Camp 4
surprise surprise
Isn t that surprising when you need to bypass 3 times, even 5 times during normal Tourists
at an aerport get their visas,
at some aerport, somewhen during arrival ... at some aerport easr some counters
not far from a ATM which only takes credit cards ....
While some other guy need to take a taxi to city, downrtown on horrible messy roads,
for some cash after arrival because the one ATM does only take cradit cards.
Need to take a taxi to the center 4 the visa fee,
I think that is asstonishing, that is very special of a procedure !!
But even more special when you get the idea that
it is the worlds number one Himalaya tourist destination.

From now on no prepaied taxis any more as it was more costly than the normal Taxi !!
During season many tourist fly there, even as that aerport has no transit area,
it is more a high up deadend aerport, for many with booked return ticket.
There is only one ATM at that aerport (somewhere outside a 2nd) and they do not use coins
maybe because that gets too heavy in the mountaineerers packbags,
No coins for biz and shopping, from sleeping bags over a mio special equipment and souvenirs.
I got into a kind of paper and visa applying confetti parade, now after having crossed
some weeks earlier, the small two counter border crossing somwhere
at north peruvian and ecuadorien borders along the highway ... near some djungles.
I do not apply to confetti paper parade system !
So from now on djungle passings is an option, very good 4 nowadays !!
... djungle passing are an option, also crossovers on rivers,
confetti visa application systems is not my thing
all options in peto !
Tom u Jerry is not my thing .....
Show special ...
Take a jacket, from anywhere, if plastic or Goretex
that does not matter below 2000m
Show special, tricky modern and with an appli sophisticated, go for it !
It is wild and if you paied it .... 3000 or something ($ rupee or teuro )
Do not expect it to look the same overnight,
Everything can change overnight, that is normal very normal
50m or 60m around the corner not far from the world highest peaks
it is wild and below 2000m it does not matter ...
Not far from the best and most modern mountaineering gear in the total world
Take your glasses, take some Pijama or short sleeve panties in then muddy streets,
that does not matter below 2000m
Not far from the highest peaks from the total world.
Show tricky show sophisticated
Take your cab or latest Pajero with some buddies and some chicas
direct to Tattapani, show special, below 2000m it does not matter.
Then sing a song for Ever-rest Ganesh 1 or 2.
Take some panties, long or short leaves, Pijama or hippie,
just go for it, below 2000m that does not matter.
Take a heli or latest super plane into the valley direct to Pokhara lakeside
It changed over the years, the fireplaces from the old restaurants are mostly gone near lakeside,
that does not matter below 2000m, just go for it.
Jump on any of the latest 10 000 motorbikes, hire, jump and fire,
that shows special, but specially not far form the highest peaks from the total world.
While the monkeys are taking over the royal palace
something looking special, but only during rains.
And not a single dove or pigeon wants to nest there.
Take some glasses anywhere from anybody or ahhh any mountaineera
just go for it, show tricky and special,
With an appli out of 20 it gets even more special
below 2000m it does not get too cold,
go for it.
Then sing a song for Ever-rest .....
Show modern, jump on a bike or Land Rover direct to Tattapani,
with some buddies and chicas, but stay in the Rover,
do not get out on the muddy streets near lakeside
it changed since then ....
Pijamas on muddy streets, that is lofty lufty, show smart and pretty,
below 2000m it does not matter, it does not get that cold there.
Take a Mt bike without mudprotection, without that sticky easy to put plastic thing
Rubb on it and get the mudd, short or long sleeves
below 2000m that does not matter,
but better do not look the 10 000 motorbikers same time.
Not one single computer can flatscreen the topographic map of Annapurna plus
some hidden vallies and walls (Dhaulagiri south 3 km high concav)
It has to be quite a super PC to get such topography on a flatscreen
and not really possible ! the plus square miles from verticale to flatscreen ....
