Basecamp 1 - biwak - foundation
Vallies facebook groups
The master is reading from Mr Deschner, monseniore Deschner
"Opus Diaboli" again, and thatfor he is deepliy impressed
Mr Deschner has a million readers, if not more and I can aprove
he is a genius, defenitely.
The book is amusing the master, (not be mixed with master or visa or i-tunes)
It is a good book, not be mixed with some shriftenreihen over times, no.
It is a good present for grown ups and specially for regions where, lets say
facebook groups are mostly, all are closed (geschlssenen Benutzergruppen)
because they can not make good fotos and put on that facebook.
That is why all Benutzergruppen of some valley are closed on facebook so.
There you can find also a fusspflege oder kosmetik something,
(like shining fingers and shining shoes in Latin americas...)
also plastik compo shavers for
men or so can get purchased.
But Benutzergruppen are all closed in that valley,
its a mystic region with special wahsed and grobkoernige bilder.
But only one bank employee has 4 000 friends,
public, on facebook in that valley.
Sometimes you can read maybe an ads magazine, praline, "Mary und Paul" or and ads mag
for a political party for lats say 10 000 euro via the next Spezi.
But do not forget some shriftenreihe as document or documento perverti,
also missio grande para presente is most amusing (latinic over centuries).
Blut u boden dreck, "schmatz fatz" (Fritz the cat) und ritzen, dort im
gesicht (heimlich), schmutz wie die gicht,
cholera, syphilis und kotze over centuries (also during Indian wars,
mindestens 11 mio geschlachtete Indios in 1 er generation in rel.leicht zuganeglichen mex. Gegenden, anmerkung).
It is a scientific book, a Sachbuch in impressing good german.
In essaic german so to say, impri-matur grande. And not for no reason this great man,
a genius has so many readers !
Also Henry Miller wrote a letter to him !
What impresses the master deeply, that good book in german,
giving prove of Blut u Boden schmatz fatz, ritze oder schmisse,
oder neodings gaxihandschuhe (hunde)
This book shall make you happy !
Gehns ned zur wahl des bringt doch nix
4 tage vorm internationalen Frauentag
tuans des ned, des bringt doch heute nix mehr.
I sog imma nur meer persoenliche Entscheidungen treefen.
Es gibt doch eh regionale parteien, Bewegugen, wie zum Beispiel die
sonntags Autoputzer bewegung, oder die kuhstallfuetter Bewegung, oder
die Kabellos Handy partei.
Tuans des ned,
gehns ned 4 tag vorm internationalen Frauentag zur wahl, tuans des ned.
Es gibt doch eh regionale parteien, bewegungen
auch die Satellitenschuessel-salat Bewegung,
machens da mit.
Vorsorge Konzept
Schauns wenn sie heute Maeuse zuechten,
also sag ma 3 mal im Jahr an Wurf mit 4 Maeusen
(meistens d gemeine gemeinde Waldmaus)
dann koenne sie spater mitfahrn im Auto oder auch Kabellos telefoenieren
wenn sie heute Maeuse zuechten und dann noch leicht genetisch manipulieren
dann ham sie spaeter einen unglaublichen Gewinn (gewinnausschuettung, rendite marge etc)
Ma muas heite so denken, viele Maeuse zuechten
dann sind sie spaeter abgesichert.
koennen bei de Jungan im Auto mitfahren oder kabellos telefonieren.
Sie miasn heite so denken.
The gr Meister says
There is no compromise with "WetWood" katholen
not in 25 years, the nex years they will face their products
the wood for heating this year is too, far too wet !
(make no mistake but many mistakes happened)
Und nowos
Sie sind alle gescheit-ert
Lib-forum, BZOE, Team Stronach
und der erlaubt ihnen auch nicht mehr die Verwendung seines namens,
wen wunderts (wundert se des)
Probiern sas einfach mit einer neuen Bewegung, Maderln und Buam !
Persoenliche Entscheidungen treefen und regionale Bewegungen
auch eine Stall partei als bewegung ist durchas drin (grippe oder so... influenca).
Anmerkung: det Sprache mit de langen ee oder langen Betonungen der selbstlaute sind regional
sehr typisch, dort wo sie heite no fue singan tuan,
und nid nur seit da Maria Thres, die do in Rangercity strofbuerger habsburgische angsiedelt hot,
wegen die Slowenen damals, hui.
Also die lange Betonung doppel ee und so is regional sehr tipisch.
