Sorry Sorry Sorry...

- I missed the portal/gate
- I wasn t on time
- I talked bulla
- I cracked your sysWOW
- I looked for the right man but got the boring
- I didnt think, was so emotional and too slow (in da west?)
- I got completely naked in public...(dont know how that happened..?)
- I got casted (on stage-TV) got payed-dropped-burnt-and popped
- I drunk in public (shocking - wrap it in paper)
- I did a video (shocking - proffer)
- I mixed silicon valley with my boobs
- I faked my body and face for nothing (silicon-botox-facelift, costly but trendy)
- I didnt see, listen, taste
- I expected presents, compliments, show and glamour and got reality-TV
- I got remotely commanded and part of some bombig game...

- I played Kinkerlitzchen
- I whistled in public
- I was singing in public

hhhhhmmmmmm......did I miss something, guess no! (29.08.13)

excuses    on-time    new-tasks