From the island
The emperors new targets -
Souveräne Länder der AntiEstablishment Heuchler -
Software zu Äpfelchen -
Ways of presidents -
The ship with independent enginists -
Want to make you souveraen - Temporary computer problem -
Today for shopping
The emperors new targets
There are not many stable political systems or regimes in the
mid east. It is mostly unstable, by whom, by the imperialists.
One of the last strong and stable regimes is in Iran, the imperealists do not like that,
strong stable regimes from another believe, other marcet with other traditions,
attitudes and habits.
China and Europe want to stick to the agreement on the nuclear issue.
Israel an the US also hit on Syria, there as in Lybia, Iraq, the kurdish regions is not stable,
Now it seems they want to go for one of the last stable regimes in the Mid east, and it looks
good enough for them to do so.
The US president did not get the OK for that from Kongress, for another new war in the Mid East.
The people got to know how he sees things and lands, he told he can choose each single country he dos not like or like, as with that social network with likes and unlikes, it got so easy after looking all that screens over years, so many lands there and each of them putting with a like or unlike, and some look good enough to them to go to war with.

He made it very clear short after elections how he would deal with lands,
it was seven lands, but it did not work really, now it is a
strong nation, one of the last strong regimes there in the region, looking good enough
to the president to go to war with.
Just going to war with a land which you do not like is far too simple.
Others once talked of regime change over weeks and months before,
tried to find some reason to go for war, weapons, weapons of mass destructions and the more,
talked of dirty and mininukes, now it seems they do not need a reason any more to go or war.
That is something new, no reasons, no arguments for going to war,
just going for it like, with a women maybe.
It is there, it looks so hot and good, lets go for it. But Iran is different, it is not an attractive good looking women,
some need to understand that, there is a difference also as both seem to look very hot for different reasons.
To go for a women or to go to war with a land whcih is one of the last stable
countries in the Mid East, better drop the last.
When you do not like some lands and its regime, once the emperors frontrunners talked and promoted
regime change, they argued with weapons, mini nukes, dirty nukes, chemical weapons and of mass destruction,
With the new one it looks much more simple, no reason to argue, no reason to justify another war,
and that is the problem. That country is strong but not like China or Russia, it has influence and power and it is one of the last stable countries there, that seems to be good enough for some new president to go for war.
Luckily there is the kongress, China and Europe and other strong political powers
to calm and stop the new emperor going for his goals and targets.
Other issues are hot enough, for some it looks it can never get hot enough.
His old friend Bannon is now in private "going to war mode". The president takes it quite easy with
other lands, its people blocking or with going to war with some lands, that is dangerouse !
Software in computers, software in cars, software in mobiles, software in plains and trains
Products with intellectual property, programmed to perform intelligent,
helping outsourcing brainpower, part of mashines and the service sector (dienstleistungen, service, services)
Stage of industry 4 and web 2.0 got reached
A big step in mashines and robots,
another loss in human capabilities.
old new settings by SM
I got after years on a mashine with win 7, there was no other choice in some remote regions, had to bring and try usb stick (pen drive) with my data 2-3 times, such a rubbish this system,
Half the world gets stupid by such computer systems, you put your stick and they put garbage on it and delete your files. I never told them to delete my fiels from my pen-drive, such idiots,
half the worl goes mad by them.
You can delete and hit back on the fakers who keep you by their task managing by the systems tools iself !
Go to properties (sub menue), advanced, and compress the files and rubbish you do not like in case it can not get deleted, that makes the files unfunctional.
It seems you always again need to work on their stupid settings. They can not take other systems and files than their own ones, and even immediately after you put pen drive (usb stick) pollute it, such a rubbish.
Get Linux on the mashines (Tanzania, Dar post office)
Souveräne Länder der Antiestablishment Heuchler
Das antiestablishment Geschwaetz ist sowieso die groesste Heuchelei von den USA bis Europa,
den Goldklinkenputzern ihrere Flugzeuge, die bussiness english lernen, falls sie es jeh sprachen,
heucheln gegen sogenannte Establishments die Neoconsis, die Neokatholen, die Heuchler, das ist die ueber-Heuchelei !
