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Int. Accepted Transmission Governments -
I.A. Uebergangsregierungen
They call it int. accepted transmission govs
In Bolivia they got a international reconed government
you do not hear anything any more from Bolivia,
some can make their biz again.
That is ipmortant for them that thy can proceed with business
no matter where.
In Gremany the had a few Ubergangs Bundespresidenten over a few years
that got international accepted.
Even in the hotspot of central Europe itself, they had a few Uebergangsregierungen
socalled Transmission Govs over little years, the lands name is Austria.
It was never a big problem for them as long as they could proceed with business
some fled into business as like with the glueckspielsector in that land.
That is important, if they forget their names no matter no issue,
but it was internatinal recowned governments, even in the heart of Europe.
Then in Sudan the transmission governments
it got split into north and south
what was never a problem for them as long as business can get done.
Others did biz in the Ukraine during tehy talk allready of teh reconstruction there
what is indeed special. Even before teh international recowned government.
In Libya they got an internat. reconed government,
it is a little thing as long as they can do business.
Maybe they even like transmission governments,
the more the better ?
Will it be the case in Britain (Engellande) another transmission governemnt
after all that hardships with trade and business.
You do not hear much from Bolivia neither from Peru any more
biz can proceed
In Colombia a lefty government got never found in history so far over centuries,
biz was always OK in the while ...
Nobody speaks of an international recowned government in Belize, neither in Honduras or El Salvador,
is that internat. reconed governments
Or is that just too weak to get international recowned.
Is it weak governemnts so thatfor it is good for biz ?!
Nobody really knows that around the world.
Maybe it is artists in gorvernmnts
big artists in the west as never known rulers.
Also in Spain we can only speak of a transmission government.
Nigeria got a transmission governemnt,
how got that possible and Mali with a transmission government,
it is many transmission governments out there,
They want the multies and their biz "getting on road",
no matter where that roads are.
Most of multies biz needs a road, some freeway.
Biz gets done as always before and after (lets say ... another coup), that is normal.
Israel will have another internatioal recowned governemnt in 4 years
why not, that is normal, they have most parties in a land of that size,
it is not all internatioal recowned there, that is clear.
But biz works there as well, maybe even better than anywhere else on the globe.
Be carefull in case somebody finds that weak governments are good for business,
In case that happens tell nobody, because it could disturb private business,
if they do not understand what private biz means for int. accepted governments.
It could be that a few of them know compliance or a code of a conduct,
but not much more !
Even in the heart of Europe transmissin governments happened over years
Be never be surprised on that, some missions look different same time.
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