Dear Torti you are gone as many of you over last weeks in may absence.
You were the bunnie odf the bunnies the wise old
Torti. I miss you, also your goodfriend Loewa is gone, it all happened the last 10 days when I was away, and then she saied half of one of you reappeared some 7 days later. That sounds bad, Torti and Loewa we had good times and I wish you a nice journey. Now only three of you are left as when we started.
They are all gone like the buffaloes from the Plains. Last summer there were nearly 25 of you, now three of you are left,
this is very bad. I will not eat quales or bunnies as some do here in the region, Torti, Loewa and Gruenspan good bye. (mid Jan. 2021)
Canoe II
Hat wer die in 5 Tagen 15 verlustigen Hasis vom August geshen
oder wurden sie gar wo zum Kauf angeboten ??
Rueckmeldungen uebers Impressum
Ach wie schade dass in 5 tagen 15 junge Hasis, im August 2020 sogar, verschwunden sind obwohl
ja doch wer aus der Nachbarschaft (!!!!!) taeglich (wie besprochen etwa) vorbei geschaut hat.
Doch auch das wissen darueber, wann 3 weisse junge Kaninchen verschwunden sind war nicht so eindeutig eruierbar nachher.
Weisse Junghasis sind ja doch herzallerliebst, fast wie Mitschunkeln in zelten.
+ +
Schade um euch lustigen Gesellen und Trolle am Waldesrand. Ja so gross und nett waeret ihr schon jetzt,
nachdem der 3. Wurf (letztes Jahr noch ganz ohne virus), noch blind voriges Jahr
zu tode geschaendet wurde, noch blind und mit geschlossenen Augen.
Schade um den 3. Wurf voriges Jahr schon auch.
Freinderl liabs
wie lange ist es her, dass ich zurueck gekommen bin (Aug 2020), und gleich danach warst auch du als alter Hase weg.
Schade Loco, so gerne erinnere ich mich an dich und die schoenen lustigen zeiten mit euch.
+ ++ ++ + +
Kurz konnte ich dich nach der Rueckkehr noch streicheln.
Verlockender Streichelzoo auch
Ja die von sovielen Idioten u Ketzern gemeuchelten Hasis,
++ + ++ +
daher muss ich annehmen dass man euch verspeuist hat, neben Fuchs und Uhu. Und als ihr 25 im Garten wart mit grossen Unterstaendenin Knoechelhoehe, unter Huetten.
Daher muss ich annehmen dass ihr Junghasen, schon sehr schnell und unglaublcih reaktinsstark, mit 3 wochen so geschwind, dass da wer aus der Idioten nachbarschaft des Demenzorfes, wo sie auch Fisch und Hasenfutter uebernacht ausm Haus ..... fressen (????),
ja dass man nicht nur in den USA Wachteln jagd oder was sie sonst damit dort machen.
Autofahrer die Wachtelvogerl oder gar deren Futter fressen sind nicht ganz dicht in der birne.
Na da setzts aber was
Bin schon auf die zeit des backward engineeriung gespannt, wirklich spoannedn diese Zeiten hintern 7b Bergen.
Manche wuerden auch Rache sagen oder hitback, ... vielleicht trauen sie sich wegen dem Virus garnicht Einkaufen die Idioten.
Fahren ja doch auch Autos die Schweine neben dem Hundegaxi sammeln, mit Sackerl vom Container (sogar mit namen), allerorts dabei.
++ + ++ +
Auch die Leitung kommt wgen zuwenig abstand weg ! Wolte eh keiner.
Und am Parkplatz der deutlich, gegen unzurechnungsfaehige gummi gummi, gekennzeichnet ist kommt was ganz was
Grosses solides dann.
Da freu ich mich auch schon darauf !
Auf was ganz massives, einen Fels vielleicht, oder 1e grosse massiv betonierte Pferdebox oder ein Staubsaugerebeutel aus Beton riesengross !!
Hinweise -
ueber contact im Impressum,
und auf jeden Fall -
immer unter ERNST GEMEINT !
Eine spannende Zeit ..... in 5 Tagen 15 junghaserl verschwunden.
Departures schedule
August in the valley
White storks (Weisstorch) at hight of Lendorf on the fields, seen from bike- success ! (20.08)
A nice medium sized
Ringelnatter, unpoisen, at the Kolbnitz lakes rafters
leaving point near the campsite there, the rafters themself
saw the snake during taking out their boats, in the bright sun, the snake quite unimpressed.
fresh traces of martens, Wiesel and Flussuferlaeufer (Steinmarder, ..) and others in the shores sand of the lake
, success (19.08.20).
Also offseason not yet seen Comon merganser (Gaensesaeger) family as last year with impressing colored male, not any traces of fishotters at all
as once at hight of Rishikesh on a sandbank.
