all pictures copyright©Hub.Schuetz

Sri Lanka - Cylon C     may- aug 2o18


Cylon story
Nature observations

unrateable gallery

Typical video and music coach, often very loud,
sometimes sweet morning melodies on way

Floowering in the hills

View to Haputale in clouds


Cricket event at Haputale beside week marcet

In the tee near town, weather always fast changing during monsoon

Some of these plants you can find
at windows in restaurants in Europe

Special moods from the hills to lowlands

Nice plants beside djungle path,
here a monstera Fensterblatt, at bottom

Signs in the tee against hunting

Mongoose near hotel in the fields

Moving into Akarazia djungle

Pepper closeup

That s how pepper looks in nature (war dort wo d Pfeffer waechst)

Three useable plants togather, pepper, gum and cacao

Strong leafs in the sun

View out on mixed woods

Magic locations

Much pepper

Back to Haputale for evening

Clear waters in the woods