Do not ask for a city map with embassies, there are enough many other symbols really
do not ask for specifics,
Do not expect any english newspapers to be out there,
there are schools and smart mobiles anyway,
To get that stuff of infos beside the takeover from Komunists
Do not expect the wilderness to be cleaned soon
Get your taxi and ride wild with the Pijama panties in muddy streets ....
by the faked Plasticbag jacket reporter
(Kathmandu apr.o18 - Transition Transam)
By the way,
not one single
grasscutter can take the grass it takes in 20 minutes .... (grass container)
Near the silk road, Manas, the worlds only walnutwood, caught in the Himmelsberge ...
Terminal Lands
It got told of the Nepalese Gurkas that they were the toughest soldiers
Today in Thamel they sell Gurka knifes even more than half a meter long, also many singing bowls,
but they do not use coins for money, only paper money.
Nepali people do not use coins but there is a stock exchaneg in Kathmandu,
and that astonishing for some people as they do not use coins.
There is since years, by experience and on the aerport
daily annoyances before boarding, hours waiting in the one main gangway, not to broad,
to one of the main gates of the 4.
Since years and not since last time that did not change.
For free refreshment, as they told,
and it did not get tried, you need to pass security and take off all from belts to bags,
boarding pass and the more before and aftre refreshment during hours of eaiting time.
The aerport setting, after Tanzania, reminded me a bid to a tansanian Safari Lodge,
flat roofs, usually max 2 floors, not far from the worlds number one tophigh Mountain tourist destinations,
which is not a stock exchange (also in Tanzania and Kuwait since Bush 2nd ) and not the aerport,
but Tanzanias one is much better, with best of even
scientific books on birds
in its duty free, and that prooves much for nature lovers.
Before boarding busses to planes, no screens or signs with destinations not far
from the worlds top Mountaineering destinations.
Coins it seems are too heavy to get driven and carried around,
only paper money and transition signs on that (ex rates).
So I name it a
Terminal lands, and can also see Japan as a terminal land.
In Nepal it is Mustang and Tibet in the north, unmanageable top high peaks,
In Japan the sea of the western Pacific ocean around,
during winters from Russia the Great Sea eagles in one of its northern cities,
nothing can be read by western, arab or any other tourists.
Walls and fences along highways, mega electrosmog in Tokyo.
Everything gets organised and has its place, routine and ettikete.
Not the king and not a Geisha can get out of the rigid and straff organisierte nation.
by the Plasticbag jacket reporter (Transition transam)
Gurka knifes and singing bowls for coins
Multies skills - multies tasks
You are a multitasker
you engage in many chapters over time !
You travel in States and Mind !
You do not need facebook, linkedin, xing and instagram the same time !
You are CEO of an org and manage since 10 years the websites of the same
do joint ventures and paied for that.
You have your standards and keep them.
You dance on one party while watching others, as parties are diverse and many !
Some have you on their watch list by the weight of your impact and strikes
you take that into account.
You run the sulileitn over months in remote areas
and heat with wood while cooking.
You take revange on the ones who did fingernail clipping and
dust testig on you over months,
chemical games are dangerouse and take their toll over times.
You honour the presents of your ancestors and
know to email, also the difference between social mega-platforms and mail-acccounts.
You can do offshore biz and need somtimes to send money for good service
from one to another land while you stay in the third.
You can do stock marcet watch classes and know that that is not costly.
Schools have their books and lawns
while times do its experiences !
T I E N - S H A N
General warning
The CEO is on way he is happy to be in that region.
He got anew mobile, a button Nokia at Dubai aerport, but he let you know that the Nokia 100, which he purchased in Rishikesh about 2 years ago is a supermobile.
A short fact sheet on that mobile to all plastic jacket exchangers, and fundamental and extreme fingernail clippers so
bad mindsetted, also to the marocan shoe tramplers,
the toenail is gone 3 months later.
Nokia 100 is great because it has a converter, a stopwatch, a countdown time, a spreadsheet with days or month,
that is great in these times of Megameltdown flatscreen. Specially as some are longtime distance roamers and time travellers.
During times of Megameltdon flatscreens and extreme jacket fakers overnight (nepal)
do not dare to do that.