Siebenschlaefer(of the Bilche) reached at night the lower chimney parts near the stove in the house, not far from the central command station. I knocked back on the chimney so thatfor he left, and not dared to try further intrusion during nights. Years ago one
paied with his death as he reached the rooms during midnight by chimney.
Think this time he got the knocking signals right. (19-20.08)
Dragonflies near the pond which goit opend from swamp plants at the two sides, it was two big loads of the 3 seater canoe.
Dragonfly species are mostly Blaugruene Mosaikjungfern, rarely a Plattbauch and only little butterflies on the Sommerflieder
this year, also some gracile Dragonflies.
Two days after my return from the Mediteranean Sea Tour
Loco dissapeared overnight from garden, the last of the two old males, and quiter experienced with dangers and evel.
Good Bye old one, it was nice to have you here. We count now about 13 bunnies with 3 groups of young.
Buzzards and Comon kestrels (Maeusebussarde, Turmfalken) showing up, perfgorming and calling here and
then, mostly during sunny days. Days ago a fast garden flyover by a hawk.
Canoe II
Today morning short before seven, two Foxes visited for short the garden.
Sametime we count nearly 20 baby bunnies in 3 groups now.
The oldest of them are allready from mid june. Then the old bunnies saw somebody jumping out of the window with a spear like a Massai. Shnute was so exited that she jumped up the field the way were the foxes left the garden fast.
The man with the spear does not feed foxes, bambies with buckets of oaks till all gets an alpine zoo with rests of the killed bunnies. June we had 4 losses of older onew and that is uneccaptable, Dissapearance of Lipizo was very sad, the spears are ready. (30. july)
Today morning at 6.15 hrs there were the great colorfull
visiting (pictures further down), the nice guests
came to the garden, after a break of about two weeks
with heavy rains and winds. Two days ago the young
Hedgehogs (Igel) were resting
in the sun near the old beehouse, 3 Igel puppies (5.7.2020)
Bunnies are OK but another loss happened, Theddy Rosev. got killed in rain and windy night by a fat cat.
(1st half July 2020)
The evel bunniekillers got seen, localised and will get brought to justice. The two bunnieeater cats got nearly caught in the same night. All bunniebabies, but one, got rescued to the garden hedge with the big hut.
Another day of success which gave prove of the brave new
Chief in the canoe,
wildwater rapids III + over 16 km.
Missing !
During the night from 24- 25 th of June 2020 the topBunnie and nice white young male Lipizo dissapeared.
He was a striking nice bunnie in his early weeks.
Not seen again till now, so we will check in the close vicinity and some ... neighbourhood.
The Nazis and in specific Saualm nazis understand only one language, and 3 bunnies missing, Segelohr and his kid (14/15.june) also, in one month is too many. The small hole in fence got fixed, babyphone (50euro) always on standby close to the tiny ones.
Hamstervogerlfresser are not the case for the Meister. He is very pissed and will strike back.
When it gets to bunniefood and their kraftfutter gets half emptied overnight inside house, all is over then, read this lines.
from Moronia and the 7 Berge
pics are bigger than shown onsite, the 1st pic shows the mum Shnute and Lipizo facing the direction of the enemy, danger zone.
Starlings allready out of nest this year, Hoopoes passing by on a nearly daily base, the 13 m fence gap got closed allready 2 years ago successfully in the haselwoods and bushes. Some pigeons here and there, also
many Felsenschalben and some tits also out of their nests since some weeks.
Two Hirschkaefer (big beatles) got seen allready, they like oaktrees
The days when the dragonflies takeoff, from the waters to skies, on left a Plattbauch,
on right a fresh Blaugruene Mosaikjungfer
before its first flights.
The same day the morning the hedgehog mum (Igelmutter) collecting material for the
nest and two times the hoopoe (Wiedehopf) in the garden. 3 generations bunnies show fit, nice and top
The return of the Hoopoe
Ausflug ins Ungewisse - Beobachtungen
War am 1. Mai mit dem Rad auf Campingtour, habe dabei keine
20 Bienen an sehrviel Loewnzahn gesehen (viele viele Blumen), das ist schon pervers. Die carnika Biene ist lange tot.