(beton aber was ganz anderes)
The gr Meister says he will interfere with the votes
he will proper ingage in the votes, he will even give a Wahlempfehlung at the right time.
Italy and Austria are voting, it is nations, yes it is there.
Caesar, Caligula, Nero will have their say and
they will not expect anybody to pay them money for their say !
A cross or something here and there,
the gr Meister will engage and mingle proper, count on that.
Partly criminal
G. Cloony, this guy is a Verbeecha, he did a short smile for 15 seconds,
for some million plastic cofees, that is unresponsible that is rediculose.
Doing a smile for million of happy women, much plastic garbage and a cafee mashine,
that is rediculose.
And do not ask whom he married, don t ask that !
Get it by a Praline (ein magazin) or something.
That kind of advertising is a Verbreechn.
And if any of these Drama actors is doing a Pirate movie, acting in it,
Yes then, why not taking the dog, the pet on plane to Australia.
Then the Pirate can prove his capabilities in real for his dog.
Allready during the Indian wars in the Far west or somewhere
they were drinking Whisky before the fight next day,
some took a dog with them to the battle (on horse), some of these guys, these random buffalo shooters.
(During the latemid 1860 to 80th
When all Buffaloes got killed the Indians stopped talking about
that times of the Buffaloes)
Evel apps
And really you can hunt, you can make him escape with applications,
with this apple or somemething alike buttons moving here and there.
Read the Krone mag or TV programm instead,
applications are bad, very evel and bad (once software)
There will be no relieve by it, no burden will get lifted by that stupid apps.
Read my lips and f .....
Also called Anwendung in german, what is that, whatta want Anwenden,
want Anwenden a Kochtopf, want anwenden a special Katzendreck kisterl or weisse Ratte
want Anwenden a Tiefkuehl Alu Matter (application for Alu Matter, ind meal)
whatta want get done by that applis something.
Vielleicht gleich auf nem schlagfesten Ceranplatten Handy 20 apps,
damits fressi noch langsamer anbrennt, per app.
That handy can be costly very costly.
Read my lips and mark my words !!
Bad discovery
And when Caesar Caligula Nero discovers the morning
that his good mustache got trimmed
blow your leaves, he gets very very angry, unforgivable.
Go to a pedicure or span. shop for that,
pay your nails yourself.
I will hunt you down and Nero burning is still very relevanth, very solid !
deep burning CD, CD-rom and DVD !
Save your data, save it and save it now.
Pay your plastic shavers yourself,
Macheteros have a solid iron old shaver with a blade.
There are macheteros in Brasil, in Mexico and in Peru,
they do harvesting, bush cutting and not for no reason.
Also sugarcane, that is good sugarcane is deliciouse !
A Wunschtaferl (carnumber plate) is scho moeglich fuers Auto, that is possible,
a Wunschtaferl des keenans hom, jo, woatns I bestoe glei !
Shining shoes
Shining Shoes in Campeche, Shining shoes in San Christobal ...
here more
Emerging marcet Bausparer

Vor 10 Jahren hab ich an Internet Bausparer eroeffnet
Letzte Weihnachten hab ich noch einmal fuer 23 teuro web Guthaben aufgeladen
(im Laden - wirkungslos)
jetzt sind nur mehr 7 euro drauf am "Emerging marcet Bausparer"
(nichts ging 6 wochen lang)
Seit drei tagen spuer ich da was, da ist was das mich kratzt,
leider waern 23 teuro zuwenig um wieder einzutauchen in d gr Weiten des web, sich da anzuhaengen und mitzuziehen,
dort am Waldrand. (end of 1st Feb. week ....)
Rechtschreibreform -deutsch
der grosse meister hat beschlossen das scharfe S, (scharfes s) im deutschen abzuschaffen, das hat er verboten, ist
neuerdings total irrelevanth !
Er hat beschlossen dass nur mehr das einfache s, grosses es Capital letters, und das doppel es (mitlaut)
erlaubt sind,
die bescheuerten S regeln interessieren niemenden mehr im deutschen,
das scharfe S gibt es nicht mehr im deutsch.
(in bezugnahme auf die sa und ss von anno hinkel damals ....)
18 april 2018 ( changings can happen within hours )
Grosse Buche dick und feucht
Nein beklagen will ich mich nicht, hab doch eh tagelang den Holzofen beobachtet
(auch beim Kochen sogar, beim blumengiessen, staubwischen, beim vogelfuettern,
beim 100 schrauben anziehen ... faszinierend ...)
sogar das Feuchtholz hab ich durch den Ofen geblasen,
das muss manchmal sein gerade vorm zu Bette gehen nach der abendlichen Grossputze bei dem Vorheizer,
das saeubert dann den ganzen grossen Ofen ....
