App marcet

App marcet

Grosses Szenario

Als gr Meister gratuliere ich HHamburg zu diesen Parallelwelten u Szenarien, sie haben sich getroffen u garnicht zu besoffen, links Linke oder Polizei, beide Seiten haben ihre Masken abgelegt.
    Wenn Xi Jinping zum 1-ten mal seit Trump in den USA ist dann werfen sie wo mutter u vater aller Bomben, nur nicht die Schutzbrillen vergessen.
    Die Linke Szene hat klar Front gezeigt, ungetarnt, nicht wie irgend ne nsu u verdeckte Ermittler u Moerder wo. Ne die Fronten waren klar sichtbar.
    Trump ist aus Paris samt Klima ausgestiegen, fuer die Puritaner und Unglaeubigen.
Die Germanen raeumen Ircilic fuer die Basis in Jordanien.
    Mossul wurde befreit und fuer die Rakete von Kim Jon Un sind sie die jap. suedkoreanische Fliegerformation samt USA angeflogen (Sa, ala G20 7-9. julei o17)

Gut aufgestellt

Der grosse und mutige P. Pilz (austria - oesterarm) der sogar den Irak einst aufgesucht und untersucht hat, hat fuer die Liste PPilz meine Unterstuetzung, als auch bei den Germanen Oezdemir und Wagenknecht, so ists ganz recht.

Make not mistake, make no missfake, make no bad cake !

Karl Kraus ist ein Titan der Sprache (deutsch) wortgewaltig,
"Magie der Sprache" kann ich jeder Szene, egal wie rechts oder links, sehr empfehlen (auch Welfen).

Und nochwas

Opa und Oma haben sie alle ueberlebt, Hitler, Speer, Himmler die Sau, Goehring, Goebbels der sogar die eignene Familie ausgerottet hat, auch Rommel .....
Opa war am Rueckweg vom Fanatencamp (war prisoner) in den USA nur ein bisl seekrank, als Fels vom Berg unbezwingbar. flight complaint, facts figures


Boris Jelzin wollte in einer Jurte nur mal Wodka trinken, Naryn (Kyrg), das ist ganz klar ! In dieser Position u als russischer Baer, die Zeiten haben sich geaendert.

In Bergamo gibt es wie in Abu Dhabi und HH, ein chinesische Restaurant, einmal suesssaure Ente genuegt eigentlich.

Es kommt vor, dass mancher nach so einem Tag
in 1 ner halben stunde 2 ltr wasser sauft.

BRICS ist eine starke Gruppe mit zukunft.
(Alps southern 10.07.o17 )


In case you exerience marmelade glass crawling idiots of neighbourhood over years by your fridge you can use deterrance and symbols as Hampelmann at gate or 10 000V stay off stickers You can also go public as old corporate infigters like (CEOs) or do active hitback, smash and grind against yearlong marmelade glass crawlers and moronic bigwhole doers below the roof near the woods in a house of jewels.
    In some region there was dustbelt (60s) Kachinsky and a pest outbreak, summer o15 California, for short.
    The great master knows why some keep themself as better Germans as by history they are old slwowenian settlers who can not even take 2 language village signs today and some nazi Haider (ex reg. politican) went with 140 km/h against a local village wall in his car the night, not having done enough nazi Hausaufgaben (nazi homeworks) with his wired Kriecher but tried biz with M. Gadaffi.
    But during KK times (kaiser) the once fat rulers (kaiser katholic)
who one of them had even W.A. Mozart on her knees settled german speakers in a valley where some ask rarely today for villages like Ranger city (Rangersdorf) or Stall (heyhut)
which was once, very very long ago,
the busy north south route of the Romans through the alps
and a gold dig region some cents ago.
    Some become empirically today bloody Vikings with horns
but less Stier- or Sound of music -washers, cleaners.

    More relevant infos on nazi Kriecher while the gr Meister reads -
Karl Kraus - "Magie der Sprache" even of time before 2nd Wwar (!!) which gives partly the same hints on marmelade glass crawlers (Kriecher) and transmitted on today also Hundegaxi mit Plastikhandschuh Zamanklaube.

Fliers for party o17 got put and are circulating, yearlong nature observations of the region,
- Chicken, Hab-icht, Handwerk (jul.o17)

Don t see, don t tell

You have no government orgs down there
Don 't see, don' t tell
Your soldiers are weak soldiers, don t see, dont tell
we will send you our soldiers, don t see, dont tell
    We spammed your email accounts, don t see, dont tell
There was many backdoors in software, don t see, dont tell
This is torture, this not totally, this a bid
don' t see, don' t tell
We tabbed ur phones, you ve got a problem down there
dont see, don' t
There is biceps, triceps, dax and sensex, don t see, don' t tell (bathroom)
    There got some diaries leaked, don t see, don t tell
We can bomb you back to stone age
Don' t see, don' t tell
Mr Trump will send his strong soldiers down there
don' t see, don' t tell !

Wrong time, wrong place

Gen. Patreus was at the wrong time at the wrong place
for days and weeks he was struggling, got lost in hostile fire, then he got depatriated and his name eradicated from the streets
in charge of a strong army, commander over maybe 30 000
but at the wrong time at the wrong place.
a horrible destiny of modern times.
(no cookie, some call it lost in friendly fire ...)

But high decorated Gen. Po-well is yet struggling
fighting for justice and in the office.

Then came Trump, Breitbart and the colonel from Flin facts
and again everything changed.

Week soldiers

You have week soldiers down there,
Don t see, don t tell !
I will send you my soldiers down there
Don t see, don t tell !
We will send you our drones with no pilot
Don t see don t tell ! .... n cookie
    (Parvaty valley may.o17)

Chaos can be prevented !

The new elect has a very personal and private team of advisers now in office, from Disney and Exxon, also the presidents daughter is in the inner circle of his advisers. But people got to know that the president is a man of chaos and not for no reason he had more than 2000 cases before court before getting to office of the nation.
    No surprise then that these old men with grey hair look very very seriouse, it s a seriouse case which needs seriouse answers and measures taken to counter the threat of chaos. In such a position of power chaos can not be allowed and tolerated and needs to be faced seriousely, also as advisers from Disney or his daughter do not look fit enough to face that serious challenge to prevent chaos.

It can be avoided and is of a great challenge, go for it !

    OP_marcet Deep_marcet Nature...observations Exercising-great Dir_5

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