Wenn ich mir das Bannon interview nur die ersten zeilen durchlese ( wird mir schlecht. Dann sollen gleich die Laender Europas souveraen werden, wahrscheinlich so wie einst die souveraenene Laender Latein Amerikas, wie die souveränen Länder Phillipinen und Indonesien einst, und heute die souveränen Laender Iraq und Afghanisthan.
Iran wollen sie sicher auch zu mehr Souveränitaet verhelfen.
Laender wie Italien, eines der Zugpferde Euoropas, soll souveraen werden, laut Bannon, so ein Schwachsinn.
Damit die Neocons aus den USA leichtes Spiel haben,
weitere Laender schwaechen, weil Europa doch noch eine Wirtschaftsmacht ist und nicht ueberall ja u amen sagt zum
neuen neoliberalen Biz aud den USA, hat zwar genug geschluckt die letzten Jahre, doch
Italien zu Souveraenität verhelfen wollen ist wohl Schwachsinn, dort sind sie so souveraen, dass sie lange
brauchen fuer Regierungsbildungen, Sondierungen vorher.

Da wollen die Neocons die Goldklinkenputzer, die Heuchel-opportunisten Ländern wie Italien zu Souveraenität verhelfen, so ein schwachsinn. Die neocons bauen seit jahren soviel Mist ueberall, zum teil im dunklen Gefolge der scientologen, die sollen besser mit ihren Anverheirateten auskommmen, nach wenigen jahren ist die Sache mit denen sonso gelaufen, den verheirateten scientologen.
Die Neocons haben ganz Latein Amerika, den Ländern dort einst zur souveraenitaet verholfen,
die imperialen Goldklinkenputzer, dort herrschen heute noch vielerorts die schrecklichsten Ungleichheiten.
Widerlich das Geschwaetz der Heuchler gegen das Establishment, das sie selber sind, wollen alles minimieren bis auf die kleinsten teile der Gesellschaft, damit die imperialen Goldklinkenputzer dann uebernehmen koennen.
Und wenn Gesetze Webgiganten fuer den Datenschutz verantwortlich machen dan stoesst den Neocons und
neuen Goldklinkenputzern das sauer auf, klar.
Damit werden die web Multies in die Pflicht genommen, und das mochten sie noch nie,
nur profitieren und jahrelang Abzocken, bei gleichzeitiger Verbloedung der Menschheit,
immer am besten ohne Verantwortung, muessten sich die Verdummungsmashienen und ihre Maschinisten
verantworten wäre es zu Ende mit ihren Geschäften.
Jahrelang Mist machen, ohne Regeln u Gesetze, besser die Verdummung der Menschheit fuer neue Profite als sich
gesetzen beugen, nochdazu europäischen.
Sowas wollen sie nicht, klar. Neuer President in den USA bei Verschiebung der Marktkraefte, und dann wollen sie Italien zu Souveraenitaet verhelfen. Wenn sich die Kraefte der Maerkte verschieben wollen sie manchen, wahrscheinlich aus
Gutherzigkeit u mitgefuhel zu souveranität verhelfen, gerade Laendern wie Italien.

So souverän wie einige Webmulties lange waren auf freiem Feld, zur Verdummung der Menschheit
Neocons haben sich die letzten Jahre der Bildung in Europa angenommen, zur Verdummung der Leute in neocons neuen neoliberalen Maerkten. Bussines english muss man lange lernen, ob NLP oder bei den scientologen die richtige
Psychology zum Biz aus dem Untergrund, verdeckt, fuer die souveraenität fremder ferner Laender.
Und oben drauf jede Menge radikalisierter Presidenten, Goldklinkenputzer, Nazis
anti Establishment Heuchler.
Spanien ist sonso katholisch genug das war es immer schon, so katholisch und souveraen dass Kathalanen und Basken
fuer lange die Schnauze voll hatten. Italien war immer schon sozial orientiert, mare nostrum, 2 Lockfuehrer,
Urlaube, Pensionen etc
Jedem einzelnen Land wollen die neocons zu Souveraenitaet verhelfen, Obacht !!
So souveraen wie Iraq, wie neu Kurdisthan, so souveraen wie Afghanistan, so souveän wie Lybien u Syrien,
souveraen wie Thayland, so souverän wie Egypten und Jemen.
Diese Trotteln, und jetzt Italien, fuer ein souveränes Italien.