(ca 1/3 feucht grosse dicke Buchenscheiter von 4 schuettmeter kubic)
Und sonst eben Haus-aufgaben.
Putzen zur Entspannung wie auch manche politiker,
auch kochen oder einfach mal beim Fenster in den winter raus gucken.
Doch frisch geordertes teils feuchtes dickes grossen Buchenholz verheizt der Meister nicht gerne
das ist nicht unkompliziert das dicke Feuchtholz (twinkle down is out),
Und auch an der Holzofen frontscheibe hat er komische Signale entdeckt, wie bei einem LCD
so eine schwuelstige inversionsdruckluft manchmal pumpenweise ueber wochen.
Doch mit einem einzigen tollen Trick hat dann der Holzofen wieder gut zu ziehen begonnen,
nach Wochen der Haus-aufgaben, da wird er manchmal, und das bleibt auch so,
zu Caligula, Nero Caesar !
Nur eben ohne Fussbodenheizung, ohne Legionsemblem, nahe der alten Roemerstrasse durchs grosse weisse Tal,
doch mit einigem was dort sonso keine Funse heute mehr interessiert,
zumindest keine die nur Hausaufgaben macht und sonst nichts interessiert.
Er hat schon viele sehr viele Feuer gemacht, und das macht er auch noch laenger.
Wenn auch vielleicht nicht im web nach 23 teuro, doch seine Feuer brennen noch laenger
und nicht nur unbedingt in diesen tollen grossen modernen app marcets,
marcet of attachments or alike stimulated somehow, also with incentives here and there,
they also name it emerging marcets.
But dont underestimate the capabilities of a yearlong fire experienced an resistent Vorheizer.
There is that cofee, a small very modern bar so to say,
with full surveillance, many cams in the new renovated cofee.
All is connected there, also the counter at the bar, the desk, on the screen 6 pics of the surveillance cams
in and out of the cofee.
But then the service craft started screeming, not knowing why and before whom and by how many things listening and
observing sofisticated, she started screeming for 30 teuro cents.
She had no idea that it was the place, at the wrong time, with the wrong very old,
very old old costumer.
She was a blondie, but remember all is connected there, barrierefrei and very modern,
very close to each other, from the screen, the cams-cctv, the counter with many buttons, the desk,
the bar, the costumer and the service 4 a cofee.
6oo Colourfull fish
You needed to take a stick from a tent somewhere between the Atacama desert, Central Cordillere and
coca djungles, in Huaraz. I think you are mad. Now you face the results and consequences spaniards.
You need to see the center of Oaxaca to understand that, either biwak or a tent.
There is now 600 fish species here in this place, colourfull, mostly special, diverse and
interesting fish, magnificant, here in this place (Aquar. Atlas I, mergus)
And there is also the Wels Atlas I and II !
In these times of emerging marcets Bausparer after 23 € reload, unsuccessfully,
the master is very happy for this two books during emerging marcets Bausparer.
He got them on the day of grandpapas, opas birthday, a day to remember.

You know how many people are now connected, you really want to know that !
Now by a socalled www, better do not ask, link to linked in or go via fotogram. Its number
is around 2 mrd people daily, with intervalls, short breaks, alltime allday, dont ask that idiots !
But it is mobiles, and not laptops, it is stocks, apps, netbanking and screens of cctv cams, and boarding passes scanned, it is all connected ! Get it done for 23 € somewhere in hillbilly with bravia funkers.
Hutchc is dead in the water, stockmarcet watch classes is on, on the watch list, mark my words !
Telefoning is a 1oo year old standard, you failed in that valley, bravia funkers of
a flattened ruin
dead in the water, that is more like a police funk walky talky which is and was on the LINUX screen there.
Another problem can be people over 65 and some aspects with them, a selbstverstaendniss or something with keys or money, anyhow. Www is 15 year old standard, it works in the outback of Kyrgyzthan, in the mountains of Almora, Goa, Tanzania, in Brasil.
I am sure also in Khabarovsk na Amur.
23 € reload beside heating with wood (partly wet) is your end somewhere in the west ...
older stuff:
Nation 2 nation ...
I dont know why counter revolutionaries fly to Miami, Housten or Atlanta. Its the same climate and partly biz. Now from US to Cuba they need a guide from an US organisation, maybe under the
banner "group education meeting" (by people to people) or "nation 2 nation" with a guide.
