... do they get their voice through ?...a bid strange perceptions, whats the problem, Oegedei
Datum: 11-06-2020
Mucho Gracias to CUBA for the doctors sent to Europe-Italy, Cuba and Venezuela could try a SEA Exploration Quadrado like between Lybia dn Turky Khan Oegedei
Datum: 11-06-2020
zitat aus Muenz interview , M\FCnz: Was mich schmerzt, ist die Verklumpung von Web-Angeboten. Immer mehr gro\DFe Seiten rei\DFen die Nutzer an sich un... Khan Oe.
Datum: 11-06-2020
the RED LINE is not allowed to be crossed, also in 3d floor ---- read this lines ------!!!!! Auqrii-as can drop profits -----!! Oegedei
Datum: 11-06-2020
was heute noch aufm Programm steht Oegedei
Datum: 09-06-2020
Some presidents are not only POSING THREATS to Democracy, they are REAL THREATS to Democracy and the racist systems, police opression, and the coup systematixs .... These are real threats 2 Democracies and freedoms in different forms ---- since years !! Oegedei
Datum: 09-06-2020
MY PROGRAMM for today..... ++++ Oegedei ---!!!
Datum: 07-06-2020
Where get all the US troops now relocated to .... shifting trops for what scenarios ... ? Oegedei
Datum: 07-06-2020
Must be a hardship to report from the many rumors and revolts and the ships with migrants ... !? Spice Lee
Datum: 07-06-2020
... Amazing to see aquaria fish eating Blattlaeuse of a branch Spice Lee
Datum: 05-06-2020
... the LoC will never be crossed, i am investing on that .... kk hota hei ! Oegedei
Datum: 04-06-2020
... The river is very swollen and the horse can be changed in mid of the river ! The grand-grandchildren of the once slaves takedown what they once helped to built ... ! Ogedei Khan
Datum: 21-05-2020
Let me have a SHARE in an Indian Airport ------- !! Khan Tengri Oegedei
Datum: 13-05-2020
Datum: 13-05-2020
DIGITALES Zusammenkleben bei sozialem Distancing, virtuell gehts auch das Hohe Home-officing ... virtuell ist manches virusfreier, sauberer Khan T
Datum: 08-05-2020
...wegen die CoronaWwellen, N-Italy, Ischgl- N-Europa ... muss ma hald daemme bauen, schutzwaelle regionale----- !! Tulsui
Datum: 26-04-2020
Gestern war die Lange Nacht des Kaulquappen-aquariums, komisch nicht .... Trop. Aquar. Fische erspar ich mir da ! Khan T
Datum: 18-04-2020
... what happened once by force on Morales plane on route back to Bolivia, happens now on medical supply in some cases on-planes-route !! Khan T; Teck or medical transfers ??
Datum: 18-04-2020
..its ALL about transparency now, Anybody who returns the mobile gets 20 euro bucks .... jetzt pumpen ! mobiD
Datum: 14-04-2020
Whats about joning a CARETAKER Programm Khan T
Datum: 14-04-2020
If the FUTURE STARTED .... lets see, wir werden sehen, Es werden wohn gegen das BIENESTERBEN Blueten udn Wiesenkorridore eingerichtete werden muessen !!! erste dann beginnt evtl d ZUKUNFT Khan T
Datum: 13-04-2020 na da schau her !