Das Gefasel und die Heuchelei sind aus dem Internet schon genug.
Muessten sich die Maschinisten der Vedummungsmaschinerie verantworten,
wäre es zu Ende mit ihren Geschäften.
A new segment for biz got dicovered, bitcoin mining, selling users, data and goods, netbanking,
some offer themself for biz.
Sie sind fort gegangen
Es gibt einige Freunde aus meiner Generation die Oestereich verlassen haben,
weil sich die Neoliberalen alles erlauben, seit Jahren ist das zu beobachten und sie kehren im Normalfall nicht zurueck. Leute aus meiner Generation, helle Koepfe die einige Sprachen sprechen
jedoch nicht expizit bussiness english, was die Neocons vielerorts lehren.

Das Agitieren uns sobezeichnete Aufbluehen der konservativen Kraefte ist tatsaechlich in Europa
seit Jahern zu spueren, und es wird natuerlich auch kraeftig aus den USA unterstuetzt,
Einige meiner Generation haben das Land verlassen, schon vor Jahren,
manche Juristen sagen seit jahren ueber die Entwicklungen "verheerend". Ich weiss nicht
ob und wann die Leute meiner Generation, Freunde und Schulkameraden von damals, als die Bildung noch nicht neoliberalisiert war, ob sie wieder ins Land zurueckkehren. Das weiss ich nicht und
sie haben diesbezueglich auch keine Andeutungen gemacht.
Weil es kommen ja seit Jahern nicht nur Fluechtlinge, Auslaender in europaeische Laender sondern auch US Amerikaner, nicht Militaerberater sondern Wirtschafts und Schulberater aus dem konservativen Lager der USA (auch scientologen in neo Logen).
Deshalb sind viele Leute meiner Generation, die besten Koepfe, weg gegangen, wie
auch ich.
When the best heads are gone, it is easy for them to takeover.
No military advisers but for economy, biz and education come then ....
teaching special language and hammer their unis and colleges out of the ground.
(neocons neoliberal economies and new marcets)
Software zu Äpfelchen
Die story vom Wolf in Pongau inspiriert mich irgendwie, er frisst also nicht zum essen sondern fuer seinen Blutrausch.
Ich setze das um zB auf die Software von MS die jahrzenhnetlang komische systemsoftware auf hunderte millionen Leute
ganze Bevölkerungen losgelassen haben.
Und die haben die software eben auch nicht der software (der menschen) wegen gebaut, sondern um jahrelang zu testen wie man diese auf millionen user u Kunden anwedenn kann, auf Bevoelkerungen ganzer Laender loslassen kann und ihres profit-Rausches wegen !!
Ebenso haben die deutschen Autobauer die Autos samt software nicht der neuen guten moeglicheiten wegen entwickelt sondern eben auch der profite, des profitrausches ... unter falschen Angaben wegen gebaut
So liesse sich der Wolf des Blutrausches auf viele Bereiche umlegen
Das komische ist dass Software so ein komischer Bereich, nicht (ganz) fassbare materie ist,
Produkte und Wirkungen zeitigt, jetzt sind nette Aepfelchen aktuell (nette applicationen, kleine niedliche Anwendungen, meist fuer handies)
Es gibt software fuer Bilder, software zum emailen, zum Networken (!!), zum banking, engineering u konstruktionen zeichnen, softare fuer computer systeme (basis), fuer Kriminalisten, fuer Aerzte, Optiker, Flugzeuge, Raketen etc etc
das ist das interessante, ein grosser Bereich, auf den niedlichen Flachbild-handies kann man damit nichts anfangen, die sind gut fuer profite und billigem abspeisen. Jede menge Multies und Firmen sind daran beteiligt (vom telefon, basissoftware, webspacemulties beim webspacen), der User kann sich Meldungen mit Bildern ansehen und selfies machen. Bestens fuer Profite bei kleinstem gmeinsamen Anwendunsspielraum fuer Kunden.
Weiters interessant in den
Anfangsjahren des Internets haben sich viele PC user
mit Grafik, Bildern, Virenprogrammen, Bueroprogrammen, Firewalls, Verschluesselungssoftware, emails, usw usf beschaeftigt.
