Realtime - realmarcet
In manchen maerkten, sogar den Zugpferden Europas, gibt es das Netzwerkdurchdringungsgesetz.
Gleichzeitig durchdringen die Apfelwerfer der megamaerkte (soft smartie marceteers)
ueber die realweb Anbindung in Echtzeit, ueber millionen Flachbildtelefone, die Maerkte.
Nicht mehr einloggen muessen, keine passworte, kein PGP, alles gleich da, und
die Markt profiler und Profilierer immer wieder mit dran, ganz nah.
Ist das nicht toll, die totale Verdummung in echtzeit, instant marketing quasi, ganz transparent und einfach
SIMPLE und BASIC ueber millionen consumer und Dummchen Flachbild-toys, verspielte Farbknoepfenschieber.
Nachrichten in Echtzeit, kurze notices, in charge of marcet gaps, winzig kleine Markt segmente,
und shopping per smart mobs, gleichzeitig lachen und groelen, einfach geil.
Nicht die Leute am Tisch oder an der Bar, nein die Freundin im handy (geschminkt) ist doch viel besser drauf,
so einfach ist das heute. Und wenn die kids mal mit dem dritten Papi von vorgestern,
irgendwo in Afrika, sprechen wollen einfach skype aktivieren, so einfach ist das heute, smart und hip.
Ein smartmob von millionen. Auch die Kleinen druecken schon kraeftig ab drauf,
die konsumenten von morgen.
Es kann nicht frueh genug los gehen,
die digitale Erziehung zum Megamarkt Konsumenten, the futures handy shareholder und Flachspiegelgucker.
Kein passworte, keine verdeckten emails mehr (und schon garnicht von,
alles ganz transparent fuer profite, consumer, verkaeufer, apfelwerfer und apfelpfluecker,
bis die digital gesaettigten Schlangen, fett, dumm und traege vom Baum plumpsen.
They have a problem
You know what they do not like, they do not like when you re independent and carry around your own tent,
but specially where there are other tents allready, in city centers like Oaxaca and alike.
Then some of them seem to get jealouse and take a stick from your tent (, it is too much for them.
Some of them live behind walls and in gated communities , but a tent, that is too much.
Tents are something since the times of the Romans and Alexander the great. They do not like that,
does it look modern, cosy like a beach bungalow somwhere, romantic no.
No, tents are for rough guys, for adventurers and exploreres, some can not take that, it is far too much,
the winds, rains, rocks, woods and cliffs, so much of independency, liberty and freedom with your own tent.
For some that s too much. You can put it up anywhere, out of some villages or cities, thats great, if you can manage.
check annex B

And they hate it even more when you have your own
house, a nice beautifull house with some trees and a big garden, they hate that, they can not take it, it s too much for them.
Then they try all from cutting the stone table, to plotting the woodstove and electricity (Wechselschalter, cables, cent.heater), a house is a big thing, for some too much. They will face their products, defenitly.
They have problems with
postcards. Just imagine at the center of the world, pablo de mundo,
at the aeuqtor, close to some huge churches and domes, bg squares, police men on motorbikes beside many simple people,
Some where some chics from the wild west, from the north somewhere, with their woolen stockings on the aerport table beside the usually elegant dressed people there. You ask for the post office, it is somewhere a small counter
You bought post cards, stamps, wrote something nice and then at the small counter at the center of the world, pablo de mundo in Ecuador Quito, behind you a police man watching. What is that, letters, postcards, very dangerouse, something special between the huge churches, big wood crosses, ice cream for 7 dollars, whatfor postcard then.
They can not take that, it is too much for them, they ve a problem with that.
Even as the Deutsche Post did revenues, profits over months. In other regions that is too much for them, stamps without value,
if any at all, stickers through the mashine are more easy and socalled post partner shops, for whatever.
I mean postcards from far away you can, yes you can, keep for years, for decades. Instant messaging
has a halbwertszeit, guess how long, it gets all deleted, virtual rubbish, bubbling for some hours and gone.
