Central Alps
- Mölltal (apr/ june)
Hummeln, Bienen und am Weg mit d Rad in formation mit d Turmfalken (rufend)
Transformation der
Libellenlarven, Grosslibellen wie BlauGrMosaikjungfern,
Anax imperator, Plattbauch und div Azurjungfern ua. Flug d Hirschkaefer
Dragonfly raptor larves in pond and aquarium hunting
frog larves. (Anax imperator, Blaugr. Mosaikjungfern, Plattbauch,
Frühe Azurjungfern).
First breed of this years Tits (Meisen) allready
left the nests (mid apr) because of warm Feb.
Heurige erste Meisengeneration sind bereits raus,
Wiedehopfe erst spaeter wenn ueberhaupt heuer.
Harsh weather conditions for 3 days end of April, heavy cold winds,
which made some plants dropping all coming flowers
as with Blauregen at the housefront and Hortensie. In some regions
grapes got demaged, at the
Institutes gate.
In manchen Regionen wurde der Wein zerstoert.
Italy (apr 016)
At beach near Bari a nice small
medit. Iris (Mittagsschwertlilie),
a wild Mohnflower
(medit. Klatschmohn), a wild Malvacea and at the grande dottores
place also exotic trees (thorned stam). Bari coast
A -
Istanbul -
Tulips flowering in the parks of the touristic center as Topkapi gardens, between
Sultan Ahmed and Hagia Sophia. Seagulls enjoying first sun rays on the roofs,
Cold nights and warm days in main dominated by the cold Black Sea.
Abu Dhabi -
(april 016)
After a day of roam and checking supercostly toys n gems in Abu Dhabi i took rest
in a road-planquadrat (2km square), sand wind and sound, after an hour a stupid Quale got out of the
green carpet ... zig zag ... all desert sunset romance was lost, in Hilfinger pants. Check
big pic or Abu Dhabi
Nice Laughing Doves around and a
couple Comb Ducks touched down nearby.
India 016