Spaeter hiesen kleine programme applications (suesse nette anwendungen, die Verkleinerung von einst grossen Programmen
fuer den PC jetzt klein u niedlcih fuer millionen handies)
quasi die Rückentwicklung von grossen umfassenden Programmen für viele Privatanwender zu kleinen netten applicationen (Aepfelchen) fuer kleine mobiltelefone.
Mittlerweile scheint die halbe Menschheit wenn ueberhaupt noch an PCs, doch meist nur mehr an handies zu Networken
(facebook u twitter), messages mit Bildchen abzurufen und daneben noch zu telefonieren und hin und wieder
shoppen im internet. Eigentlich vertrottelt !
Teil der Geschichte der software, die Rückentwicklung vom computer zum handy format, bei gleichzeitger Unterstützung zur Verblödung der Menschheit. Vom trustworthy computing zum networking mit fakenews u hatespeech.
Software die sehr leicht zur Manipulation taugt, dass man damit nicht nur 1000 programme programmieren kann, sondern auch ebensoviel Mist u Fehler damit produzieren-machen kann, software taugt sehr gut zur Luege u Manipulation !
Und jetzt kommen ploetzlich noch fake news
also nicht nachrichten der Berichtersttattung wegen, sondern der Luegen wegen, mehr oder weniger gezieltes verbreiten von Luegen u Falschnachrichten. Fakenews sind im prinzip Luegen. Und Kapitalisten haben immer schon gerne gelogen, zur steigerung der profite.
(aus einer email, irgendwann zum G7 Treffen, juni o18)
Ways of presidents
The body language and habits of the new president of the USA is a bid scary.
He is offering hand shake to other prsidents or high officials during meetings, but always below the usual line,
he is often ignorant then the counzerpart need to look at him.
He is coming close to the crowd, hands open, here I am, the heroe, then turning in ignorance ....
He is trying political turns harcore and blunt at first, afterwards taking back and reducing heat, or getting reduced.
Interesting in comparison to Obama who got liked by many colored people, women,
social ambitioned, he was sympathic to many and socially engaging,
with a heart so to say what many women liked.
Now the total contrary, unsympathic, undiplomatic, unfriendly, disturbing, blunt, bold and offending, the new president from the USA, a man from business who could hardly be more unfriendly, and not only to
people but also risky to biz and marcets. The good aside, usually you
know what you are about with him, also overacting often.
The russian president Putin does live answering in the big hall, with questions coming in life from the web, very organised once or twice a year.
I don t know this kind of live callin and answer from any western presidents or government.
And the president of Russia disciplines in pulic on TV live some greedy men of business,
when they took too much, when they tried too much, what is as well new for the west, public disciplining,
thatfor very special.
I do not know one single president from the west who is disciplining or
firing publicly on TV the sharks of greed, corruption and profits.
Business men do not like that, when they get kicks, rules, laws and disciplined, but many poeple like it, many
comon volks would like to see it there as well.
The ship with independent enginists
Look there are some ships out there, of each marcet a big ship.
In some ship there in its body, in its engine room are some enginists,
they try many new things in the engine room, new programms, new screws, new bolts and techniques (also stealth).
They are independent enginists, they like do do it by themself,
without the commands from the captain of the ship.
They also like the others ships enginists to become independent from the captain,
thats part of their economic ideas and concept.
They are independent enginists in the engine room, most self confident and very innovative,
they like new techniques.
Every second engine in the engine room gets wrigged, every second programm for the engines got faked, screwed.
The ship also moved into other ships, of course that happens when the enginists are most independent, always trying new things, even during peace times it moved into other ships (2o17 Singapur, Japan), it moves in circles, here and there.
Nobody knows where it is moving to but its independent enginists have have some ideas about it.
(beside G7, jun.o18)
Want to make you souveren
First you get our software, you get automatic updates and automatic connected.
There is no other choice but our software products, you can buy it.
Then you do admission and learn our new language for biz, part of it is NLP, scientological and
simple body signals.
With social networking we tried true-name accounts, but that is not that important really,
not mandatory beside hate speech, fake news and neos vote shares, truename accounts are not that important
because we get enough other data and infos by you anyway.
You do not get health care by us, you had that anyway for decades before us.
We got that since little years only, we had no other choice. But maybe later you can also get free rifles (guns)
as presents in some of your banks, free presents by banking what you say.