Without future and without the past, it is not lasting.
In some hemisphere they have problems with
books, books are relaxing, you can take them anywhere without need to plug to electricity, without the magic sticks, cowatchers, synchronisers and joinees like with flastcreens these days.
Books you can keep with yourself, you buy them once, you do not need weekly updates, patches, firewalls and the more for them. They don t like that really, that much of independency.
Some have problems with their own
visas (lands), like worlds No 1 Himalaya tourism destination,
they like to take the money, as much as possible if that single ATM can do that there, it can never be enough,
have a stock exchange but no coins in the streets, it is the worlds Nr 1 Himalaya destination.
Others just have no idea what it needs for an application and payment via the web, and specially on way, even
as there was some infos out there in the web. Guess it was fake visa infos, and faked news for visa at arrival,
for sure faked. They have no idea about it today, but they money they want to get, no matter how much more, where,
how and if by a PC somwhere out there.
Some want an invitation letter, and if you got that for thousands of kilometers later,
there is the triggers on keyboards then left,
and the special chars in kyrillic, hebrew or german. There are no offices with PCs, copy or fax mashines out there.
Diplomats got on the expell row in the while.
There are smart phones anyway, instant messaging and dull smarties enough. Whatfor calling from a public cell,
there is enough costly flatscreens private owned, fency hotels maybe, so whatfor a bublic phone.
But simcards for passport and copy. Others through the simcards after you after arrival at aerport.
After travelling over 20 years, some fall asleep then slowly during visa application,
while millions do instant messaging same time.
But make no mistake with immigration, make no mistake, it is smarties new instant marcets flatcreened.
Whatfor fax and copy mashines, whatfor STD ISD and the more, there are enough private costly flatscreen owners anyway,
Forget fax, copies, public phones and scans, that is profi stuff, forget it.
PS, annex B: some have also problems with tents (camping) but I tell you specially in Latin America
on way a tent is sometimes of need.
In the center of Oaxaca (Mexico) they put up tents, or poor poeple of Brazil and Peru, a tent can be of
need here and there. Thatfor also, do not steel tent sticks out of packbags in hostel rooms (Huaraz Peru)
PPS: In some hemispheres it is a tradition, also by believe, to annoy other people
by idiotic games, part of centurylong pervert confessed idiots. Sometimes you can also watch them as
tourist families in some restaurant (San Christobal) sitting togather and being kind of
fascinated by playing stupid on each other. It is like that since Kolumbus and some spanish queen ....
Neoliberals advance it here and there. Take care, for some it can not be mad enough. Ruin razing, stonetable cutting,
unpure mineral waters allready
in some lands and mixed carbalance sides.
Wanted - Canoe
The agency
is in search for a new boat, polyester (fieberglas) 3 seater max.
weight around 25-30kg, length 4,7 to 5,3m
All waters capable, top open boat, streetgear save and
can be used (no seastile canoe top closed)
Uebernahme anbote auf Verhandlunsbasis (min 70 euro)
Aktionsradius zur Ubernahme 200km, auch Zusteller., email or call
the top gremium and
its affiliates
Canoe stories
Stocks on tel
You know every stockbroker has a telefone,
also bank assistants use telefones. They all use telefones,
from Berlusconi, over Mr Murdoch, Prince Charles, Karsten, to Mr Buffet and Soros,
some may also use special apps, who knows, let s see.
There are lands with many restaurants and hotels, bus tours to all
corners, discos and high noon during nights,
but bublic phones, then it gets tricky, you have to ask if tourist regions and
its marcets can handle public phones. Reality has to faced.
Can anybody book a single bird, NO !
Can anybody book a Gnu, Zebra, a Tiger or Lion, NO !
It is not possible.
Not yesterday, not tomorrow and not today.
Loosing standards
In this times cars (autos) are of a 100 year standard,
telephones are of 120 year standard,
postal services, sending cards or parcels is of much older standard, few hundred years !
