Brainstorm - action worldwide, dance, celebrate, whistle blow, twitter /// Gardener, Seed-school, Canoeguide, Observer, Crew, Stage-worker, Traveller, Raftguide, Webdeveloper, other jobs, Composer of hublog.at /// from the mountains

updated many sites for final cut, check via latest infos site, (after 3 months in odds i ve to say its no fun living in da desert without companieros) but was somehow funny as well.... checking all engines, tanks and ressources for take off - win win...
for school start i did a targeted-educational-campaign (parents and grown ups only) by my manned drone system...
I guess my last art-series in this hemisphere a brand new kategory funny but hot
and my infos on some latest-Products (tipps and tricks and how i use com-prods...) and Preelection-Campaigning

new SCHEDULE for winter 2013/2014
posted some internat. Ads for Travel-Companionship, here more ,some internat-promo-ads and my konsequences updated.
Suspect Observations and
my Latest Discoveries an old Discovery and
some new rules on this page and
HANNIBAL part of my new strategy TOP-SECRET-INFOS for you
and some infos inspired by some DoD doks (US dept-ofDef)
HANNIBAL just to keep you informed i serve you with some new info-websites as are my Konsequences and my PC-tipps and the main TOTAL-COUNTER site
HANNIBAL as I am on holiday my laptop got hacked, unaccaptable....just to get me right, i will fight back the intruders, here my doku of my counter measures
HANNIBAL in case you want to SUPPORT me /// or counter some threats or want do some exercises /// i am on holiday....
HANNIBAL good LINK from Times of India, tricks to stay positive...(don t agree with all but its a good guide....enjoy)

  - On Holiday -
HANNIBAL Ready for higher level, ready for new tasks, hhmmm wait a bid i ve to think about new strategies, ...are on way.
HANNIBAL nothing new from Kapitalism, biz as usual in Abendland - some esoteric-bulla, but more candies and incentives to come, check for now collaboration and me playing circle
HANNIBAL psychol. Gutachten
.... a bisl Entertainment muss scho sein, /// check category Entertainment, more candies to come...
HANNIBAL heute hab ich ein bisl RINGELEI gespielt, (got some kicks by superior decision making...)
HANNIBAL viva LANDREFORM for BRASIL, viva MST....good books and good education viva, my Amazoooniaa gallery
HANNIBAL Volksempfänger spielt im Radio im Abendland, na pfit mi goot, na servas bua...
HANNIBAL Steter Tropfen höhlt den Stein - Legacy is my webpage - my movie i do somewhere else, not with da idiots - deleting accounts by having fun (very complicated task on some sites, should be a usual routine but some dont think of that...)
HANNIBAL Steter Tropfen höhlt den Stein - zum G8 Kipferl - NO undeclared US-FOOD for EU (Gm food, hormon-food, monstos food...), NO data-exchange preemptively (flight data - who are the criminals on suspicion....), help them with ideas by the 99% (petitions and creative mails for the pipeline blast in the spy-teck- they are allready massed up)
HANNIBAL Steter Tropfen höhlt den Stein - (soll sich d nsa selber übersetzen, do some translation acts...)
HANNIBAL der HORIZONT beim G8-Gipfel scheint mir derzeit ein bisl begrenzt, Syrien überschattet alles - Sauerei...hier noch ein paar Themen
HANNIBAL I got a Candy by THE LEGION, and the candy is very inspireing, may share it at certain time, thank you to The Legion, for now that much - (HTML-GIG) later probably a master-artspiece out of the info...
HANNIBAL very good LINKS on BIZ AS USUAL by Al Jazeera, Standard.at, Zeit.de, Spiegel.de,... german/english mixed, for educational-campaign
HANNIBAL some TOOLS - TRICKS and HINTS, /// G8- biz as usual coming - for the mega event - zum G8Kipferl
HANNIBAL schöne LINKS zur AUFKLÄRUNG siehe auch unten action-links, nach Themen/// nice LINKS mostly in german for educational-campaign
HANNIBAL some acts of support in
da Forum, ACLU and the more, tipps and hints on performing with the data collectors
HANNIBAL EXTERNE FESTPLATTE - highly flexible tool (bevor sie zu dir nach Hause kommen und etwa eine Hausdurchsuchung machen...Gewinnmitnahme sichern, hot stuff auslagern)
HANNIBAL PFEILE IM KÖCHER - hab noch mehr Pfeile im Köcher, Texte die ich einst an Medien sandte, hab die Seite abgeknipst, bei genug Anfragen danach stell ich die Seite wieder online (nick Lector)
HANNIBAL THE LEGION - ANONYMOUS my reference to them
HANNIBAL ICH SPANNE DEN BOGEN - (Zen in der Kunst des Bogenschiessens) oder Der Bogen spannt sich ...