You do not get healthcare but in some cases mineral waters with added phosphourus, fluoride and sulfate.
We, the chemical industry, want to profit by that, also with chlor chicken, detox, botox and overall
with the plastic surgery industry with silicon, either in that or that valley, we will profit.
We do it to you, it is all possible, dont worry, it is biz as usual and you can buy it.
For the proper flow of information, we made huge profits, mega, since years and to advance that
we equip you with a small movie screen,
yes you can make small movies yourself, we love to see your movies and trailers,
pics also possible, selfies and with the selfie stick.
And you can also find hotels and restaurants by your mobile, places of touri biz of course, it is all possible.
And the best is you put it all data to our cloud service then, we make you a special offer
for all your data from pics, trailers, messages, emails, the cloud will be your and our data heavens.
Don t worry, the cloud and heaven is good, we will make big profits,
We want to make you souveraen.
Temporary computer problem
When people are entering your room during you are out, and later you find the rubbish on your computer,
make hidden files viewable (unhide hidden files), and you find temorary files of MS users (website temp files), that is disgusting then.
Strike back, you pay the room, they enter unlawfully, they pay the price.
Finally you do not drive their rikshaws and motorbikes ! Stay off others computers, it is always one PC for one person, personal and private, as with mobiles ! (team viewer is neocons stuff)
Today for shopping
What is new today, always again new on the marcets, mobiles and mobiles,
mobiles with rechargers, blue, red, and black mobiles, smart mobiles and button mobiles,
that is always on top in marcets, new mobiles and new sim cards,
with telefones it can never be enough, rechargers, micro sim and sim,
But not that many SD card readers really, card readers which work, many are fake or not really taking usb 2.0, card readers are not rechargers.
All what you once could PLUG and PLAY today is little bid tricky, it is saving devices and not rechargers, that is the difference. What you can plug and play from pen drive, usb sticks, card readers and the more is another case. But rechargers always good, there are all kind of funny looking battery and recharger things out there.
That is the funny and tricky thing with
smart phones, they got small and slim,
but yet biggest of all sizes possible for one hand keeping all that data, that is fantastic for many
(and also hands themself can be of big difference in size...), they burn so much, can do so much, and some of it need then a battery in the size of the mobile itself, just imagine cars which batteries in the size of the car, or robots with batteries in the size of the superintelligent robot. That is the tricky thing with mobiles, size and burning.
A tricky thing in modern marcets, doing all that megadata containing toys and batteries need to fit along with the burning, processing for marcets. Often cars got bigger in the while, but mobiles can not get bigger, it has to fit in one hand and multis like to fit it there, in one hand, and then comes the battery.
ET is an old movie, but not unrelevanth today, mobiles are always on top in marcets and with it many many little things coming along. PLUG and PLAY is different, saving devices for pictures, a million music files in many formats, movies or messages for transaction from one to another PC, from one to another car or mobile, that is part of automatic transact today. But saving devices for private data and PLUG and PLAY are a bid different in today marcets,
not that easy for transaction and transition. It is all mostly on one mobile, you are part of biz biz but
if you want to do transfer data targeted it is a different case.
They want PLUG and PLAY to stay part of big business and not for hippie-time digital acts and freedom of transaction. Yes marcets got free but saving devices for private volks are not that much free, they want you to buy it all, that makes the difference. Saving data and transferring data is part of big biz and less part of private digital and hippie time transaction. That is old allready, that was during the start of enthusiastic internet age with much software, big huge software programms for private users, that got redused to tiny apples for mobiles over the years.
But just imagine you work on big software independently and in your own private place, at home,
you may invent something, putting ideas to software and later doing products of it even,
just imagine you do that and nobody of them can watch it. They like you on their lovetoy all-inclusive mobiles.
Then many others things to buy in modern and neos marcets, cars, SUVS, motorbikes, also politicans and women, potatoes chips, cookies, information, digital information and userdata allready.
For quite a while you can buy it all in modern marcets, no problem. All good for biz, cookies, politicans, women, mobiles and bikes, it is all possible since years.
Subcom Galiano, Fidel, Marcos, Russel Means viva !
part of IT - Neoliberals make much possible .... faked medias to faked lands.