3 days
without luggage after flight with Cubana without compensation, but they wanted 15 $US for the router they kept in the time of my stay, which did not happen. When you get your lingerie back I dont want your money therefor.
One broken hotel glassfront door, I had to do it because the hotel manager failed to open the door
after me having paied the night in advance and coming back from food.
2 months travelling, waiting time on way, busstops, aerports, cities, coasts and woods maybe 2 weeks,
(oct - dec 2o17)
2 quite fency hotels with
leaking toilets, one of them wit a saloon. (Huanuco, Campeche)
Strange distance cost relations on many routes and partly wired bus conections, if any, and bad conecting shedules.
Hardly any national air carriers in Lat Americas, can not be figured out by its names.
Mexico and Cuba seem to be excemptions (Aero Mex. and Cubana). Partly strange flight connections and
wired distance-cost relations. Do not know how they calculate some routes.
(Cancun- MexCity/ Mex.city- Havanna)
Very bad
information systems, only smart phones.
No english newspapers over 2 months, but smart phone users.
Finally Cubas Granma was an excemption, engl edition which also performs on the web.
It is in all countries travelled a more or less people and touris Rip off system,
where every coin and ticket get turned two times, if you get it at all and can read tickets at all.
Transportation system in many rural areas is a mixed story from
minibusses, over Pick ups to AC-busses
cabs private cars.
No Superfast trains in between broken 4 wheelers and aeroplanes.
Travel warnings will be given for several regions, cities, lands.
As the tentstick got stolen out of the room during first days, and unwanted
room crawling got done over weeks in most guest houses and hotels, companies as follows will never get into my tent, it is not possible. Here
the corpses
mating got more comercialised over the years, it is not normal and natural any more. It got
the same ripp-off story as in many other parts of lands and its economies in lat Americas.
Good for biz only ! I stay on beaches and in the tent.
You took a stick from a tent - Salewa "Sierra Leone" (Huaraz Peru oct.017, Aldos Gh)
From now on you ve no place in my car, you ve no place in my cab, no place in my pick up.
You have no sleeper busses, you ve no superfast trains, no trains at all, no conectivity, only cars with automatic.
You speak of freedoms and independency, since Vietnam ... there are no indigenas in the Appalaches, here they
speak zeltal !! You get all my tent sticks, bet on it.
There are no Chipsis, Sinthi, Zigeuner and Roma in Europe, you get all my tent sticks from now on.