HANNIBAL JIM DOTCOM - 2 Artikel aus nem deutschen Magazin zur Strategie von MEGAUPLOAD sehr interessant und empfehlenswert .... Internet ist filesharing, Jim Dotcom in action (eine Herausforderung für Hollywood)
HANNIBAL EU DATENSCHUTZ - ich bin voll dafür dass Viviane Reding ihren ursprünglichen Entwurf zum DATENSCHUTZ in der EU durchbringt, weiter so Frau Reding hier der Spiegel Artikel, move on and get it done.
HANNIBAL I Ging - Das Buch der Wandlungen, meine Empfehlung mit Aufzeichnungen von mir/// my recommendation, the book of changings with my remarks
HANNIBAL ASYL for WHISTLEBLOWERS - thats a great task, Ecuador for Julian, Hong Kong for Snowden, Manning got in the trap, Dev Bhumi for me and the many coming from south should not have too many illusions of the options here, it s rigid...and like a trap...biz as usual does the rest
HANNIBAL WHISTLE BLOWERS - are the heroes of Kapitalisms reality, they work in the mashine and blow it up, good joob, viva for the leaks, (the best lesson they can teach their bosses)
HANNIBAL WHISTLE BLOWING - is a very good job for Kapitalism, its reality will be uncovered, promoted, performed, maybe even done some movies on it... the Whistle blowers know what they risk (by the laws of the kapitalists or what they keep as justice, laws, treaties...) they know the price, but kaps dont know it (they make a show of justice out of it, some camps and the more and out of their fear they collect small fishs data, they fear communication, exchange, blown whistles, they fear nothing more than when the whistles enter their territory but they are there in the mashine and blow them up and then they ve to face their own reality, hard times for the kaps)
Der POSTILLON - ehrliche Nachrichten, unabhängig und schnell seit 1845 ein grossartiger link meine Empfehlung
HANNIBAL MANNING or OBAMA - who of them is the bigger data maniac, one is doing it out of fear and the other did it for justice, (how old is Justice now and for which of their camps/x-ray, sex torture, cia... did they take responsibility, i bet Justice is a young fellow, maybe sick and without insurance)/// wer von den zweien ist die grössere Datenschleuder, die Motivationen dahinter sind interessant, Angst oder Gerechtigkeit.... und wo halten die beiden jetzt....
HANNIBAL fette DATENQUALLE by the freest nation, more here in english/german (your browser may translate the text...) or how to counter the threat.
HANNIBAL fette KAULQUAPPEN im Teich, faszinieren mich ungemein diese alten Geschöpfe aus der Urzeit, zu den neuen Galerien
HANNIBAL MEETING - heads of China and the US meet in California, one of the oldest cultures and one of the youngest on earth get togather, that sounds special to me, lets have a closer look and hope that the artists may enjoy their freedom, either by trieing to fly to the US or doing their work in China.
HANNIBAL zur PRIVATSPHÄRE und SCHUTZ derselben, da die Herrscherkaste der US-Amerikaner ja die panik vortäuschen, und über NSA und ihre corporate assambly alles mögliche aufzeichnen lassen empfehle ich folgends
HANNIBAL nur HOSENSCHEISSER müssen alles überwachen, the assambly of the corporations does the lobby joob, (auf Einreise und Flyover bei denen kann man gerne verzichten)
survivalinternational.de - help protect NATIVE PEOPLE around the globe, dont bother them
HANNIBAL i ve my good job, you have your job, the hobby for the job is great.... cheers, have goals and targets, focus on the right thing, (dont let the kapitalists wash your brain) Nature is a good healer, get out of the rat race....
HANNIBAL der DSCHUNGEL hat mich wieder - back to the mountains back to the roots, me happy
HANNIBAL TWEETS and ERDOGANS fear, the protests in Istanbul have my full Solidarity, Police should not become more irresponsible and brutal, Sozial medias (cyber) are a new form of power by the people, nothing justifies the agression of the police....
HANNIBAL SCHEDULE - from the land of the Buddhas (Laos, Kambodia, Thailand), via Abendland and Hamburg heading towards the mountains
HANNIBAL - IDENTITIES - Goa-freak, Lotos-gärtner, Hannibal... books/// in focus Mozart (a freak), Buddha, Padmasambhava, Jesus (another freak and revolutionario), Dalai Lama, Osho, Lao Tse
abgeordnetenwatch.de - a project for direct democracy, initiated by my friend in Hamburg, people can exchange with politicans and get good info on whats their Democracy about, Austrian pendant
MONEY MONKEY FINANCIAL CHAOS - who is responsible for the financial madness, billions are traded within seconds, stocks are a psycho story, its the marcet loco, street sign by the green party, lets hunt the kapital flight and beat the drums....bet on my rating
HANNIBAL is waiting for good WEATHER, has been raining for days and many regions got flooded, people are having hard times....the railway south was blocked.