Die Nacht vorher hat wer die
Hasen (Loewenmaehnenkaninchen) mit deepaten Haarspielchen, evtl von weissen Schneekaninchen,
vor der Holzlage genervt. Die wollten nach meiner Rueckkehr garnichtmehr rein in die Holzlage, doch morgens war es dann wieder gut.
Kann mir auch vorstellen, dass es auch weisse Katzenhaare vom Nazinachbarburlis Katze waren, den Sauna-rasierern.
Der Steinadler als Tagesjaeger ist auszuschliessen, auch d Waldkauz fuer den Kaninchen schon zugross sind.
Der Uhu waere zum Haarbueschel rupfen nicht mit nem Schneekanickel vor die Hoolzlage geflogen. Also daher muss man eher auf abartige, wenn nicht sogar entartete Nervensaegen gegen die Hasen schliessen.
(Im TV sollten nazisymbole aber verboten sein, auch kichernd neben fackeln aus dem schwazen mercedes steigen ist oedr
wardas ein fake.topping)

Kam bei der Campingtour samt Zelt u voller Ausruestung fuer 2-3 Tage auch an einer
Flugzeugfabrik von Daffault vorbei, wo Fertigteil-Holzdaecher und Fertigteil- holzwaende hergestellt werden.
Da waren die Bienene schon lange weg. Kam doch sage u schreibe bis Stall (Dorf) wo ich an einer Stelle, wo die Haselnussen schon viel weiter aus dem Stock getrieben waren als bei uns hinterm Haus, mich an Erdnuessen labte. Habe auch nicht soderlich viel, in 5 hrs hin und retour bei 4 Pausen, geschwitzt. Auch den Goessnitzsee entlang wo nichtmal Fischotterspuren zu sehen waren, ganz nah am Nationalpark oder so.
In wenigen Wochen werden wieder, wie damals schon 20 Pfeile in wenigen minuten durch den Garten fliegen, damit die Hasen sich garkeine Sorgen mehr machen brauchen. Gestern unterwegs habe ich die Henderlbodenhaltung auch, doch nur kurz vorbei, an einem leergescharrten gr. Aussengehege sehen koennen.
Fuer den
Lotos ist es draussen nochnicht
ganzso warm wie im Kontinentalklima Asiens (Nel. komarovii), doch zaghaft kommen seine ersten Blaetter ... mit
zur Symbiose gehts sogar leichter.
Aktuell bluehen Flieder dick, Loewenzahn -gelbe phase, und die Vogelbrut hat voll eingesetzt, nioerdlich von spittal wurden 2 Stoerche gesichtet, Bussarde und Turmfalken breit aufgestellt. Teurnia war die Haupstadt des Norikum.
two Hoopoes came to garden, nearly exactly like 5 years ago
Missing !
But then overnight Comitan dissapeared (Loewenmaehnenkan.), sometimes it was also two of the bunnies.
But Comitan you were the old longhair beuatifull
Loewenmaehnen Kaninchen. Miss ya Comitan. Sometimes it was two overnight .... last night it was Comi the great (25.04. 2020)

In Gedenken, in nice remembers Tortmund, Loko, Segelohr, gr Meister, Lipizo und die anderen
Lotos is sending its first strong moves out of seeds, see pics.
If you want to try, take clear water, min half a liter and put to window, roomtemp. Keep tehy water clean, dustfree, carefully exchanging water if. After about 3-6 days its sends its first signs. Polish the hardcover seeds (sandpaper) at both ends without hurting the inner seed (white part), voila.
After about 3 weeks to 1 month you can put the small underwater plant to final grow location, success!
In case here I do with
siberian Lotos (Nelumbo komarovii), which can take cooler regions more easily.
But the instructions above count also for tropical Lotos.
Keimungsprogress is looking good .. !
(11 - 13.4)
In Erinnerung
Bees missing
Five in garden and more nice bushes and trees are blossoming, but not a single bee for pollinating got seen yesterday !
This is evel, normally on each bush and tree are 30 bees minimum !
Unten an einer Wiese sind n paar Stoecke, doch wo die Bienen heuer, da ist was faul u gifitg.

Through the window during noontime last thursday (9. April) a
Sparrowhawk performing and immediatly 2 crows and some small ones
took off to mock and keep the Sparrowhawk (Sperber) at distance. Impressing performance in sunshine, but also fast over as mocking birds got close, the Hawk unimpressed. Now many of the birds in breeding time.
Bunies are topfit and we are waiting for the Hoopoe, today morning also an Eagle owl gave notice
at about 5.30 (if it was not a fake one), dark yet then at the border to woods,

Late night (22.29 hrs) of the 19. march the
Tawny owl (Waldkauz) took perch in total dark behind the Hasenburg I for some minutes.
Guess it took all the mice till mid february, then taking off through the Oak trees.
Seen through window with torch from Sri Lanka. Nestbox on left got checked by Nuthatch, but would also fit for Tawny owl.
Once also seen on micehunt in front of window.
Lieber Lamperle und Trulli
In der Nacht vom 16- 17. feb o20 seid ihr verschwunden.
Wir vermissen euch, Lamperle war vielleicht der Kleinste mit einem Schlappohr
doch er war auch der Mutigste. Macht es gut, woimmer ihr seid !
Tortmund, Comitan, Loko, Segelohr, gr Meister in guten Gedanken
Top Bunnies :
The maximum number of bunnies in the garden, with Hasenburg I and the Bootshaus adapted was 14 bunnies last summer.
Now it got down to 7 bunnies after 4 got sold to neigbhours last year. This year 3 fatalities always overnights, from 16 -17th februar two gone overnight, no dogs heared.
The evel bunnie actors mid februar could have been of natural raptor like Eagle owl or perverd close hunters, whom I name Nat park rangers. Who shoot around near garden fence (socalled hunter, also possible nazis etc), and one
shot a moose during late 90s, now a natpark ranger, quite a story then.
Unnatural fatalities will get countered ! Now their number is 7 plus one puppy, which is about 13 days old today 24.03.
The loss of Greenspan, a female silver grey, but specially the small Lamperle, which was the most brave male bunnie even by its small size, is sad. Last two fatalities were overnight mid february, which gives hints on perverd night engagers.
Since mid march there are many frogs in the pond,
Birds like
Rubythroat, Great tits, Bluecapped tits, Nuthatches, Eurasien jays,
Crows which also indicate the young puppies, more rare Tannen u Sumpfmeisen passing by.