At the N Peruvian-Ecuadorien border 2-language border signs would make sense under the
"nation 2 nation" banner, somehow also "none-spanish friendly" ! Or under the "touri friendly" logo
or the "Costums 2 costums" friendship, also "Tourifriendly" design.
I think "Un-spanish friendly" is a good idea. (Peru Ecuador nov.017)
Evel app 2
There was a False Alarm on Hawai
a false alarm for a rocket getting along to Hawai.
Apps can be kicking, can be fear doing, apps can be marcet rocking and shaking its consumers
apps and alarms for a rocket, or a flatsceen vote.
It is all more or less virtual.
Know for what you want to stay connected.
One of my old informants told me once
that in Hawai they tested also underwater sonar sounds,
heavy vibes, not a ghetto blaster, not a sound mashine,
not a black box music performance (got also onec offered for the Sbg music festivals), no.
A sonar, a heavy underwater testing phase for their military.
The huge whales did not like that near Hawai,
they are huge creatures, heavy with a good mind, a good sound reception and
also some of them with deepwater taking and capable huge heads and
all it needs to go under 3 000 m.
These huge whales did not like them testing their military equipment there.
Know, now is multimedia times, LCD times and multi surround, flatscreen voting and
The comeback of the yellow snow
der gr meister freut sich euber jeden gelben schnee
the comback of the yellow snow, that is very nice, astonishing nice
Der gr meister macht das genuaso, exact genauso, er pnkelt auch gerne einlackerl in den weissen schnee, a
weil sich dann die leute evtl an die grosse diskussion um gelbe fahrbahnstreifen, doch nicht an die
ueber Laermschutzwaende ernnern.
Er pinkelt gerne mal wo in den weissen schnee.
That is normal, that is comon sense,
and how they take the shit of the dogs, that is not my bussines.
The return of the sleeping cells
When the sleeping cells return, means that during winter, the
Bauindustrie (construction site industry)
is stocking, it is not moving too much and that is good for that heavy work forces,
that work of a construction sites.
That leaves time for a break a rest so to say.
Then the cells become sleeping cells and that is good, to make a break.
Then these guys can focus on some "me too", or "mad too marcets", check and read telefone numbers and
they can watch, in case of curiosity, and split and downsize it, to segements of insurance,
always once and for all a special marcet segment, and volatile.
Or the food or the long underwear segment of these, that marcets.
The leggings marcets also.
And long underwear is not to all cities and shops in that marcets till today,
not so comon and well performed. That is something special of pants, of leggings,
even and specially as leggings are for 80% of women the most beloved day and streetwear
from the teen times from school. But less n the "get into swimsuit" lands.
In the city of Mozart till today that is not a comon goodie, there.
When the wages are rising in the US, in the "me too marcets" that is good,
that is great and will show them more of volatility !
Lets see about deals and biz, let s watch that.
stockmarcet watch-classes are on ....
The comeback of the Haeuserkampf
since years the streetjumpers are training, for long allready, on boards and waters, they traiend hard.
But from every marmelade glass near the woods,
from every fingernail cut fingers and relevanth butter aside,
The haeuserkapmpf, from apartment or maybe a flat, will return.
The haeuserkampf gets advanced and of the "my home is my castle" phrase and idea,
they have no idea and sense in hausmeiste-rinnen lands,
in the hausmeiste-rinnen mustergau, und einmischungs gau of "my home is my castle",
that is and was never comon sense in hausmeiste-rinnen gaulanden.
That describes the return and combeback
of the haeuserkampf. Since the times of the graet, the magnificant Author KH Deschner and his
yearlong studies of emotional intelligence from spain to austria and the US
by the book Opus Diaboli, which gets advanced digitally on a day by day,
popup base digitally,
the proper and costly foundation so to say.
barrierefrei III
Wozu denn schluessel wenn es holzbretter und holzstangen gibt !
wozu denn autos, wenn es fahrraeder gibt !
wozu denn laptops, wenn es smart phones gibt !
wozu denn einkaufen fahren wenn es web kataloge gibt !
wozu denn cash wenn es bitcoins gibt !
wozu denn die blockchain, wenn das handy beim kochen nichtmehr klingelt !
autotueren sind was starkes, nicht
die knautschzone ist wichtig gegen die selbstroller bei der auto software
vielleicht ne appli zum kochen im auto !
wozu denn rollis, solange es rucksaecke gibt
Access or challenge
In this minute, in this time about 3 bio users, yes users are using mobiles.