Can they do it today ?
Cars get fully equipped, also with software,
overdosed and often spoiled, and then called back, out of failors and lackings,
also big case for courts nowadays as the papers on pollution got faked (geschoent)
Can they do cars today, only partly, it is not only a case often for courts today but also
for few lakh callbacks by the producers relationship.
Telephones look strange today, something flat like a tiny TV screen,
of Nokia it got said they slept over the
socalled developments in smartphone marcets.
Then it got taken over by the SM user experience software company.
And on each trigger type nokia mobile now
they play funny with order of pushing these triggers, they like to mass it,
The numbers are yet on there what is quite special allready today.
Telephones with numbers to be seen.
But do not ask why some tell white young males or wasps are angry in some marcets ...
after neos liberalisation and marcets smartifications.
Mobiles looks more like spoiled toys, which got faked smart for marcets,
some coloured buttons, no triggers with numbers as should be the case with telephones.
It got toys for spoiled and overdosed
Can they deliver postcards or parcels today,
It is not too normal anymore,
and there are companies out there which help them with delivering
aside normal post service.
It got a problem today, mails parcels and cards.
The neos prefer often socalled postpartner shops in their smart marcets,
if there were any post offices ever at all in other regions.
Television is of 60 years standard,
In most lands today they recieve 40 channels, some have 120,
some need to get paied after years of getting them for free (mtv, bbc),
special channels you do not get at all (rt), broadcasted from London.
Neoliberals marcets, also 10 years later are a strange thing, also for TV.
In some regions you can check by an easy look for sat dishes on roofs,
it dissapeared form there nearly totally (100%), in Italy they have them.
Some sets in hotels are easy Roehren TVs with 3 channels and ash trey aside (india),
in other guest houses with very basic rooms and a very basic shower aside (mexico)
you get a heavily iron framed TV overhead near the ceiling,
but a TV is always there, no matter if in a AC-bus or how basic the room may be.
In some good restaurants you can get in reach of the TV manual for a huge flatscreen,
for the try of changing channels,
but the manual- TV distance is too big, more than 2 meters.
Thats too much than, more than 2 meters for a huge screen in a fency reste.
The sea and beaches are there anyway, so whatfor all that rubbish.
4th Kolonne)
I do not engage with aerbitch. (not in 15 years, it s not an aerline)
Ohne Extras
Alle drei Tage 100 € (euro), alle 4 Tage 100 £ (brit.pound),
ohne National park fee, ohne Massage, ohne Bumsen, ohne sightseeing tour.
Fuer ganz normale Sachen. Allen kapitalistischen Widrigkeiten ausgesetzt.
Florida is billiger.
(Thayland 2o18,
was man sich woanders mit camping erspart hohlen sie sich woanders wieder rein ... )
Weisseres Haus
Es gibt Gegenden wo Briefmarken keine Wert mehr zeigen,
wo sie nurmehr persoenliche Entscheidungen treffen,
obwohl einer einst mit 140 km/h in die Wand fuhr,
und in 20 Jahren ganze Ruinen abgetragen werden,
und wo sie bis heute keine Ahnung vom Internet u Telefonieren haben.
Gerade deshalb sollten sie sich dort nicht
in die inneren Angelegenheiten des gr Meisters einmischen.
Das weisse Haus hat viel Security,
doch es gibt Haeuser die sind weisser !
Weil Opa Rommel schon die Meinung sagte,
und Oma als Schulbeste von den Nazis spaeter gezwungen werden musste eine Frauengruppe zu leiten.
Neoliberalisierte Nazis

Das Komische bei den neoliberalisierten Nazis ist,
dass sie einst dem Fuehrer blind und jubelnd gefolgt sind.
Heute aber blind persoenliche Entscheidungen treffen wollen.
Das ist das Problem, weil sie keine Ahnung haben wohin das fuehrt !
