Assange got free !

in case they hunt u down
go to any better embassy,

but also there it can get problems or delays

Diplomacy over

Thousands too many SUVs !

SUV waren tausende zuviel
daher Hochhwasser Fluten und ... tc

What Boeing can not do with Labour Unions it can ot make with cars ! Sie haben alles falsch gmacht, SUV waren fuer nix, zu hoch zu breit zu ...

Today after so man bombed and killed as once during the Indian wars, which was bloodthursty and full with runours and stories we have to get back to one of their oldest horses wich is named car, automobile.

Durning floods and hurricanes Airbags outside !

That got part of some freedom advertising story and further that got part of odd SUV productions over some 10 to 15 years. The translation fr SUV istotally irrelevanth here, here means at that or this screen sometimes. Specially when days get shorter after the even longer getting indian summers. (that was mostly short)

Michigan they say is a swing state what that means is up to some autofahrer and the translation.

Are the autofahrer registered there and for what. No then they will not drive some suv. In that case we get back to their beloved iron dog also named automobile and iron horse. That is reduiculouse in the form of some SUV.

Others say that is a monster, some name it Putins, or Lavrovs monster. That can happen, anyway SUVs was for nothing in times of global climate change, SUV is bad, very bad !! Most of them have some driver what is rediculouse or some codriver, for good times advertising you can see them in some calendar (missed to get one) or in some illustration whith some funny story coming with.

Durning floods and hurricanes Airbags outside !

As long as the storyteller doesn not come in an suv.

That cartype is bad because it s mostly running on petrol which is bad again. Monsters need even more petrol and look ugly aside some plane or normal dog .... . Funny with cars is that they (eu.. ) want to see it driving autonomosly in EU or Nafta lands. even as there are some walls in between that is rediculose again and producing SUV was rubbish.

Cars can be in all kind of colors and get even shgippedin specual carriers arioud teh globe, but even these carriers look ugly, SUVs for nothing rubbish. It has nothing to do with sports even as that may sound on some screens alike.

Further SUVs move on four wheels what is odd as once, also Helicopters have some four wheel radaufhanegungen some old bookmakers as flew during some 60s and 70s. Now the old hippies sit partly in SUVs, rubbish. If they got sick they even got immunisations in their hundred thousands of cars, so no way to elaborate on that rubbish.

But the real problem is that all airbags got lost underf climate change, it need to be outside, All airbags are nbetter fixed outside so they can swim and float during floods and rubbish times. Specially as now short agon in Andalusia dn SO spanish landia. Butr really SUVs is rubbish. costly rubbish let me be clear with that.

Further under the magnitude of cliamet change SUVs got rubbish because all autonomy golt lost under climate change. The stories are well known and since that the old stiory did not get a new one, specially as seen in a region where migrants flow steadily north. Mostly unseen as many of their odd cars have dark windows since years or are in between a monstyer and soem suv. (cabs)

Most of electro cars and also hybrid cars which is the under development story it get shifted now to other labds and regions, as the odd petrol cars get soem revival, some get named monsters or the NO minister, alkso racists can drive SUVs that was never of soem problem, igf the cars can get moved autonomosly is odd qustion and mimi answer as electricity also gets to come out of some plug again.

Durning floods and hurricanes Airbags outside !

We know that in california, socalled paradise village got burnyt down instantly some 3 to 4 years ago, it was never there seen from EU. (some marcet) Since then many other villages got devastated by wildfires. If they are insured in some or all of their cars is odd asking no matter how these look, before and behind an aeroplane.

But lets be clear with that, get all SUVs out in front of the engine, never put any of their odd cars in front of the enigine over 4 000KP schub. It is also better to keep that in german so some far away odd autoritarion ruler can not immediatly ubderstand that.

Die abschaltmechnik ganz bei seite gelassen. SUV is rubbish, also pick up rubbish. Now is halloween and all hamburgenses know what burnt easily over years, no problem with that !! The question is if wood swimms and how many cars will have no abiklity to swim.

That will count for many regions so get some help with putting all airbags outside, that will help odd cars swimming in flood and swampy prone areas and waters. It can be of some help and some insurances will mayby ... aftre ox wagoinbs and cars for presents in and around LA.

Durning floods and hurricanes Airbags outside !

Really the pictures are fascinating seeing so many cars getting just immediatly washed away, it can also happen again within hours in S Ural regions. Monster will be of no help as in heavy currents monster will only get stuck and will get stuck under water over the sewere desaster time, in name cimate change, it has nothig in comon with car saloons, factories or auto villages, as is the case with Lavrov cars. A special type of the No monster car. Anyway even car carriers can get under attack in some regions, no problem with that.

The waters are full of sharks there, relevant coastal areas know well. SUV also have a nachteil as can get more easily under attack as was the case with a one suv driver in kabul short before total and final rueckzug der US and socallied allis forces from Afgansithan.

We all got to see the pictures of small rifle planes and baracken and makeshift camps. It is along way either from some odd car carrier or the new lavrov stile cabrio. There might be some, then also with umbrelleas and the more.

Elektrogeraete abzugeben

Trump or Harris

Tausendsassa, Groessenwahn oder nicht von dieser Welt

Nur aus China nicht - Elektroautos !

Its name was Twitter

Again Rumble to Dust

Double standard tunnel kreepers

Tiger Protocolls

Directory 5 got colorfull boxes

Travel Dir - remarks

But never ask for air bags or if that can take spanish floods or californian bush fires, and how that works, yes with insurance .... SUVs are old cars, nothing with sport. They have no color and have no scratches and no base, even no design. For more about spanish floods and cali. bush fires do soem channel surfing here and then. (car ad could be in between)

That odd vehicles can be seen from satellites but what for when they want to blow it all. A double bed size is allready visible with satelites, most risky and when it is white then .... maybe from some elon.

There could be some side absprachen on the next generation costly cycles for cars (cycles over 2000 teuro !!). Some new driving vehicles will need to be capable of swimming floating and with some knautsch zone for floating, power shortcuts ... it can get up to thousands in number (counting).

PS: There were a small bike takes half a year till it gets returned, yet unrepaired, some cars or suv will take much much longer, mit oder ohen kostn-vor-anschlag oeamtc oder so .... !

There is a good book out there
- Die Smarte Diktatur
by Harald Welzer fischer verlag

very profound and sharp hitting analysis of modern time marcets and screen strategies, with fotos, statistics, grafiks and frageboegen. a good book

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