HANNIBAL LECKERBISSEN - PANORAMAS some piccies of the millenium change by me, was a great time campfire (Parvati-valley India)/ camp (Goa-India)/ hidden village (Parvati-valley)/ our tents (Goa India)/ Trishul range (Himalaya)/
HANNIBAL LINKS - to my multiverse of themes, orgs, brothers and sisters, people, persons check this site
HANNIBAL JULIAN ASSANGE - seems to become the paintball within international diplomacy, refuge in latin america would be interesting, new stage of freedom...
HANNIBAL RELAX ! - or be cool - tranquiloooo, some galleries for relaxation, the cyber-spa so to say by me, in neocons world of terror and quale hunting offensive we have to stay cool, latest galleries, all galleries, vision
HANNIBAL ich bin absolut gegen die restriktive SAATGUTVERORDNUNG der EU schon überhaupt wenn GM Saatgut ausgepflanzet werden darf ohne die Wirkung auf Natur und Umfeld des GM Foods zu kennen doch altes Obst und Gemüse sollte sich wieder ausbreiten die Saat wird aufgehen und Wind und Wetter werden ihr übriges tun ich lass mir den Handel mit Saatgut auch nicht verbieten hier mehr und GM Saatgut interessiert mich nicht (sollte auch gross gekennzeichnet sein das GM food) frohes Sähen
HANNIBAL aus meinen ÜBUNGEN/ im Fluss bleiben, manchmal Inne halten, Obacht/ richtige ATEMTECHNIK - PRANAYAMA/// stay in the river (go with the flow), right breathing... here more
HANNIBAL ÜBUNGEN - Ziele in absehbarer Reichweite haben - REISEN /// RAFTFÜHRER ist eine wunderschöne Übung, hab ich vor Jahren gemacht/// have goals in your reach, RAFTING is a beautiful exercise, did it some years ago, revival wanted.
HANNIBAL BOOKS - empfohlene Bücher - I-GING (Diederichs gelbe reihe, original übersetzung, Das Buch der Wandlungen) Mahamudra, Dzogchen, Bibel (Luther Bibel...), Kabbala (ab 40 zu lesen...) aus dem Bücherregal, I Ging
NATIONS UNITE its a great task...and some stars are the messengers.... here links related to the United Nations ILO.org// humanrights.ch
HANNIBAL DEV BHUMI - photo// a region in the indian Himalaya cycled there Ganges upstream to one of its sources during the millenium change infos here and a map of my trekking near Mt. Trishul (bad map)/// eine Region im indischen Himalaya auch das Land der Götter genannt dort war ich zur Jahrtausendwende mit dem Fahrrad den Ganges hinauf zu einem seiner Quellflüsse, infos hier
HANNIBAL TIBET - The situation for the Tibetan people is unaccaptable under Chinese rule, may Autonomy get there and may people live there as they want in peace and tranquility// Padmasambhava is on way.... Taschidele
HANNIBAL TÜRKIEY - gülle gülle ich kenne die Polizei-Rambos in Istanbul, nicht sehr hilfreich die Kerle, dort hats mich auch erwischt, allerdings auf offener Strasse durch ein Betäubungscooky, nach 2 Tagen, in denen ich dachte wir hätten uns angefreundet....
HANNIBAL SYRIEN - warum sich die menschen in syrien selbst zerfleischen ist mir ein rätsel....
HANNIBAL RUSSIA - pussy riot sollen sofort frei gelassen werden.....mutter gottes steh ihnen bei.
HANNIBAL USA - Manning, why punishing somebody who brought hidden and secret military actions to surface....so that common people of common sense understand whats happening in reality .... by the hands of the emperor !?
HANNIBAL USA - TALIBAN Connection the old sick Politicans (some called europe old but better old than mad) and their humanitarian aid and whom they supported and did biz with, and got an answer on what they kept as aid....maybe they ll never forget that lesson. here more
HANNIBAL USA - read in my chapter savety and business in the US....
HANNIBAL i have you on my radar....some....
HANNIBAL NATURE - i love to listen to and see nature, here some sites of my observations by date 2009-2012/ 2013/ 1999-2006/ insects
YOUR MESSAGE - could be put here, in case you are interested send a mail, select the relevant connection from the right and if you like attach a profil-pic...
HANNIBAL i d never post baby-pics, children-close-up-pics on some forums, no matter how proud mum and dad are.... why posting these pics as long as they (babies and childs) cant speak with their own voice...
HANNIBAL FAQ - in case you have any questions, let me know and i ll make a page out of it, viva
HANNIBAL SUPPORT - think about doing a support page with some numbers and other options
HANNIBAL ICH HABE VIELE NAMEN - follow me in the web (internet), but leave me in reality, i need my space and freedom, my journey is not your journey, i have seen the world, have been to Zefat, Jerushaleim, Roshpinna, hiked around lake Genezareth and worked at Eilat on the Lamie Haifa, El Al lost my luggage...no problem/// i have you on my radar/// my domain hublog.at/
der Lotos Gärtner