They are connected they share all
the same stuff, more or less, as long as it is not a darknet and ugly stuff.
They have some ideas with an application, maybe another one for an emailchecker or transponder.
And some are travelling in a company or by aeroplane, or an helicopter,
others fly far, fly high and know the sky.
Yep since yaers, and then they come back
to a siedlung where many of the sme generation left since years, diplomats,
beach voleyballers of the best, modells, diplomats.
But they all left that siedlung, some blocks had no light over years, during nights in Mystistan it gets
strange, adjab, kind of wired and dusty. Because the young generation left,
and to stay young forever, beside a trillion apps on some mobiles, they had to leave.
Its name is migration, also between Peru and Ecuador. It is kind of wired looking houses, a complex so to say.
Some of it with a body or drug scanner inside.
But from that siedlung in old Mozart town,
the young strong, modell and diplomats, they had to leave.
There was no other way in hausmeister, nowadays hausvertrauenspersonen land
(new words in german for haus-aufgaben, once often mentioned by a haider).
And to feedback, to give notice or message (not by MS, so to say sadomaso messengers or
hate speakers aside ghettoblasters from the millenium bug) they are using
that appalchian apps, from the tree, isn t it. Therefor they need to
touch a screen, maybe a flatscreen or mobile with a mobile box.
The master likes the mobile box, if it works, and till this day he could not manage to
hear the Begruessungstext of the mobilebox.
That is a tough, a strange thing, maybe too much of storage needed. Hutchinson is a strange hut,
a haube so to say. Mobile boxes can help a bid, also a fax mashine to send party invitations.
A mobile has 4 corners, the device and its colorfull cover and pop,
some company providing the boxes and some apps or software basics,
and maybe a marsmanderl, an ufo app supplier, a card, a new
tel-recharge Bomo, or software challanger, a batterie faker or like with a car the
halbwertszeit executers by its software applicants and backdoors.
That is usual biz, its just the question how many Murdochs and Sorows, Bungas
or Bambis want to listen the same time, beside the mobile box.
The mobile box can help a bid, you can hear a sound, a voice so to say,
it can be very impressive and helpfull really. Put a stick to it and you can print a photo later,
also send a fax maybe.
That box-mobile, caixa, is great stuff then. Connect it to a printer, after recharging the patrons,
and get on the wall, it will inspire you, it is magic.
Not like a 100 buttons blinking and moving,
its more tranquil then. But become not a sleeping cell so,
that is forbidden, that is ugly to them.
Have targets and get them, its the web of things and prints.
The studio is here and the studio is there in Mapsa- Goa, there as well is a great studio,
many know that since years. Thats how its works, sadly many Asia shops got shifted, got
not the products as once, so some had to leave again,
as from that siedlung, now in the snow.
Apple trees of mobiles, the best biz since years in the world, if they did not sleep over some
developments, at all, or a good to handle and manageable mobile box.
Once a sie-mens mob got thrown at a garage door once, or a standing PC (32GB with xp)
over a gate, shocking for some. But thats the way in hillbilly lands,
targeted and focused action. Cheer leading and example giving.
Now before the votes in that lands, one of it has half the poulation of Mumbai,
in central Europe, there is prevoting times, a wahlkampf so to say, some getting important and
on stage.
Many methods to get there, ins rampenlicht beside mobs, buttons, hate and fake speechs,
verunglimpfungen and compliments, a thousand pics a mio klicks.
Also profilers for biz, its magic and yet of a striking bubble.
Many left that siedlung, the ones who go for hausaufgaben staied, hausafgaben can be done by many,
but thats a different story during prevotig times, lets see.
Multirole fighter
Some do keiltreiberei, hatespeech on faltscreens, if not bluescreens,
some do button shiebing on wish and webs. Peak web seems to be over, also access to that
multi role advanced fighting tools which seem to have an Ablaufdateum (date of expire)
Others write articles, proper articles which give time to relax or amuse,
Some use newpapers on the floor, for sunday morning coffee on the mat,
for multi role purpose.
There is a difference in speed and distance cover from a newsmag to the mobile or web conected Netbook.
A drone equipment setup needs some time, it flies and strikes hidden, no pilot- only partly success.
Hate speech can strike over hours, intriganti oplulanti as well, politicans can use a platform,
a portal or gate, leave a note or trace here and there, some of them form the internets outback,
twitter and rule, the cut and a mule.