And the new button mobile has not a converter, stopwatch and countown time included, but 3 games,
2 SIM which is not too much magnificant, but he can also handle that.
The CEO hopes that in some remote branch (unbreakfast) she can do that transaction, there is some money, not too much waiting on the row, .... and when the CEO got a good service done, he wants to see the confirmation
for the transactin then, during these times of heating flatscreens and
often twopart lightweight aeroplane tables !
Big serpentin stonetables are far off your limits and you will pay
for the cutting of that serpentin table !
During this
times of flatscreens unbutton
usually, but with Nokia 100 and a converter, stopwatch
and the more (extras !!!) these jobs, transactions, should not really be of a major problem,
on the PC of the relevanth branch it takes her 5 minutes.
And he lets the
fingernail clippies
and plastick-bag jacket exchangers know, do not dare to do that,
he hits back, he strikes back !
Angewandt appliziertes
Eine angewandte artverwandte Anwendung wie gewendet und verdroschen
auch mal von der seite eingesehen wie ein Doppelnudelpack 3D bildschirm
die schon im Delta aufgestellt von 2 Seiten appliziert gewendet
und so eingesehen werden konnten als Doppelspiegelpack.
Gewendet ist nicht gedreht, und verwendet nicht verendet.
Doch fein appliziert machen sich viele pixel zum Gewinn der mega dufte
Millionen applicationen sanft und smart appliziert ja quasi aufgetragen
nebs der SM sadomaso corp im namen grosser profite applikaschiert
und dann als Apfelmus faschiert gemampft
Doch applikationen schmecken nicht gut
nicht im pixel oder ping format.
So fein sie auch appliziert sein moegen, eventuell aufgetragen.
Seuchen der modernen Zeit
♠ Vergiftete Lebensmittel - poisend food
(overdosed ueber monate konsumiert oder auch lesbar ad Verpackung)
♠ Einmischung der Dummen in d Angelegenheiten der Grossen
♠ Manipulierte Flatscreens (Computer, netbooks, mobiles smarte, tablets, sogenannt applizierte Flachbildschirme,
meist erst bei aktivierter Webanbindung wirksam, die neodings meistens automatisch
♠ Verseuchte Kosmetika Koerperartikel (gute alte Kernseife kann bessers sein als die neuen im 4er Pack,
ob toiletpapier 2 oder 4 lagig is mir echt wurscht)
Div Trends - Entwicklungen:
♦ Diplomaten werden im grossen stil abgezogen.
♦ Die fun Gesellschaft wurde zur Zorngesellschaft
modifiziert, oft in Eigenregie modifizierter Zellen und kleiner pers. Entscheidungstraeger
(kleiner markt u eigenregie selber in diesem) zur Entfaltung neuer zorniger Zellen.
♦ Der Privatinvestor kann kaum Ueberweisungen (transactions) aus dem Ausland taetigen,
obgleich er sehr befreundet ist
mit d Ausland.
Parallelgesellschaften meist mit limitierter Haftung im ausgelagerten Risikobereich,
auch sogen Stock exchanges und marcets, Aktien maerkte, samt weiterer
Construktionen im kosmetisch monetaeren bereich (opts, zinsen, puts, futrs, swaps, hedgers,
deckelung, commodities, edelmetalle, anleihen, rueckkaeufe, investitions volumi, barren etc) auch neue
dieser stock exchanges in kl Laendern seit Bush II
... div regional angewandte Modeworte
.... koennen auch oft gerade an Flatscreens erkannt werden.
Leiden der modernen Zeit
♠ Gier und Raffsucht - greed
♠ Masslosigkeit - no scales no measure
♠ Unwissenheit
♠ Verblendung - Taeuschung.lcd (mio likes for fake and false)
♠ Krankheit - sickness
♠ Tod - death
PS: ein Nawi im Auto, richtig angewendet kann sogar Unterhaltungswert haben .... feedback to the Nawi !
denkbar sind auch nawis mit Goebbelszungen (opus diaboli)
Tugenden in d modernen Zeit
♥ Tapferkeit - braveness
♥ Ausdauer -
♥ Weisheit - wisdom
♥ Kochen - cooking
♥ Zerstoerung boeser Geraete (Testphase oder Rueckgaberecht) - Schrottabwehr;
destruction of evel and bad devices - anti rubbish measures
♥ Liebe zur Natur - dem grossen Gefuege;
love for nature
and its big turns
T I E N - S H A N
TIP for partly Prepaied Service
If you got some good service on the row and did partly prepaied payment
but there is an amount left open for that service and
you want avoid them to hunt you down, around half the world,
and you want to avoid them burning you out of your huts and caves.