Datum: 07-04-2020
seit Tagen waeren beide Netbooks tod- akku corruption with new one (repaired) ! jez is auch das handy weg, ruft mal an eben .. pres wollen reden ! Khan Tengri
Datum: 06-04-2020
... there were some misshaps with two bunnies over last days, i ll help ya dentist assistants !!!!!!! Khan T
Datum: 03-04-2020
for a smile with ARNIE
Datum: 03-04-2020
DO NOT eat Chlor chicken in these days ... its also demaging !-( Khan T
Datum: 03-04-2020
Coro. deaths and hard assimilation cases - small village is 2000- 3500 people, midrange civic jet 300 people !!!-( Khan T
Datum: 02-04-2020
When the Corona Free Days are over, ALL can start from new, many people and many spring days, now its Clean Climate daysdays Khan T
Datum: 29-03-2020
Mir sind lieber 100 te Tonnen HILFSGUETER nach Europa, Italien von Russland und China, reale Flugzeuge !! und Hilfen als Fr. Fan der Leyen mit Plastikhandschuhn und tollen Reden von Mrd Krediten und Gefasel vom Instrumentalisieren div... Khan Tengri
Datum: 21-03-2020
When civic jest crash its 350 fatalities at once, car crash 4 dead, avalanche 12 dead, Covid-19 up to 500 and 1300 dead in a single country ! Khan T.
Datum: 16-03-2020
A path of the Corona virus Khan T.
Datum: 15-03-2020
today is International Bunnie day ..Intern. Kaninchentag... die saubersten Kaninchen d Welt
Datum: 13-03-2020
.. hat wer Bloedsinn gemacht im Haus, jez ist d WerkstadtTUERE kaputt .... !! am freitag 13.3 Khan Tengri
Datum: 10-03-2020
Not only the Saudi Royals got some problems, also the British ones, but on self choice ... trieing the Californian dream in Victoria island .. Khan T
Datum: 08-03-2020
... mich nerven Influencer, gerade heute u letzte 3 wochen, u TV meistens in Mute state ! Khan Tengri
Datum: 22-02-2020
The same flight helpers for Assange as for Goshn (cars cars cars...) Assange was WarRealities ... !! The same flight helpers !! Khan T
Datum: 22-02-2020
Ich sage auch zur USA, Mexico, Brasilien und Argentinien, Die Stimmabgabe ist eine religioese Pflicht ! Khan Tengri
Datum: 22-02-2020
...nobody else than Bernie Sanders and if not him also with foreign support, coups and plots ...isnt it ???
Datum: 20-02-2020
... this shows special, another List by Khan T.incorp
Datum: 18-02-2020
Help for Assange Help 4 Assange, Pamela 4 Assange ...What happened to Doctors Without .... anybody heared of them last weeks, Khan T.
Datum: 09-02-2020
I am not happy with Borrells keeping with Climate savety measures and they will need to learn, the old hippies and baby boomers specially by their new SUVs ! Hesse darf nicht Thueringen werden H-Hamburg schonn garnicht Khan Tengri
Datum: 23-01-2020
.. so what can they see better then??? The DATA CLOUD for their dreamings or the coming mrd GRASSHOPPER STRONG MEGACLOUDS, grasshopper coming clouds on 60x40km in East Africa !! Which cloud they see better ? KhanT
Datum: 23-01-2020
... so then Jeff Bezos will need to buy a new smart-Mobile, that emails can happen, anybody want help him with a new tiny smarMob ?? Khan Tengri
Datum: 19-01-2020
I am really missing an ALTERNATIVE REPublican candidate for the and Khan Tengri
Datum: 19-01-2020
.. It was the USAs longest war -Iraq.... and luckily they did not start a new one under the actual president in office ! But his words are often like we will destroy U etc and WW III could be of the Trade War with effect and face !! they often observe new output over months (diaries) !! Khan Tengri
Datum: 13-01-2020
I will doo the rest on that nice thing ... -dragonfly tanks ... ! KHnan Tangri
Datum: 10-01-2020 burnt down southeast Australia and in Japan women without glasses ... thats hossible ... !? Khan tiny
Datum: 07-01-2020
a VOTE, a BIG ELECTION ... in IRAQ on the western assailants and ambushers to leave ... ! Khan T.
Datum: 07-01-2020
1st: was a dog involved and was it a nightraid? 2nd teh last flight on a Airbus 321neo was good also screen with altitude a compass 3d: here i crwal on a cycle and like it in an icy valley
Datum: 28-12-2019
Mr Zeman weiss wohl nicht wer die Tshechei zuerst besetzt hat und ausgeraubt und Sudetet hat ... ! Khan Tengri