Sie lernen dann NLP und zu sprechen wie Frauen,
mit gespaltenen Zungen fuer Profite und Biz, in neoliberalen Maerkten.
Wenn den Schafen geheuchelt wir dass sie selbststaendig seien,
liegen sie verkehrt rum.
New-old strategy

You know politicans have all security, in their homes and during their daily moves. It is a big thing in
neos marcets. While others get annoyances in their house over months and years, also on roads
and streets there, what is pert of neoliberals (emotional) and centuryold strategy, idiotic engaging
and annoyances in their own lands. And that does not pay really,
it only pays idiots and more of their idiotic acts, from raized ruins,
new unimensa settings, alibi for investitions in the name of behindertengerecht, but idiot conform in houses and streets,
idiots can not take Gehsteigkanten (sidewalk corners), but kilometers of senseless Laermschutzwaende, and
they like stonetable cutting in private homes and cycle boycotting, idiots do not like cycles,
but most automated cars, maybe trendy electro cycles.
As cold war is long over and competition by it, times of neoliberal marcets are heating up,
and its idiots trying to proove nothing more than its products
and engagings for and by idiots only, what will not pay really (only in short run)
but to meadheads (scientologists and neo politicans) for their neo marcets.
Lost senses for ...
Some say it is the marcet, mad.
But others want really to proove to become it so.
Just check soem of its products. When they took all their senses
for new profits, also profits will be finished then,
that is a law.
Fingernail pimpers
You have to understand that fingernail pimpers and shoeshiners
have not many interests over centuries, but shining fingers, gold and money.
Today they go hand in hand with neoliberal kapitalist as once with
slave keepers to get their old goals achieved.
Not cofee 2 go, but cofee in bed !
Everything got possible
During president Bush 2nd there was the phrase out there
by the crownies of the US that "Everything changed ... "
And today 10 years later
when we see the new cars on marcets, partly with faking software attached,
when we see ruin sites once famouse like Hampi today the village razed,
also others like in the alps got razed over years.
When we check mineral waters in some lands today (with phosphorus, fluoride and sulfate)
most unpure !
Chicken washed in chlorine (forbidden in EU) and some years
before the mass cowslaughter because cows got mad (mad cow desease) after getting fed with fish and bonedust.
But what do people eat today, do they know it.
When marcets get called mad people will get mad in it.
Then best earning superstars with all options for their dreams to get true
need psychologists, some of them move to other countries with their family.
Beside the common people who get to learn new language, talk, speeches (hatespeech, nlp and others) and phrases for biz
while the ones who do very good public speeches, in the name of biz, get very well paied for it.
It is like - if you talk sweet in the name of biz you get good money.
When people got blind and dumb, the new masters of neoliberal marcets can put all on them for their profits.
After "everything changed everything got possible" it seems.
Shorty on cars
Of all cars checked the balance (Lenkrad in Kyrgyztan auto) is of 50% on left or right side. Cardriving-school cars got never seen, wired unstandard. Many new cabs or vans are modern and well equipped, balance and windows (broken) are different case.
In other land they drive slower and by automatic (USA), often specially stiled (pimped cars) and by full radio pushing, in EU often fully equipped but failed by software attached (faked cars).
of the page Ratings 2 (via Dir 1) - everything possible
Intellectual property products
There are many summits out there on trade between lands.
It got very complicated. But specially by the software and its many yearlong applicants.
Because by the software so much is possible, to get tried and put on the poeple.
Software makes so much new possible. Since the 2nd WW and its masters,
since that time some are so fascinated by the media effects on the poeple.
But software with LCDs makes even much more possible tried on the masses after TV and movie industry.
Many intellectual property cases before courts, cases on patents and theft of the
socalled intel. property which gets tried in random on the masses.
While intellectual property found its masters,
masses get dull and stupid by it.
Subcom Galiano, Fidel, Russel Means viva !
Can read ... email .... can trigger ...... .. .. possible ....