A: Get the numbers, get the data
put it on a blank paper with your handwriting and your signature.
Get it faxed (fax case scenario) to your bank accountee and it has to be done.
You do not need to show a fist, a thumb or two fingers, as stock brokers, hedgers,
and big sellers do.
The way with fax is comission free, and that is the hot point !
B: Another way is to take the missing sum from an ATM,
little more for some extras in far away foreign lands
what is often of a problem cause exchange rates and local limits (6000km away)
can block and barr the whole procedure, and not all tumble around with golden credit cards.
But you can try, then move to next money transfer stube (office),
which usually take hot commission, and get it sent to the
relevant digit holding account. (atm case scenario, double comission)
C: in case you are travelling with
traveller cheques (TC solution),
get the relevanth missing sum exchanged for the cheques and tranfer per agency (comission)
Weites Tal.
In case they faked your woodstove over weeks (chemical walze)
always drahtbuerste the faked stove before heating !
In case the faked your new jacket or failed to get you a visa at arrival done
but after the taxi rides for the visa fee lately,
hit back, let them know your way.
Let them know that it s not good to mass with you.
1-2-3 Amandment
The CEO lets you know that he does not compromise with his physical health.
In Croatia on island of Hvar he discovered after night in park and trainride to Zadar (shoes off)
burnt into his left inner shoe inlay (einlage) a chip looking something, of the size 3 x 4 cm of size.
What he scrateched off immediately after discovery with a good knife.
When you cover 20km on island on foot you can sometimes feel such things and remote funkers.
(more on ugly physical acts in ex Jugoslawia during times of Hitler in Opus Diaboli book)
Consequences, he will beat them up 25 years, but he will never run after and search
these asses therefor, there is many better things to do and hike for.
Arrival to Nepal with extras was special (no Transit, no gates with flatscreens, no coins)
and a new jacket in such lands with really high peaks can be important, idiots,
he does not compromise with health. (april.o18)
an outdoor CEO, an adventurer and a chief
2-3 Amandment
A flight ticket is a contract, also boarding pass, less the bills at duty frees scanned cum passport.
You can reclaim hot cofee (starboings) on your legs or luggage missing after arrival !
The try is it worth, northing less !
Security councel. UN
A security councel meeting UN on reason of 2 nearly killed people in GB
is strange. Anglo sachsen and Threresa WASP look wired to me,
guess they do not listen to chancellor Merkel Merklin Angie.
100 cruise missiles from far away sea, and remote shooter nations meddling ....
are a better reason for that councel ! LKW, subways, aeroplanes are all there
for strikeback and goback.
A few lakh burnt look also very ugly and evel.bse (bse can be found at some stock ex)
The monkies are taking over the Royal Palace
a rumble place of dust and ahses, they only go there for some nights or if it is raining near
the worlds number 1 top mountaineering Destination. Good organized,
good exchenge rates, but no Coins.
last chance profits
Other try to get some bucks and profits rolling by their 100 rockets
as answer on not even proved, chemical attack, but on some foods (mineral
you can read of chemical foods,
and thats the slow death which gets over them.
The bone and fishdust to cow will get their answers,
some remember your burnt few lakh cowsBSE, mad cow desease.
External links:
also interesting Pallas cat and Leopard cat (wikipedia)
You can copy and read passages to others, duplicating of content in multiple printed form not allowed,
but for private use only, looking free ...
Any mistakes in words or spelling are neither intended nor done purposely, there are many special chars
and idioms like german, russian and croatsk. Special circumastances do not allow
to take the time to correct and trace these mistakes.