Some check telefone numbers, stocks as well, others cover with newspapers when the passwords fail.
A thousand followers here, a 1000 counter intrignatis there, thumbs down or up, its a magic bubble opulanti.
Fake news are in random on watch applis with thumbs down or up, open source is ok,
just the commons marks not yet classified.
O 18 seems to become a special year,
I dont like the cleaners ahead of the Eisstockschiassa on TV.
Weites Tal
Es gibt Taeler die sind 60km lang,
das ist ziemlich weit,
denn es gibt Taeler die sind viel enger und nicht so lange.
Doch auch 2016 als einer mit dem Fahrrad im Mai bis nach Winklern radelte
hatte in jenem Tal kein vernuenfitiges Restaurant mit Gastgarten auf ganzer Strecke offen.
Und der Mai ist doch eine warme Zeit
um sich bei einer Mahlzeit zu staerken,
waehrend einer Radtour.
Ja es ist ein grosses Tal
und da muss mn nicht jeden Busch wegschneiden und Baum zamstutzen
damit frau sich wohlfuehlt
und man weite Sicht hat ins Tal hinunter.
Das muss nicht sein, man sollte ein paar Aeste mit Laubansatz lassen
damit weider was nachwaechst am Baum dort im grossen Tal.
Seit ein lokaler Elektriker, bevor er 15 phasen ins Haus gelegt hat (neue Vorschrift),
eine Stunde lang das neue Simply TV auf der Hausterrasse erklaert hat,
kann man auch ueber den Bravia Funk hin und wieder rauschfrei telefonieren (plozei 123),
seit Jahren, wenn man dabei auch oft mal andere schnaufen, hecheln oder grunzen hoehrt,
so ist das mit Bravia (mal googlen)
Unlaengst haben sie ein neues Smart phone heraus gebracht,
jeder schreibt doch heute sms oder will solche erhalten,
doch von solchen nicht zugeschrottet werden,
eben nur smart (sonst abschalten) oder beim Kochen wenigstens den Alarm blinken sehen.
Auch eine neue androick-andock App gibts es neuerdings im Tal.
Es gab auch 3 Benutzergruppen auf facebook im Tal
doch nachdem die Benutzer von jenem Sozialen Webforum ihre eigenen Fotos
kurz im web gesehen hatten, haben sie die eigenen Benutzergruppen,
es waren drei, sofort wieder fest zu gesperrt.
Die fotos waren zu grauslig, auch sehr hell dunkel grobkoernig,
fast wie die Antiwerbung eines Elektrikers einmal.
Deshalb haben die User dieser Benutzergruppe diese selbst sofort wieder fest verschlossen,
sich ausgeloggt und sind fuer immer in ihre Huetten verschwunden.
Doch zwei von ihnen gingen damals dann am Maennertag
in die lokale Sauna im Erlebnissbad,
um sich gegenseitig liebevoll zu rasieren,
weil das dann gut habt (hobt) wie sie meinten.
Ja so war das damals doch jetzt sind sie alle smart.
Eine aus der Benutzergruppe war sogar im Cafee im service taetig
an den Mashinen, den Glaesern, und am grossen Uberwachungsbildschirm zum Ortsplatz hinaus,
auch an der Kasse mit den vielen farbigen Buttons und Icons.
Doch als 20 cents zuwenig waren, nach dem festen Zusperren der Benutzergruppe,
hat sie zu schreien begonnen an der Kasse neben den dem Bildschirm.
20 cent waren zuwenig und es war noch kurz wer dort,
hinter der Theke bei ihr, doch das blieb ihr unbemerkt.
Sie schrie laut, wie seit vielen Jahren dort manche schreien im weiten Tal,
wenn sie sich nicht gerade rasieren oder eine Kissenschlacht machen.
Seit damals sind alle Benutzergruppen im weiten Tal fest zugesperrt.
Es brennen nur mehr Kerzerl vor dem portal zu den Benutzergruppen, es waren drei.
Doch nicht einmal die Teelichter brennen dort gut ab
wie einst die Hexen und vielen Ketzer nicht weit vom Galgenwald.
Werner beinhart
Many trustees
Often during early spring when the meister is in the Alps
there come many trustees to him - many Tits
Bluecapped tits, Great tits, Rubythroats and Nuthatches they are all his trustees
They come before the party, they come after the party
not far from the Mozartball city, only 100 km.
Booktip: Harald Welzer "Die Smarte Diktatur"
part of IT
Drag n drop, copy n paste .... looking free ...